
Astronomers of the SuperStars search for quark stars

author:Deng Rushan

Astronomers have long since discovered white dwarfs, and late-age stars such as the Sun have left white dwarf remains after their eruptions. Stars of solar mass go through the main sequence stage, and they become white dwarfs after gradual cooling. Astronomers discovered neutron stars in the sixties of the last century, also known as pulsars, neutron stars are formed by stars with much larger masses than the Sun in the form of supernova explosions, due to the huge density of matter and gravitational action of neutron stars, protons and electrons within atoms are compacted and mashed together, positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons combine into neutrons, and a teaspoon of neutron star material is equivalent to 10 million tons of weight. The black hole that people are becoming familiar with is formed by the supernova explosion of a more massive star, and the density of matter and gravitational intensity of the black hole is greater than that of neutron stars, and even overcomes the supporting force of the neutron structure, and eventually collapses into a singularity of infinite density.

Theoretical physicists have predicted the existence of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes, and astronomers have confirmed their reality through extensive observations. The high density of celestial bodies is no longer the product of theoretical fiction, they are distributed in the vast space, as if they have been "nodding their heads" to people. How many strange objects have been left behind by dead stars? In addition to the above strange objects formed by the stars in the later years through large explosions, can other strange objects be formed? Analyzing the predictions from physical simulations and mathematical calculations, scientists can predict at least one new type of celestial body, quark stars, but what is a quark star? Where will they appear?

Astronomers of the SuperStars search for quark stars

Looking back at the concept of neutron stars, according to the existing theoretical analysis of astrophysics, neutron stars have super gravitational intensity, the compression of gravitational force crushes the protons and electrons in atoms, or merges protons and electrons into neutron states of particles, as the name suggests, neutron stars are celestial bodies composed of neutrons, neutron star structure is very stable, if a neutron star captures more material from the outside, then the neutron star becomes unstable due to the increase in mass, when the gravitational strength exceeds the limit of its own pressure, Neutron stars can no longer aggregate the increased material into a stable structure, and under greater gravitational compression, the neutron star will transform into a black hole.

Stars with solar masses have their own specific structures, the outer layer of the star is the troposphere, the middle layer is the radiation layer, the inner layer is the core layer or the nuclear sphere, and the nuclear fusion reaction of the star occurs in its core layer. Do neutron stars have a star-like hierarchy? How are the core and outer layers of neutron stars different? The concept of quark stars comes from the hypothesis of "intermediate products" of stellar evolution, and astrophysicists hypothesize that there is a class of "transitional objects" between neutron stars and black holes, physicists believe that quarks are particles smaller than neutrons, and astrophysicists naturally regard transitional objects as "quark stars". The core layer of the neutron star gathers a large density of material, which may not necessarily aggregate all the material into a stable structure, but the material gathered in its core layer is not too much to be "uncontrollable", and if the neutron star exceeds its own mass limit, then it will completely collapse into a black hole.

In cases beyond the mass limits of neutron stars, the quarks within the neutron star are compressed by a strong gravitational pull, and the upper and lower quarks are compressed into "exotic quarks", while physicists refer to the matter composed of strange quarks as "exotic matter". Neutron stars have many exotic properties, and if they happen to merge into cannabis quarks, then the matter composed of cannolics is called "meal matter" The concept of quark stars is only a theoretical hypothesis, but scientists seem to have found some evidence of the existence of quark stars, such as astronomers have discovered a class of supernovae that release about 100 times the energy released by ordinary supernovae when they burst, they are so-called "supernovae", but there are other interesting explanations.

Astronomers of the SuperStars search for quark stars

There may be a heavier, more unstable neutron star that has the potential to produce "secondary bursts", which usually draw extra material from a binary companion star, and when the extra material they absorb exceeds a certain mass limit, they may transform from ordinary neutron stars to quark stars made of exotic quarks, but the actual existence of quark stars is very small. It is now known that an ordinary neutron star has a diameter of 25 kilometers, while a quark star is only 16 kilometers in diameter, and its diameter almost reaches the edge of the diameter of the black hole, and a quark star that crosses the diameter range will enter the "border city" of the black hole.

The existence of quark stars may not last long, they are the product of the "transition" or transition between neutron stars and black holes, quark stars are in the middle stage of instability, behind their evolution is the neutron star, in front of their evolution is the black hole, they will "desperately" throw themselves into the "arms" of the black hole. The event horizon of a black hole is formed at the end of the life cycle of the star, there may be other undiscovered members in the family of star remains, strange matter may constitute strange celestial bodies, quark stars may rotate in some corner of space, and their existence and nihilism have brought great imagination and interest to scientists. In the transition stage from the neutron star to the quark star, the density of matter is further compressed, and different mass boundaries appear in the process of continuous compression of the density of matter. "New Voices of Science" are sung loudly, and astronomers will continue to observe and search for possible quark stars.

Astronomers of the SuperStars search for quark stars

(Compiled: 2016-7-27)

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