
Willow Lost Lianjing (Integrity Economics Release 1) Prologue: The Same Dream

author:Study on the Economics of Common Prosperity

What will happen to the world without association! What happens to Willow when she loses her association???

Welcome to participate in the construction of the Chinese Economics Open Research Program, read the third part of the public welfare book "Value Theory - The Construction of Chinese Economics", and jointly build the China Economic Management Science Building. An opinion on lenovo's case will be shared later in each episode, so stay tuned.


The same dream: a 10-year independent research program for the Chinese Economics Olympics

[If China wants to realize the dream of becoming an economic power, it must build Chinese economics, because economics controls the right to speak in economic development]. This is a 10-year independent research plan on Chinese economics written by the author after watching the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.

Economics has become one of the most important disciplines in the real world, and whether China should and can establish its own economic management science has become a long-standing debate. If we take the 2008 Olympic Games as the starting point, take over the Olympic torch of economic management science, and use 10 years of hard work and efforts to build a Chinese economic management science building with the level of the World Economics Olympic Games in 2018? The opening of the Olympic Games was held in China as scheduled, and the answer is naturally clear, because this is the same dream, the dream of a strong country.

Should China establish its own science of economic management?

This question is like whether China should participate in and hold the Olympic Games, which is the same as the dream, that is, we hope that China will be rich and strong, only the country will be rich and the people will be able to successfully host the Olympic Games, and only the country will be rich and the people will be able to refine the economic management theory that convinces the world.

Economic theory controls the right to speak in the development of the world economy, and China must build a theoretical platform for China's economic management science to control the discourse power of its own economic development to change from an economic power to an economic power.

Why is China the largest consumer of iron ore and has no say in negotiating pricing? Why does China, which owns 70% of the world's textile supply resources, also have no pricing voice? Why did thousands of companies in the Pearl River Delta's manufacturing industry fail overnight? Why did China's countless beautiful rivers and mountains become heavily polluted bad waters and bad soil overnight? ...... There is only one answer to these questions: China does not have the right to control economic development, and the right to speak is in the mouth of Western economists.

Today is not only an era of brilliant economic achievements in human history, but also an era in which economic problems plague mankind the most. Inflation, financial crises, unemployment frenzies, rampant corruption, the divide between the rich and the poor, and the coups, terrorist activities, economic wars that have resulted from it... Layers of clouds envelop the world. If China wants to win an economic war that may occur at any time, it must control the right to economic development and cultivate its own economists.

Can China establish its own science of economic management?

China's economic management science goes hand in hand with the Olympic dream. China is a staunch supporter of the Olympic Movement and has successfully hosted the Olympic Games after nearly a hundred years of efforts; China is a staunch practitioner of Marxism and has realized the sinification of Marxism after nearly a hundred years of efforts.

A century ago, people of insight raised the question of when the Olympic Games would be held in China, which was the cry of the Chinese yearning for prosperity and strength; at the same time, around 1918, Li Dazhao published my Marxist view, presenting the complete Marxist system (including economics) to the Chinese people.

The 30 years of China's return to the Olympic family are in line with China's reform and development process. In the past 30 years, the Chinese nation has opened its doors to the world, and the world has embraced China with open arms. China's development is inseparable from the world, and the world's prosperity and stability are inseparable from China.

Today, the long-established Olympic Games and the long-standing Oriental civilization have converged, and 1.3 billion Chinese have injected their own dreams into the Olympic Games with practical actions; today, China has embarked on the world stage of an economic power, which will surely open the prelude to the construction of Chinese economics.

How to establish China's own economic management science?

Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, thanks to the great practice of socialist economy with Chinese characteristics and the historical glory of continuous creation, China's economic theory research has made remarkable achievements, creatively put forward a series of economic theoretical achievements that conform to China's national conditions and the characteristics of the times, flash With Chinese wisdom, and have Chinese characteristics. But it goes without saying that the blind "superstition" and "worship" of Western scholarship have also hindered the independent thinking and theoretical innovation ability of the Chinese economic community to a certain extent. Mainstream economics has always been the economics of a big country, how should Chinese economics go to the world in the future? How to build an economic academic system and discourse system based on China's national conditions and contemporary Chinese practice, with distinct Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style? How should Chinese economists shoulder the responsibilities entrusted by history? This is a topic that deserves in-depth consideration by the academic community.

(1) The wisdom nutrition of Chinese economics

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates once asked three questions of ultimate philosophical reflection: "Who am I?" Where am I from? Where are you going? This is also something we should understand when we build a Chinese economic management edifice.

Who am I? It is china's basic economics, the economic management science that serves workers.

Where am I from? From the economic thought of the Chinese Guan Zhong more than 680 years ago, and drew on the wisdom of Smith's economics.

Where are you going? Marxist economics is the direction that guides Chinese economics.

Philosophy, however, is a science that transcends reality but must ultimately serve it, with the same regularity as universal truth, i.e., deriving from practice and guiding practice. Chinese economic theory must also be derived from Chinese reality and guided to serve Chinese reality. The actual development logic of China is clear, from the Chinese people to stand up and develop an independent national economy on their own, to the goal of reform and opening up, integrated into the global economic integration to achieve the goal of economic power, and then to comprehensively deepen reform to achieve the dream of economic power.

In this way, the source of China's economic construction is basically clear, as shown in the following table:

Composition of the Foundation (Source) of Chinese Economic Construction (Preliminary Concept)

compose school magnum opus Core theory remark



Guan Zhong School pipe Wealth creation ideas, social structure source
The Smith School The Wealth of Nations The Trinity Formula method
Marxist School Capital The theory of surplus value direction
empirical From the independent economy to the integration into the global economy, the combination of the theory of surplus value and the trinity formula has created a theory of social surplus value in the practice of reform.

(II) Innovation of Independent Research Model of Chinese Economics:

After fully absorbing the wisdom nutrition of economics, we adhere to the model innovation of independent research in Chinese economics, and its innovation points are mainly reflected in the combination of basic research and applied research.

First of all, in terms of basic research, Chinese economics should be an economic management science that includes the coordinated development of economy, society, politics, humanities and the environment, and explore the construction of a new social and economic order of global economic integration.

Secondly, in terms of applied research, Chinese economics should be the value integration of institutional innovation, technological innovation, management innovation, business activity innovation and financial innovation.

The model innovation of independent research in Chinese economics is shown in the following table:

Innovation of Independent Research Model of Chinese Economics: Combining Basic Research and Applied Research

Research hierarchy Core content
basic research The law of social surplus value Increment and equitable distribution road
Applied research Social surplus value liquidity management model Flow direction, flow rate, flow rate technique
Empirical research Economic Development Paradigm and Economics Education National fortunes, family fortunes, enterprise farms law

(3) Research principles of Chinese economics

The study of Chinese economics should be an endogenous evolutionary study, that is, the evolution from the primary stage of socialism to the intermediate stage, and the evolution of socialism with Chinese characteristics to scientific socialism.

General principle: It is necessary to study the originality, systematicness and integrity rooted in the Chinese soil, and to contribute to the promotion of the progress of the world and human civilization. The specific principles are as follows:

1. Constructive principle: For the realization of the communist ideal, China's socialist practice is in the construction period, the study of Chinese economics must be mainly constructive, and the criticism of capitalist economics is also to build socialist economics (broken old and new).

2. Basic principles: From the comparative study of the superiority of the socialist system over the capitalist system, fully absorb the essence of the basic economics "The Wealth of Nations" and "Capital", build a basic theoretical system of the socialist intermediate stage of socialism that embraces capitalism, and build a basic theoretical system for all mankind to enter the communist society.

Fourth, the strategy of Chinese economic research: to fight against the enemy and move with determination

  Sun Tzu said: "Therefore, the matter of being a soldier lies in following the intention of the enemy, and the enemy has always killed the general for thousands of miles. "Nine Lands". The use of troops in combat lies in carefully examining and discerning the enemy's intentions, and then concentrating on the main direction of attack, so that the enemy can be captured and killed for thousands of miles.

Concentrating forces is an important principle of military strategy, and the same is true for the study of Chinese economics. "Merging with the enemy" must "properly handle the relationship between the "one-way" and the "parallel enemy." First of all, we must select the "one direction", that is, find the main direction of attack, select the breakthrough point, and plan and move.

The main direction of the author's first choice to study the "Theory of Value" is to explore the construction of clean government economics.

Capital is a critique of capital, arguing that capital is a fraud against surplus value, and that every pore of capital leaves blood and dirty things; "Theory of Value" will be a critique of corruption, that corruption is the plundering of social surplus value, and that every act of corruption is left with the evil of greed.

The critique of corruption also needs to be carried out in depth and thoroughly. Capital can be harnessed by human wisdom and can be guided to the welfare of human development, and corruption can also be eliminated by human wisdom, and the wisdom contributed by economics is to develop a vaccine to prevent corruption. This is also the internal logic of the first direction of "The Theory of Value" to choose the research on the construction of honest government economics.

The edifice of economics was not built in a day, but was created through the long and arduous work of hundreds of economists. Smith spent most of his life completing The Wealth of Nations, and Marx spent his life finally completing Capital with the help of Engels. The author used 20 years of accumulation, combined with the investigation of Chongqing, Wenzhou empirical and accumulated more than 300,000 words of research data to start research, its power is far from enough, can only be regarded as some superficial ideas for the construction of China's economic building, just like a thatched house of China's economic management science, shown to build a public research platform, look forward to another 10 years of accumulation and perfection, for China's economic management science to add bricks and tiles. I hope that the thatched hut can become a communication platform and a target for all the cold people of economic management science, if someone pushes it over, or puts forward perfect suggestions, it will all be a contribution to the construction of Chinese economics. As long as the vast number of economic workers, entrepreneurs, politicians, journalists, etc. unite and make concerted efforts, our economic edifice will certainly be able to be built and built better.

We can boldly predict that the next 30 years will be a time when China's economic management science will flourish; it will also be the day when the quality of China's people will be generally improved; and it will also be the time when China will transition from an economic power to an economic power. A harmonious and healthy China will certainly make greater contributions to a harmonious world, especially china's experience can learn from the people of developing countries around the world.

Cai Zhonggui, an independent scholar of Chinese economics

Written at the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games on August 8, 2008

Revised on August 28, 2018

Lenovo case point of view sharing (1) Corruption has become one of the consensuses of Lenovo.

The whole network questioned Yang Liu, although Yang Liu's fake missing contact did not respond, but also basically sorted out a realistic logic, Sima Nan tortured Lenovo to put forward a question point to ignite heated discussion, Zhang Jie and other combing lenovo problem chain came to a basic conclusion that "the lenovo problem is essentially a corruption problem", which was recognized by the majority of online names and formed a consensus.

Comments: Building an economics of integrity is one of the best recipes for eradicating corruption. @Sima Nan @ Zhang Jie Financial Observation @ Wen Tiejun

Special note: On February 4, the author of the Winter Olympics released the Chinese Economics Open Research Plan through the today's headline platform, and now publishes the results of the 10-year independent research plan released by the 2008 Olympic Games for readers to criticize and correct, which is also an exploration of public research.

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