
Fresh clothes and angry horses - a different kind of marriage

author:In the dream, there is Zawa

Tun: YuanHeng, Li Zhen. Don't be used. Li Jianhou.

Part 6: Ride on the horse Banru, weeping blood ripples.

Ninety-five: Tun Qi's ointment. Little Zhen ji; big zhen ji.

June Fourth: Ride on Ma Banru, propose marriage. Towards, Yoshi. No disadvantage.

Six-three: That is, the deer are not safe, but they enter the forest. A few gentlemen, it is better to give up. Towards, stingy.

Six-two: Tun Ru Ru Ru. Ride the horse Banru. Bandits. Marriage. A woman's virginity is not a word, ten years is a word.

Grade 9: Pan Huan. Li Juzhen. Li Jianhou.

In the Shang Dynasty, there was a country named "Tun", located in the present-day southeast of Shandong, and the oracle bone Bu had the words "... Dongyi has a name: 屯囗余囗...", Dongyi, that is, the eastern region. Southern Dynasty Pei Xiao's "Commentary on the Collection of Historical Records" notes: "Tun is in the south of Luzhi. That is, the territory of yanggu county in shandong. There is still an ancient stele in Houtun Village, Anle Town, Yanggu County, which is the territory of Gutun Country.

Tunguo existed relatively early and for a long time. Bu Ci has "壬戌布, with Hou Tun zi shang jia ten shows." "Shangjia is Shangjiawei, and the ancestors of the Shang dynasty lasted until the early Western Zhou Dynasty around 1770 BC. The Yin Zhou Jinwen Integration contains an inscription of a bronze vessel called "Tun Ding", which is confirmed to be an artifact of the early Western Zhou Dynasty, that is to say, the Tun State still existed in the early Western Zhou Dynasty.

"Explanation of Words" says: Tun: Difficult also. Elephant wood is born. It's hard. So why did you take such an unknown country name? The word 屯, also has the meaning of hoarding, Tun guo has many people and abundant materials, so it can survive for several years after the fall of the country, and it still exists until the early Western Zhou Dynasty.

Look at the Shang King's several crusades against the Tun Kingdom. "Ding Youbu, Zhen Zhi tun." It was the Shang king who divinated and prepared to attack the tun state.

"Bing Yin Bu, Zhen Zhen: Wang (Xi Shu) Duotun, if you are on the bottom." The Shang king divined the attack on tun guo jili, and then prayed to the previous king and the gods to bless this great victory.

"Gengjibu, Finches out of Tun Out." The Shang dynasty attacked the State of Tun as the main force, occupied the Land of Tun, and captured a large number of people in the State of Tun.

Although the Tunguo was destroyed, its culture continued, and it was precisely with the cohesion of culture that the descendants of the Tunguo could continue tenaciously.


In fact, "Tun" means spring. The Shuowen Jiezi clearly states that "the first birth of the elephant wood." "The image of the first birth of grass and trees in spring." And the things described in "Tun" are also related to spring.

To analyze the scene of the social life of the people in Tunguo described in "Tun".

Long-term: Fickle.

Li Jianhou: Hou, refers to the season. Lee sees the marquis as a suitable for the development of a calendar system, or the expectation of a good season.

In the Zhou Yi, there are many gua words in the "Marquis of Lijian", jianhou is not a marquis, the marquis is given by the king to be a marquis, and without his own establishment as a marquis, he can only establish a state. Here, Jianhou refers to the formulation of solar terms, in the ancient "Seventy-two Phenology Chart", "five days are Hou, three hou are Qi, six Qi is time, and four hours are years." ”

"Tun" is about keeping the right path and living and working in peace and contentment from beginning to end. Looking forward to a good season.

Pan Huan: Rock, stone. Huan, "Shuowen Jiezi" for the pavilion mail table also, from the wooden sound. The table is the table of the ancient Tugui standing on the shadow. The panhuan is a watch carved into stone.

Li Juzhen: Live and work in peace.

Chujiu is about looking at the seasonal depiction on the gui watch, and wait patiently. Looking forward to that good day of the year.

KEY: Linger.

Riding a horse banru: refers to the heavenly house, the four stars that make up the house, the left suit, the right suit, the right suit, the right suit, called the heavenly donkey, also known as the "dragon horse", which is very neatly arranged. Class is the meaning of neatness.

Bandits. Marriage: Not to rob the marriage, but the engagement period.

Female chastity is not a word, ten years is a word: chastity is persistence. It's about waiting. Ten years is an imaginary number, and after a few days means. This means that the woman insists on not agreeing to it, and will talk about it later in a few days.

June 2 tells the story of the first twilight of spring, when four young men ride horses and wait in a neat line, one of whom proposes to a young woman. The woman felt that the man's etiquette was not orthodox, refused to get engaged, and waited for some time.

In ancient and modern times, this sentence is the most difficult to understand, and there is basically no correct interpretation. Why is there such a pomp and circumstance in the engagement here? The Book of Rites and Rituals has: "It is to be a feast for the temple, to ask for a name, to ask for a name, to be named, to be a naji, to be a sign, to be invited, to be a few to the temple, to be greeted outside the door, to enter, to ascend, and to obey the temple's orders, so it is prudent to be cautious and to be obedient to the temple." "Here is a very clear stipulation of a sequence of etiquette and etiquette norms for marriage from engagement to marriage, and cannot be exceeded.

Yu Tong Entertainment.

Gentleman: Gentleman refers to a young and mature man.

Liu San is about a few young and strong men who go hunting wild deer in the woods. Because there were few people, there was no hunting to the wild deer, so they had to return reluctantly and wait for the next time.

June Fourth is about a few young people riding horses and then proposing. It went well from start to finish.

Anointing: "Speaking of words" for fat also. This refers to grain.

The Ninth Five-Year Plan is about hoarding some grain, and small operations can be done, but large operations are not enough.

The sixth story is that the wedding ceremony is very solemn, and the welcoming team rides a high-headed horse and lines up neatly, at this time, the woman and her family hug and cry together.

"Tun" actually describes the marriage, which focuses on festivals and etiquette.

"Zhou Li, Prefectural Official, Situ Media" Yun: "All men and women who have become famous or above are famous in the book of years, months, and days." Let the man marry thirty and the woman twenty. In the middle of the spring, the men and women of the congregation, so the time is also, and the runners can't help it. Whoever does not use an order for no reason shall be punished. ”

In the Zhou Dynasty, there was a clear stipulation that all men and women who had taken their names since the third month of birth were required to register the time of birth and name. It is stipulated that a man must marry a wife in thirty and a woman must marry twenty. February is the time for men and women to get married. At this time, if there is elopement, it is not prohibited. If a person refuses to marry without cause, he shall be punished.

The reason why the "Book of Poetry" of "Guofeng Shaofeng Jingnu" also describes the scene of men and women going out to love freely in the spring, "Jingnu qishu, I am in the corner of the city." Love is not seen, scratching the head. "Isn't this just the word "a woman is not a word, ten years is a word." "Is the middle girl reserved?"

So why stipulate that the time for marriage is in mid-spring and February?

"Lü's Spring and Autumn , Mid-Spring Chronicle" Yun: "It is the moon, day and night, Lei Nai sounds, the first electricity." The stings are salty, the account is opened, and the first thunder is three days, and the fenduo orders Yu Zhaomin to know: "Thunder and sound, there are those who do not refrain from it, and those who do not prepare for the birth of children will have fierce disasters." "Day and night, then the same measure, the weight of the stone, the bucket of the bucket, the right to the right." This is the time node formulated by the ancients to follow the way of nature, so what are its advantages?

"Lü's Spring and Autumn Season Spring Chronicle" Yun: "The collection of essence qi will also be entered." Set in feathers, and for flying, set on beasts, and for popularity, set on pearls and jade, and for jinglang; set on trees, and for lushness; set on saints, and for ming. The essence also comes because it is light, because it is walked, because it is beautiful and good, because it is long, and it is clear because of wisdom. ”

It means that a person who has been dormant for a winter, and in the spring, his spirit is very sufficient, and there are two points of marriage at this time, one is conducive to easy pregnancy and childbirth. The second is to give birth to children who are also full, healthy and strong. Thousands of years ago, the ancient Chinese people studied eugenics very thoroughly, which is worth learning and carrying forward for future generations.