
Story: A 22-year-old man gets lost in the mountains, enters a small mountain village, and finds that the small mountain village is full of women

author:Qiao Shenggui Country Channel

There is a scholar in Nanyang County named Song Wen, Song Wen is 22 years old, when he was 18 years old, he passed the Xiucai examination, and later passed the examination. After he passed the examination, he did not study well because he did not like to be an official. Although his parents always nagged in his ear, let him study well, and later go to the capital to take the exam and strive to pass the exam. However, no matter how much his parents nagged, he just couldn't read well.

One morning, Song Wen left the county seat, and it turned out that he was going to play on Niutou Mountain. Niutou Mountain is a big mountain in Nanyang County, in the past there was a group of bandits on the mountain, people did not dare to go to the mountain to play, and later officers and soldiers went up the mountain to suppress the bandits, and the bandits on the mountain were eliminated. After the bandits were suppressed, people dared to go up the mountain to play.

After Song Wen arrived at Niutou Mountain, he began to play on the mountain. Because Song Wen was playing on Niutou Mountain for the first time, he was not familiar with the situation in the mountain, and as a result, he got lost in the mountain after playing in the mountain for two hours. After Getting lost in the mountains, Song Wen wandered around in the mountains, looking for a junction out of the mountains. However, he walked around the mountain for a long time and did not find the road out of the mountain. Towards the end of the evening, Song Wen found a small mountain village. He was overjoyed, he thought in his heart, there must be someone in the small mountain village, I will stay in the small mountain village for one night tonight, and tomorrow I will ask the people in the small mountain village to take me to the intersection out of the mountain. Song Wen thought of this and hurried towards the small mountain village.

Story: A 22-year-old man gets lost in the mountains, enters a small mountain village, and finds that the small mountain village is full of women

After Song Wen entered the small mountain village, he found a strange phenomenon, that is, the small mountain village was full of women. When the women found out that Song Wen had entered the small mountain village, they surrounded Song Wen one after another, and then asked Song Wen how did he enter the small mountain village? Song Wen told the truth, he told the villagers that he was a lifter in the county town, and today he went to play on Niutou Mountain, but he got lost in the mountain. After getting lost in the mountains, he wandered around in the mountains, and when it was almost evening, he found this small mountain village and entered it.

After listening to Song Wen's words, the women said to Song Wen one after another that in the future, Song Wen must stay in the small mountain village, and if Song Wen wants to leave the small mountain village, she must marry a woman in the small mountain village. Song Wen said: "I can live in a small mountain village for a while, but after living for a while, I must return to the county town, otherwise, my parents will be in a hurry, and even if I want to become a parent, I still have to go home to tell my parents first." As soon as Song Wen finished speaking, a middle-aged woman said, "Anyway, you must marry a woman in a small mountain village before you can leave the small mountain village." After the middle-aged woman finished speaking, Song Wen stopped talking.

Not long after, a woman brought some food and handed it to Song Wen. Song Wen was hungry, and after taking the food, he immediately devoured it. After Song Wen finished eating, a middle-aged woman named Mei Hua took Song Wen to a house and said to Song Wen, "Tonight, you will sleep in this house." The middle-aged woman finished and walked out of the house. After the middle-aged woman left, Song Wen looked around and found that the furnishings in the house were very ordinary, except for a bed and a table and four chairs, there was nothing else. Due to fatigue, Song Wen fell asleep quickly after going to bed.

Story: A 22-year-old man gets lost in the mountains, enters a small mountain village, and finds that the small mountain village is full of women

The next morning, Meihua came to ask Song Wen to go to breakfast. After eating breakfast, Song Wen asked Meihua, why did the women in the small mountain village force him to marry the women in the small mountain village? After listening to his words, Meihua said: "It is not a secret, we are all the families of the bandits on the mountain, after the officers and soldiers eliminated the bandits, we hid here, because this small mountain village is very remote, so it is difficult for outsiders to find, speaking of the bandits on the mountain, in fact, they are not bad people, they are all poor people, they were forced to go up the mountain to become bandits, but although they did bandits, they never robbed the poor, only robbed those local tycoons and inferior gentry, we hid in this small mountain village for a while, I dream that one day a reader can come to the small mountain village, if one day a reader comes to the small mountain village, we will force him to marry a woman in the small mountain village, and then let him leave the small mountain village, go home and study well, and strive to become an official in the future examination. ”

After listening to Mei Hua's words, Song Wen said, "It turns out that this is the case, you are really pitiful, you can only nest in this small mountain village, you can't go out of the mountain." Meihua said, "Since you say we are pitiful, then you will marry a woman in the small mountain village and leave the small mountain village." Song Wen thought for a moment, and then said, "Can I choose a woman to marry in a small mountain village?" Plum Blossom said, "Of course you can." Song Wen said, "Then I will choose a woman tomorrow to marry." ”

The next morning, Song Wen selected a beautiful 18-year-old woman in the small mountain village, and the beautiful woman was called Xiu'er. That night, Song Wen and Xiu'er became intimate. Three days later, Song Wen left the small mountain village with Xiu'er.

Story: A 22-year-old man gets lost in the mountains, enters a small mountain village, and finds that the small mountain village is full of women

After Song Wen returned home with Xiu'er, he explained to his parents that he entered the small mountain village and then married Xiu'er. After hearing his words, his parents told him that they were going to hold a grand wedding for him. Three days later, Song Wen's parents held a grand wedding ceremony for Song Wen and Xiu'er. After the wedding, Song Wen began to study seriously.

One day the following year, Song Wen went to Beijing to take the exam. After he arrived in the capital, he quickly took the exam, and as a result, he won the title. Shortly after Song Wen won the title, he wrote a recital in which he detailed the situation of the bandits on The Niutou Mountain and the situation of the women in the small mountain village. Three days later, the emperor decreed that Song Wen be made the minister of Chincha and return to declare the women in the small mountain village innocent.

After Song Wen led a group of his men to the small mountain village, he immediately announced the emperor's decision to the women in the small mountain village. After the women heard Song Wen's words, they all cheered.

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