
General Yin Zhuo on the current situation in Ukraine: Why should the United States try to dismember Russia?

author:Fortune Brother Story Fishing
General Yin Zhuo on the current situation in Ukraine: Why should the United States try to dismember Russia?

Famous military general Yin Zhuo

Russia's war with Ukraine is becoming more intense and more extensive.

On the night of the 26th, Russia accused Ukraine of refusing peace talks, and Putin immediately announced that the war would be carried out to the end! He also said he would send at least 50 percent of Russia's forces to sweep through Ukraine.

It can be seen that Russia and Putin are imperative to Ukraine this time.

The two terms for peace talks proposed by Putin are the core demands pursued by Russia:

first. De-militarization of Ukraine. That is, Ukraine cannot have a military force that can threaten Russia, let alone nuclear weapons!

second. Ukraine de-Nazimized! That is to say, Ukraine cannot be the center of anti-Russianism. In particular, it is impossible to join NATO and become the first line of NATO's response to Russia.

General Yin Zhuo on the current situation in Ukraine: Why should the United States try to dismember Russia?

Famous military figure Kim Il Nam

At present, russia's army, navy and air force are directly attacking the Ukrainian capital Kiev, and Zelenskiy has fled to Lviv on the ukrainian border with Poland.

The Russian-Ukrainian army launched a fierce offensive and defensive battle around Kiev!

General Yin Zhuo, a famous military expert, said of the situation in Ukraine: Why should the United States try to dismember Russia? In fact, the United States is not at all for what is called political and ideological issues. Nor is it that Russia has not implemented a liberal and democratic electoral model according to the American model.

General Yin Zhuo on the current situation in Ukraine: Why should the United States try to dismember Russia?

General Yin Zhuo talks about the situation in Ukraine

Although the United States is talking about ideology everywhere. Talk about how democratic America is. Accuse Russia of not practicing American democracy.

However, the United States, as a hegemonic country, its real purpose is actually to control the Eurasian plate!

On the Eurasian plate, in the direction of Europe and the Atlantic, the biggest strategic competitor of the United States is Russia.

In the direction of the Asia-Pacific region and the Pacific, the United States has an insurmountable obstacle, that is, China!

This is the real reason why the United States persecutes Russia with its left hand and suppresses China with its right hand.

It can be said that as a well-known expert in the military field on the mainland, General Yin Zhuo's analysis is very profound, and it can almost be said that he has a clear understanding of the world situation.

General Yin Zhuo's analysis also made everyone understand why China should support Russia.

Because if the strategy of the United States is to dominate Eurasia alone, then once Russia is eliminated by the United States, all the forces of NATO will be used against China.

General Yin Zhuo on the current situation in Ukraine: Why should the United States try to dismember Russia?

Dai Xu Colonel Ti: C-type encirclement


Well-known military commentators Kim Il-nam and Colonel Dai Xu also put forward similar views. In his book C-Shaped Circle, Colonel Dai Xu said:

The Western countries led by the United States "marched simultaneously on land and sea toward China, with Japan as the starting point and India as the end, and the land encirclement with India as the starting point and Central Asia as the end, forming a 'C' shaped encirclement circle from sea to land."

The United States is leading the Alliance of Maritime States with its unparalleled comprehensive advantages to encircle eurasia from east to west and encircle it on three sides.

It can be said that Eurasia is under the C-shaped encirclement of Europe and Japan under the leadership of the United States. From a local point of view, China, Russia and Iran are each under regional C-shaped encirclement.

General Yin Zhuo on the current situation in Ukraine: Why should the United States try to dismember Russia?

Dai Xu: The United States used the C-type encirclement against China

This may be the best reason why Chinese cannot support Russia!

Pay attention to The Rich Brother and take you to see the world!

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