
The hacking group claimed to have been countered by Nvidia

The hacking group claimed to have been countered by Nvidia

According to the German technology website hardwareluxx, Nvidia's cyber attack is still fermenting, and the hacking group Lapsus$ that claims to be responsible for the incident said that it was counterattacked by Nvidia.

Hardwareluxx cites sources that Nvidia successfully encrypted the stolen raw data, but Lapsus$ claimed to have created a backup of the data so it could continue to operate on it, and said it would disclose the 1TB of NVIDIA internal data it obtained.

As of now, Nvidia has only said to the outside world: "We are still trying to assess the nature and scope of the incident, and there is no other information to share at present." (Proofreader/Rakukawa)

The hacking group claimed to have been countered by Nvidia

(Picture from hardwareluxx)

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