
In the kiev air raid shelter, new life in the war in Ukraine was born

author:Red Star News
In the kiev air raid shelter, new life in the war in Ukraine was born

Images on social media show an explosion in Kiev last night

According to CCTV News, on the 26th local time, the Kiev Municipal Government of Ukraine issued an emergency evacuation reminder to the citizens, and the announcement said that fighting is currently taking place on the streets of Kiev. On the same day, the Russian Defense Ministry issued an latest announcement saying that the Russian armed forces had paralyzed 821 Ukrainian military infrastructure.

New life in the war has brought a "ray of hope" to the civilians in the shelters.

In the kiev air raid shelter, new life in the war in Ukraine was born

Former Ukrainian ambassador to Austria Oleksand Sherpa forwarded the news that the baby was born in a Kiev bomb shelter

On February 26, local time, Olexander Scherba, former Ukrainian ambassador to Austria, forwarded a message on social media, allegedly born in a Kiev air raid shelter on the evening of the 25th.

According to the Daily Mail, at about 8 p.m. local time on the 25th, in the face of bombing and gunfire from the outside world, a 23-year-old pregnant woman gave birth to a baby girl in a shelter in Kiev. Ukrainian lawmaker Hanna Hopko confirmed on social media that the baby girl who was born was named Mia.

The Daily Mail reported that when the mother was heard screaming before giving birth, nearby Ukrainian police rushed to help. A police officer named Mikora Shlapak said they helped deliver her and called an ambulance to take the mother and daughter to the hospital. At present, the mother and daughter remain in the hospital and are said to be in good condition.

When news of Mia's birth in the shelter spread, many called her arrival a "miracle." Under Hopko's social media comments, more netizens said that Mia's birth was a "light of hope" in this tragic period. Incredibly, though, Mia is said to be the only new life during the sudden fighting in Ukraine.

In the kiev air raid shelter, new life in the war in Ukraine was born

Newborn baby boy and mother

The Daily Mail quoted an obstetrician-gynecologist in Kiev as saying that a newborn baby boy also came into the world in a night of war. The doctor said the reception of the maternity ward had been destroyed due to bombing, so the birth point had to be moved to the basement. The doctor, with the mother's consent, posted confirmation that the new life was a boy.

Red Star News reporter Hu Yiling

Edited by Pan Li

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In the kiev air raid shelter, new life in the war in Ukraine was born

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