
Do the zodiac signs think that love is more important than bread? Didn't expect you to be such a Gemini...

1. [Capricorn, Pisces, Libra, Taurus]

Love is less important than bread.

In their eyes, there is no stable love without bread, and love without bread is temporary and cannot last.

Do the zodiac signs think that love is more important than bread? Didn't expect you to be such a Gemini...

1. [Lion, Water Bottle, Aries, Virgin]

Love is as important as bread.

They feel that love and bread are not contradictory, and with love there is the motivation to fight for bread!

Do the zodiac signs think that love is more important than bread? Didn't expect you to be such a Gemini...

3. [Gemini, Cancer, Scorpion, Shooter]

Love is more important than bread.

They feel that the bread is gone and they can fight for it, but they miss love and have no chance to fight for it again.

Do the zodiac signs think that love is more important than bread? Didn't expect you to be such a Gemini...

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