
In the Russian-Ukrainian war, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said that he would not lay down his weapons, and as a result, he ran away

author:Bin Shuo shared

Today is the third day of the Russian army's attack on Ukraine, and Ukrainian President Zelenskiy released a video of about 40 seconds long, calling on ukrainians not to believe "false information" and saying that they would not lay down their weapons. As a result, Volodin said that Zelenskiy was no longer in Kiev on the 25th, had run to Lviv, and all the videos he posted on social media were filmed in advance.

In the Russian-Ukrainian war, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said that he would not lay down his weapons, and as a result, he ran away

Ukrainian President Zelenskiy misjudged the form, always thinking that the United States would help Ukraine and resist Russia's attacks, and repeatedly provoked Russia, and finally paid a heavy price. Russia has given Ukraine the opportunity for a peaceful settlement many times, but Ukrainian President Zelenskiy arrogantly refused, has been clamoring to join NATO, and the United States is on the same front, and the result is sold by the United States. Although the United States did not send a single soldier to the war, the United States sent reconnaissance aircraft to share intelligence with Ukraine.

In the Russian-Ukrainian war, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said that he would not lay down his weapons, and as a result, he ran away

Russia's attack on Ukraine is very humanitarian, just take the picture above, this is the Russian soldier who died in order to protect a Ukrainian mother and daughter, knowing that after the death, the mother and daughter recognized that it was a Russian soldier, not a Ukrainian soldier, which is a hero. Let's think again, if the United States attacked Ukraine, would the US military save civilians in this way?

In the Russian-Ukrainian war, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said that he would not lay down his weapons, and as a result, he ran away

The ultimate beneficiary of the Russian-Ukrainian war was the United States, and both Russia and Ukraine paid the price. Why? First of all, before the war between Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine bought a large number of weapons from the United States, which was part of the profits of the United States, and then the United States froze all Russian enterprises and Russian assets in the United States on the grounds of sanctions against Russia, which was nakedly occupied. The Ukrainian people suffered from war, and not only did some people die, but many facilities were also destroyed. What about Russia? Russia has been sanctioned by many countries, and the losses are also very large.

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