
An ordinary Chinese an understanding of the current situation in Ukraine

author:The bustle of the sea

I am an ordinary Chinese, a common man in his 30s.

With regard to the current situation in Ukraine, I would like to express my views for all to discuss.

Poor Ukraine and Russia, nested Europe, insidious And despicable Britain and America.

Let's start with Ukraine. This is a country that has been fooled and crippled, and has walked on the road of no return. The Ukrainian ruling elite, to put it bluntly, is the Anglo-American compradors and oligarchs who have separated themselves from the Ukrainian people and are no longer rooted in Ukraine, who have seized the rights that the Ukrainian people have given them to desire, but have pushed the Ukrainians into the abyss.


The so-called elite, who are first engaged in politics, must understand the position of their own country in international relations with other countries, especially the great powers, and it is best to be able to serve the welfare of their own people without humility, which is the most basic requirement of a political person - at least not to put their own sovereignty and people in danger.

Ukraine was founded with good conditions, but the status quo faced in the later period was very difficult. Inheriting a large amount of resources and benefits obtained from the collapse of the Soviet Union, but due to temporary economic development difficulties, he rushed to the hospital and plunged into the lies and traps of Europe and the United States that were still colluding at that time (relative to now).

The short-sightedness and irresponsibility of national leaders and political figures have buried the country's future by wanting to solve the problem of national development quickly and chaotically, but they have eaten the poison sent by people smiling and squinting.

On the one hand, it is inexperienced, but also to admit that Europe and the United States have reached the pinnacle of fooling people, and look at the consequences to know how cold and cruel it is.

Unfortunately, there are still many people who can't see clearly, or it is a deeper problem, which I will make clear later in the article.

But now Ukraine is already using the flesh and blood of the people to block the gun.

The country, hollowed out by the compradors who colluded with foreign forces, and finally the humble living people, were also deceived, instigated, and confused and went to the battlefield.

I might as well venture to assume here that the current ruling classes in Britain, the United States, and Ukraine are not afraid to let the Ukrainian people die in a river of blood, and then use it in the international community to attack Russia's inhumanity.

On the pretext of maintaining the territorial integrity of their own country, ordinary people are sent to the battlefield, and then they will point to corpses everywhere, shed crocodile tears, and falsely accuse Russia of being a butcher.

What a shame for the Ukrainian people!

Of course, the Ukrainian people want to defend the territorial and sovereign integrity of their country, but do you know who you are fighting for? For the country and the nation! But what about the end of the war? The benefits will still be taken away by the comprador class!

Then next time I'll you again!

When the ruling class is contrary to you, even if it is directly calculated, it is impossible to express the sorrow of the Ukrainian people.

There is so much to say about Ukraine, but there is really only sadness left.

Then let's talk about Russia.

A tiger who has been cornered.

It is true that Russia has violated Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, but why should it do so?

The problem is complex and simple.

Russia has no way back, a big country and a big country with one of the world's most nuclear weapons, facing such a situation, no one can tolerate it.

NATO's several eastward expansions have reasonable considerations for their security, but then they have made inches and inches, and being aggressive seems to me to force the tiger to hurt people.

Again and again, Russia is making concessions again and again.

Then some people were accustomed to getting sick, the cannon blocked the door of the house, and thought of pushing it in, and pushing it against the window of the person's bed. The success of several eastward expansions has blown some people's minds. They seem to have forgotten that Russia is a tiger, and that it is a fierce tiger — with the most powerful nuclear forces in the world — and wonder if these people will be able to calm down in the face of landslides.

I cannot say that Russia's attack on Ukraine was legally justified, but if I were Russia, there was no other way.

But Russia, the war has begun, what is the next level?

If it is only to do what you Putin said, the hatred between Ukraine and Russia will be stimulated to the point of never-ending peace, which is a very big challenge to Russia's future development.

You get a strategic buffer, but if it's a quagmire, it's a mire and you're stuck in it.

Believe that this is not the result you want.

How? The extent to which it is achieved depends on the wisdom of the Russian politicians who have been forced to take the shelves.

If this tiger in the corner gets a little respite, then I advise everyone not to think that he will be satisfied or that it is unfair to him.

Russia has done it, and there is a high probability that he will want more than we think.

Otherwise it is better not to do it.

The odds of a war expanding are so great that no one may have imagined it later.

That's human catastrophe.

Speaking of Europe, why do I say they are a nest europe?

This time Europe was counted.

First of all, Europe's natural distrust of Russia is a lesson from history, and they have a legitimate reason.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many former Warsaw Pact countries quickly fell to the West because of the unhappiness in the Soviet system in the early stage and the economic development difficulties they faced.

This has strengthened NATO's strength and strengthened their self-confidence, but at the same time, the problem has not been solved thoroughly enough.

Russia's nuclear power and steel currents continue to frighten NATO.

Europe felt that the danger of war had not diminished too much, nor did they believe that the day when the now weak Russia developed, it would not attack them again.

This idea has a strong factual basis, so NATO's eastward expansion in Europe seems legitimate and reasonable, even urgent, to face a powerful Russia.

But everything must be measured.

Russia's current strength, especially its economic power, is indeed somewhat unsatisfactory. NATO, or Europe and the United States, hold the initiative.

They chose to expand east.

But. France and Germany in Europe have different demands from the warsaw pact countries around Russia - they do not want to force Russia to a broken jar and a situation where everyone fights another direct war together.

That would be a huge shock to Europe's currently relatively stable situation, especially since their energy is dependent on Supply from Russia, which is now trapped in a resource trap.

There was no possibility of killing the sharp-toothed tiger of Russia, or even the ability to put him in a cage. Therefore, the attitude of Europe, especially the EU, should be limited space and reasonable to get along.

Suppress Russia, but not force him to show his claws.

But now things are out of their minds, or out of control.

The conflagration of war on the Great Plains of Eastern Europe is bound to affect the whole of Europe. At any time, there is a risk of being affected, so the impact of social instability can be imagined. Europe's economic strength will be further weakened, and the deterioration of the investment environment will lead to a further decline in the position of the euro.

The Europeans knew this, but they couldn't stop things from exceeding their expectations.


Because the head of NATO's organization is the United States, and now that the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union, the strength of the European Union has been reduced by three points, and then the geographical advantages of the United Kingdom hanging overseas and their long-term principles in international relations make them more willing to see Russia's bright claws and Europe take the lead in scratching together.

Brexit further makes it a mountain of island nations, and in the nature of geopolitics, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia can understand the mentality of the island nation in terms of style.

Racially unified, ideologically centralized, the Anglo-Saxons embraced each other and practiced separatism.

Fan the flames and reap the benefits of the fishermen.

The calculations and meanness of the Anglo-Saxons are vividly embodied.

So in this case,

It was Britain and the United States that provoked the attack and forced Russia, which only had weapons left, into war, and it could not reach them.

Ruyi Abacus beat the sky loudly.

Britain and the United States controlled Ukraine to the point where the first shots were fired.

To put it bluntly, wars are beautifully provoked.

The Ukrainian ruling class is said to be seduced by Britain and the United States, and to put it mildly, to put it bluntly, the ruling class of this country has become a lackey of Britain and the United States.

It can be understood that the abduction of Ukrainians constantly stimulates Russia to extend the situation to the moment the artillery fire sounds.

It was the Ukrainians who lost their lives in the shelling, and the so-called ruling elite who defected to the West to humiliate the country and betrayed their own nation had already seized the Ukrainian people's fat and made a lot of money, and then left on a special plane.

Before leaving, they also had to tell the unclothed Ukrainians that your enemy was Russia, and he had brought you to this point of poverty.

The mercenary comprador is difficult to express in words the harm done to the country and the nation.

They have no bottom line, nor do they have the slightest affection for their own country and the people of their nation. There is only the dirty satisfaction of endless greed and calculative conspiracies when they succeed.

They call this wisdom, they call it the knowledge of current affairs, and they think that they are alone in the torrent, which is the greatest achievement.

He didn't care about the harm that such a refined egoist like himself would do to the people around him, to his own motherland and nation!

If you accuse him, he will not be ashamed but proud to refute this called ability.

These people are hopeless scum!

Ukrainians can resist the Russian invasion, but they should put their compradors who have betrayed Ukrainian interests on the street lights first.

Russia was wrapped up in war, and was forced to fight back helplessly, under the unjust name of those with hearts.

The Russians are undoubtedly angry in their hearts.

This war is extremely important to Russia, and if Russia loses, the end is extremely miserable, and if it wins, there is still a glimmer of respite.

If this war does not end quickly, it will be a protracted tug-of-war.

We fought for three years to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam has been fought for twenty years.

But I don't think the war in Ukraine will last long, because Britain and the United States did not send troops directly, and they are afraid of completely provoking Russia to trigger a nuclear war.

Whether Ukraine is alive or dead will not be cared for, Russia and the European Union have suffered huge losses, but the best result is not to the extent that the net is broken.

The calculating Anglo-American would have thought of this.

But it is not certain whether the world will go according to their calculations.

History proves that the eyes of this group of hyena merchants have not gone anywhere for a long time, and countless miscalculations have caused the destruction of lives, and the pen and blood debts will one day be repaid to them.

The whole affair is clear.

It is difficult to say that Russia, which was wrapped up in the war, can be said to be a war of national fortune.

Europe, which is also trapped, will certainly suffer huge losses.

Britain and the United States will reap the benefits of the fishermen, but greed is too much, and the consequences may be counterproductive.

Ukraine was knocked into a broken cave, but no one paid any attention.

Although the final result is still unknown, it gives us a lot of inspiration.

In the future, when everyone pays attention to international relations, they may wish to be more meticulous.

The Anglo-American, Ingrussons, and the main body of the nation were a wave of power.

When we mention Europe and the United States in the future, we should consider more about the difference between Britain and the United States and the old European demands dominated by France and Germany, at least we must look at Europe and the United States separately.

Europe is Europe, And Britain and America are Britain and America.

It is now clear that Europe is more aware of the attitude of Britain and the United States towards him, only calculating and betraying. If the Franco-German Europe they represent sinks this time, then Europe will be devastated, and if they hold out this time, Europe will be more united outside Britain and the United States.

Powerful force makes people dare to be angry and dare not speak, but as time goes on, the power of the long-term, the country between the only calculations and profits between britain and the United States will be further spurned by the world, which may not be obvious in a short time, but in the long run is not the royal road.

2,000 years ago, the First Emperor failed to unite and integrate the aspirations of the nobles of the Six Kingdoms, and later the kiss of Xiang Yuwujiang, the king of Chu, told Chinese the road of hegemony did not work.

The heavenly path is reincarnated, the torrent is rolling, some countries are doomed to decline after they are strong, and some countries are destined to be revived!

The history of the past is the mirror of today.

Today's actions determine tomorrow's results.

At the end of the article, let's add a little bit, that is, those mentioned at the beginning, and some problems should be clarified.

What's the problem? It's two words, capital.

Capital pursues the maximization of interests, without feelings and without a slight concept of right and wrong.

It is not surprising that some of the same compradors and shameless businessmen who are in the water of capital have done whatever heinous things they have done.

A country is manipulated by capital, and they can pat themselves on the back and go. And they will definitely pat their butts lightly and go to the next place where capital can ferment.

Capital is like a cloud, drifting with the wind, not lingering in one place.

In order to expand the ruling class of the country that can be corrupted by all means, the most obvious and straightforward explanation is the collusion of officials and businessmen, and then the suffering, and finally the common people.

At worst, it is only a decrease in wealth, and the heavy is pushed to the battlefield as cannon fodder.

Big capital is absolutely not controlled, he will plunder all the wealth that can be plundered away, just like Ukraine now, and is good at hiding and good at disguise, so that you don't know where the enemy is.

We must be wary of the expansion of capital, of the dirty souls hidden under the hypocritical faces of unscrupulous merchant compradors.

When some people have no bottom line and sell out the interests of their national compatriots to grab benefits for themselves, they will not forget to incite populism, stir up right and wrong, let the country fall into division, fall into chaos, and then make a big profit again.

And some so-called ruling classes have become running dogs of capital, for example, some politicians in Ukraine now, who are spewing guns to provoke national hatred and then run away with a large amount of cash in airplanes.

War is bound to kill people, but these comprador classes and the traitorous ruling class that are in cahoots with them will not go to the battlefield, nor will their descendants.

Instead, they can live better.

Sad for Ukraine.

Taking the current situation in Ukraine as an example, we may wish to look at the actions of Taiwan's Tsai Group.

Some people shouted that I would take a broom to fight the People's Liberation Army, but as soon as they were on the sanctions list, they said that it was unfavorable.

Fools can see that he has already found a way out.

Recognize the status quo, recognize the faces of these people, the loss can be minimized, if you are still deceived, or even say that for the sake of the two melons to do for the tiger, it is hopeless! Death is more than enough!

At the moment when the thunder descends, everyone has to pay for their choices.

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