
Subvert cognition! Qu Limin, professor of The University of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing: Older leftover women are prone to breast cancer, and the prescription is: get married quickly! How serious are the older high-quality leftover women? The girl of 76 years is still in the middle of the word! at

author:Lao Jiang talks about planning

Subvert cognition! Qu Limin, professor of The University of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing: Older leftover women are prone to breast cancer, and the prescription is: get married quickly!

How serious are the older high-quality leftover women? The girl of 76 years is still in the middle of the word!

In Shenzhen Lianhuashan Park, the most lively place is the blind date corner, where a large number of post-70s-80s girls are still hating marriage. Their mothers are all here, hoping to find a Prince Charming for their daughter.

For this phenomenon, Professor Qu Limin of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine said amazingly:

Older unmarried young women are prone to breast cancer, and the best prescription is to get married quickly!

She explained: There are many meridians on the women's R room, and the older women are always thinking about why they can't marry out, why I don't like anyone, etc., the more they think about it, the more they don't like to eat. Bad mood leads to poor stomach meridians, etc., and depression in the R room, so it is more likely to get cancer than married women.

This disease prevention is the best medicine, and the prescription is only four words: hurry up and get married.

Who do you marry? Marry a farmer! Not really married to a farmer, to put down the arrogant figure and be pragmatic, when to do what is the law, do not miss the opportunity.

Professor Qu Limin said: Marriage is misplaced from the beginning, and the essence of what men and women want is not the same at all.

Human nature is insatiable, likes the new and hates the old, and no one wants to live a life alone.

The human marriage model is a bit of a "zig-zag": everyone wants the strong. Men want beautiful women, women want rich and powerful men; the highest status men still want beautiful women, and the richest women want tasteful men.

The essence of marriage has become a sale and a deal, love originally did not close the house, tickets, it is only about beauty, two feelings, the simple pleasure of the two sexes, but now, full of property, possession, domination, calculation!

Professor Qu said: Marriage is not a graveyard of love, marriage is a challenge to human nature! Combining the three completely different concepts of sex, love, and marriage is the hardest:

1, sex is the collision of two people's bodies, common pleasure needs to be maintained together;

2, love is the collision of two people's emotions, long-term development needs personal progress;

3, marriage is the collision of two people's lives, good relationship needs to pursue reality together!

In the "Meditations on Life", Professor Qu Limin profoundly pointed out:

Of the troubles that people suffer in this lifetime, 70% are problems of love, and 30% are troubles of things.

People are dealing with "emotional disease" all their lives, because of high standards and strict requirements, they are too depressed, too nervous, and fall into a bad cycle.

95% of the problems in the relationship between husband and wife are caused by the unfulfilled desires of the heart.

Professor Qu Limin recorded in the "Meditations on Life" a case that she personally took over.

A man who does not smoke, does not drink, should not be paid, but also very painful wife, filial piety to his parents Lao Wang, diagnosed with cancer, the doctor said that he only has 6 months of life, the family knows this situation is very sad.

Professor Qu Limin listened and said: The root cause of your illness is because you have no fireworks.

It is precisely because of this that you are detached from the fireworks of the world and lack human warmth.

Your disease, anxiety is the root.

Life has to be a little pyrotechnic! It was this seemingly inconspicuous, even mundane piece of advice, that saved his life.

Qu Limin once wrote a sentence: Whatever is strong, it may be fatal; all that is bland, it is healthy.

In response to this case, Professor Qu Limin told us that to improve a person's quality of life, it is not material satisfaction, but spiritual satisfaction.

People will get sick, often because of poor emotions caused by the lack of meridians, do the following three points, can make the meridians smooth:

1. Happy mood;

2. Perfect xing life;

3. Exercise;

Professor Qu further states in his book Meditations on Life:

3 abilities that determine a person's quality of life:

1, the ability to love: love family, love society, love yourself, to have the habit of sharing with others!

2, the ability to forgive: to learn to forgive themselves; but also to learn to forgive others;

3, the ability to refuse: the reason why people live tired, because they do not know how to refuse. If you can't get face, you can only suffer losses and suffer from yourself.

Qu Limin prescribed a dose to people who were in anxiety!

1, whether men and women, since they have chosen marriage love, they must bear the good and bad of marriage, marriage and human nature are contrary to each other, and they are doomed to have pain.

2, if you can show a gentle smile to your husband who leaves early and returns to work late and drags a tired pace, this is not only saving him, but also saving his life.

3, men, no matter how tired you are, when your wife starts to complain, to hug her, women seem complicated, sometimes very simple, a hug may be able to make her rejuvenated, rejuvenated.

In the book "Meditations on Life", Professor Qu Limin talks about marriage from love to marriage, from successful words and wisdom, religion, philosophy, self-cultivation, to discuss the topics of male and female love, fate, success, happiness and other topics that people are most concerned about, and uses small stories and small allusions to clarify views and prescribe spiritual medicine.

Medicine can only partially solve the problems of the physical level, and the bigger problem is to nourish the mind and the spirit. If we want to 'get away from suffering and be happy', we also need inner enlightenment: these words are generally known or understood, but it is absolutely difficult to do them.

The book says: Liberating life from external shackles is cultivation, asking a doctor to treat diseases is to seek external treatment, and if we want to be less sick, we must also re-cultivate internally!

Highly recommend Meditations on Life, all three!

In this set of classic books, Qu Zhi from love to marriage, from success and wisdom, philosophy, self-cultivation, and people closely related to the topics of male and female love, fate trend, success or failure and happiness are discussed, there are hundreds of cases in the book, gathering her research results and experiences for more than 30 years, many cases are sobering and contemplative.

Women before and after marriage should read this "Meditations on Life", hurry up, buy this set of books home, put them on the bedside and flip through them, you may have unexpected gains, the link is here.

Meditations on Life All 3 Volumes from Head to Toe Say Health 2 Volumes Qu Li Min Hardcover Genuine Publishing House Authorized

Subvert cognition! Qu Limin, professor of The University of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing: Older leftover women are prone to breast cancer, and the prescription is: get married quickly! How serious are the older high-quality leftover women? The girl of 76 years is still in the middle of the word! at
Subvert cognition! Qu Limin, professor of The University of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing: Older leftover women are prone to breast cancer, and the prescription is: get married quickly! How serious are the older high-quality leftover women? The girl of 76 years is still in the middle of the word! at
Subvert cognition! Qu Limin, professor of The University of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing: Older leftover women are prone to breast cancer, and the prescription is: get married quickly! How serious are the older high-quality leftover women? The girl of 76 years is still in the middle of the word! at
Subvert cognition! Qu Limin, professor of The University of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing: Older leftover women are prone to breast cancer, and the prescription is: get married quickly! How serious are the older high-quality leftover women? The girl of 76 years is still in the middle of the word! at
Subvert cognition! Qu Limin, professor of The University of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing: Older leftover women are prone to breast cancer, and the prescription is: get married quickly! How serious are the older high-quality leftover women? The girl of 76 years is still in the middle of the word! at
Subvert cognition! Qu Limin, professor of The University of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing: Older leftover women are prone to breast cancer, and the prescription is: get married quickly! How serious are the older high-quality leftover women? The girl of 76 years is still in the middle of the word! at

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