
The first war in 2022 actually happened between Russia and Ukraine, and what is even more unexpected is that Russia's all-round attack has left Ukraine with no ability to fight back, only 1

author:Cat's fishing ground

The first war in 2022 actually happened between Russia and Ukraine, and what was even more unexpected was that Russia's all-round attack made Ukraine have no ability to fight back, and in just 1 or 2 hours, the Ukrainian army headquarters was destroyed and the military system collapsed.

The United States, which originally expressed its support for Ukraine many times, behaved exactly the same as before, that is, it chose to retreat at the first time, Biden only promised to impose economic sanctions on Russia, and the American army and weapons and equipment that Zelinsky was most looking forward to have disappeared so far.

Putin believes that the direct cause of the conflict is the repeated provocations and threats of the Ukrainian side, and the goal of the Russian army is not to occupy Ukraine, but to destroy military objectives. Putin also warned the so-called NATO allies, led by the United States, that any attempt to stop the Russian military would suffer results they had never seen before.

In fact, the United States did not expect Russia to act so quickly, because just a few days ago, Putin was meeting with many heads of state in the hope of resolving the issue through peaceful negotiations. However, on the 21st, Russia publicly recognized the independence of Donbass and sent ambassadors and troops.

The Ukrainian side did not realize that the great disaster was coming, and Zelinsky was still constantly provoking, and really thought that Putin did not dare to give him a color. Sure enough, less than an hour after the start of the war, the entire Ukrainian front collapsed, the three armies lost the ability to resist, and how the situation developed next depended on whether they fully understood the situation.

Through this local war, everyone has seen the strength of the Russian army, especially those NATO countries that clamor for support for Ukraine, and now they are collectively silent, and no country dares to directly send troops to support Ukraine. Belarus, on the other hand, sided with Russia, and the two armies had launched an attack on northern Ukraine, leaving Zelinsky in the belly.

Zelinsky had not expected that Ukraine would lose so quickly, and he also called on the national reservists to enter the war and sent a signal for help. But it is embarrassing that not only did external support not appear, but even The supreme parliament inside Ukraine, after the outbreak of the war, only 20 people attended, and the total number of parliamentarians was as high as 450.

It follows that everyone knows that this is an impossible war to win, and except for 20 Zelinsky's henchmen, all the other politicians are missing, because they do not want to accompany them to death. What made Zelinsky even more depressed was that after the war began, Biden immediately said that no matter what happened to them, the United States would not send troops to help Ukraine fight.

In fact, similar scenarios have appeared countless times, and the United States will always use the us military only when it plunders the resources and wealth of other countries. Once stubbornly resisted, the United States will transform into a shrunken-headed turtle, and even a small country like Iraq has left the U.S. military in a quagmire for 20 years, let alone Russia.

Of course, the United States and its allies are not without action, and they have jointly proposed sanctions against Russia, but that is all. It cannot be denied that under the collective sanctions of the Western world, Russia's economic situation will be affected, but whether it is the European Union or NATO, it is a mixture of interests of each pregnant ghost, and it is tantamount to a fool's dream to expect their joint sanctions to continue.

For most European countries, stopping trade with Russia means losing a lot of cheap energy, and even if politicians insist, the lives of their people will be disrupted, and all sanctions will become empty talk. Judging from the current situation, the possibility of Western countries participating in the war is almost zero, and the defeat of Ukraine is a foregone conclusion.

The first war in 2022 actually happened between Russia and Ukraine, and what is even more unexpected is that Russia's all-round attack has left Ukraine with no ability to fight back, only 1
The first war in 2022 actually happened between Russia and Ukraine, and what is even more unexpected is that Russia's all-round attack has left Ukraine with no ability to fight back, only 1
The first war in 2022 actually happened between Russia and Ukraine, and what is even more unexpected is that Russia's all-round attack has left Ukraine with no ability to fight back, only 1
The first war in 2022 actually happened between Russia and Ukraine, and what is even more unexpected is that Russia's all-round attack has left Ukraine with no ability to fight back, only 1

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