
There is love and righteousness! First-team players have been terminated: Guangzhou team still urgently reissues part of their salaries!

The new season of the Chinese Super League is full of variables, and most of the clubs have experienced unpaid wages, of which Guangzhou has become the focus of attention from the outside world. Since guangzhou only hopes to use 15 million yuan to operate for one year in the new season, the annual salary of first-team players will not exceed 600,000 yuan before tax, which has also led to the first-team players to terminate their contracts with the club. However, what is touching is that the Guangzhou team still did its best to pay part of the salary before the player was terminated, and the first-team veteran also said that he would find a way to return to the club in the future!

There is love and righteousness! First-team players have been terminated: Guangzhou team still urgently reissues part of their salaries!

As we all know, most of the clubs in the Chinese Super League last season had unpaid wages, and unlike some clubs that had money and did not want to operate anymore, Guangzhou team had never owed any salary to players before, and now it is indeed because of the poor economic situation of the group, resulting in the inability to pay salaries on time since September last year. And now the Guangzhou team can only operate the new season with a maximum salary of 600,000 yuan, which is far from the player's original contract, and can only choose to leave at this time!

There is love and righteousness! First-team players have been terminated: Guangzhou team still urgently reissues part of their salaries!

However, a latest move by the Guangzhou team still touched many meritorious players. According to the news, although the Guangzhou team has no funds on the books, after the Guangzhou team received the dividends of the Chinese Super League last season, it still urgently paid part of the salary of the players. This money is not much compared to the previous high-salary contract of the player, but it shows the sincerity and gratitude of the Guangzhou team to the players. This also touched the players and expressed their understanding of the reality of the club!

There is love and righteousness! First-team players have been terminated: Guangzhou team still urgently reissues part of their salaries!

According to the news revealed by the Oriental Sports Daily, the players of the Guangzhou team have expressed their understanding of the club's salary arrears, believing that the club is not maliciously owed wages, and the veteran of the Guangzhou team has also bluntly said that no matter where the players go in the future, they will remember this memory of the Guangzhou team, and if they have the opportunity in the future, they will also find ways to return to the club. And even if some players leave the Guangzhou team, they still choose to continue to live in Guangzhou, which has long become their home and is full of feelings for the city!

There is love and righteousness! First-team players have been terminated: Guangzhou team still urgently reissues part of their salaries!

The current situation of guangzhou team is quite difficult, and in the context of the salary limit of 600,000, I am afraid that it is not easy for the team to relegate, but as long as the Guangzhou team can survive, the future veteran of the Guangzhou team will still return here to help the team recover, after all, the Guangzhou team has left too many marks and wealth in the Chinese football world in the past 10 years. I have to say that we look forward to the new season Guangzhou team can create miracles under the unity of will, and the culture of Chinese football needs to be inherited! (Lao Qiu Chinese Super League Ball Review)

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