
[Zelenskiy sent three consecutive "accession" tweets] The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has entered its third day. On the afternoon of the 26th Beijing time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy sent three pushes in a row in about 2 hours

【泽连斯基连发3条“入欧”推特】俄乌冲突进入到第三天。北京时间26日下午,乌克兰总统泽连斯基在大概2小时时间内连发三条推文,称自己正在和相关国家、组织领导人交谈讨论,并先后就“乌克兰入欧资格”表示:“现在是决定乌克兰是否加入欧盟的关键时刻”“我相信欧盟也会选择乌克兰”“乌克兰必须成为欧盟的一部分”,表达“入欧”决心 。#泽连斯基连发3条入欧推特#




值得注意的是,泽连斯基如今三条推文表现出来的心情,和其此前公开讲话的时候相比看上去大不相同。 当地时间25日,乌克兰总统泽连斯基表示,西方已经完全放弃了乌克兰。他说,已向27个欧洲国家领导人询问乌克兰是否能加入北约,但均未得到答复。还有报道称,泽连斯基当地时间24日也曾表示,在俄罗斯发动大规模“入侵”之后,他的国家“孤军奋战”、“谁准备与我们并肩作战?我没看到任何人。” #泽连斯基称现在是决定是否加入欧盟关键时刻#

[Zelenskiy sent three consecutive "accession" tweets] The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has entered its third day. On the afternoon of the 26th Beijing time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy sent three pushes in a row in about 2 hours
[Zelenskiy sent three consecutive "accession" tweets] The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has entered its third day. On the afternoon of the 26th Beijing time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy sent three pushes in a row in about 2 hours
[Zelenskiy sent three consecutive "accession" tweets] The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has entered its third day. On the afternoon of the 26th Beijing time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy sent three pushes in a row in about 2 hours

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