
10 Amazing Facts You Don't Know About The Lord of the Rings9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead role 3. In the first draft, Frodo kills Gollum

author:Movie Corner
10 Amazing Facts You Don't Know About The Lord of the Rings9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead role 3. In the first draft, Frodo kills Gollum

If there's anything that can be considered the Bible of the Nek culture, it's The Lord of the Rings. To discuss the impact of the series of novels and the films based on them on their respective mediums and on the fantasy genre as a whole is not something that can be clearly articulated by writing a single article.

But, of course, there must be some interesting story behind something so significant. Going back in history, whether it's an anecdotes about fiction or anecdotes about filmmaking, the Lord of the Rings series does have countless interesting Easter eggs.

After all, the movies that have been released are experimental, and, in addition to The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, There are many more tolkien novels than ever, and they contain interesting facts and common sense enough to reshape your perception of the world of Middle-earth that you think you know.

Listed below are the ten most interesting of all the anecdotes in the Lord of the Rings series. Whether it's about books or movies, these behind-the-scenes anecdotes are sure to surprise you.

10 Amazing Facts You Don't Know About The Lord of the Rings9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead role 3. In the first draft, Frodo kills Gollum

10. Only Christopher Lee has seen Tolkien himself

As one of Hollywood's most legendary actors, if anyone in the Lord of the Rings trilogy has ever seen Tolkien, it must be Christopher Lee.

Still, their meeting may not be as interesting as you might think. Lee just happened to go to Tolkien's most frequented place, a bar in Oxford called Eagle And Child. As a huge fan of the novel, you can imagine him being in awe of his idol and just sitting down for a drink.

Compared to what most people behave in this situation, Christopher Lee is very polite. He went straight to Tolkien and asked him how he was doing today, and the two went on their separate lives.

Of course, as the only actor in the Lord of the Rings crew to have encountered one of the greatest literary masters in modern history, the length of the conversation between them has become irrelevant.

10 Amazing Facts You Don't Know About The Lord of the Rings9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead role 3. In the first draft, Frodo kills Gollum

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9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead</h1> role

One of the great things about making a movie is that if you're as smart as Peter Jackson, you can choose any actor you want to play any role, and use a blindfold to make the audience think that the actor looks very different from what he actually looks.

When I watched The Lord of the Rings in the early years, I would have been surprised if you told me that John Reese-Davis, who plays The Dwarf Jimley, was actually the tallest of all the actors.

John Rees-Davis is over 6 feet tall, taller than Vigo Mortson, and Jimley in the film is only half his stature, which is funny in comparison. Peter Jackson felt limited by casting, and he just wanted the actors he wanted to play the roles he wanted. So to achieve his goal, he used different proportions of sets and stuntmen to create the illusion of completely different heights from the actual actors.

Even 20 years later, this visual effect is still impossible to see, which is incredible.

10 Amazing Facts You Don't Know About The Lord of the Rings9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead role 3. In the first draft, Frodo kills Gollum

8. Much of the trilogy is based on Tolkien's experiences in World War I

The First World War changed everything. If it weren't for this war throwing everything into chaos, almost everything in the modern world wouldn't exist. Of course, if it weren't for the war experience that changed Tolkien's life forever, he probably wouldn't have written his masterpiece.

From the Swamp of Death, to the anti-war message, to the horrible hellish ending of the Hobbit when Frodo returns to Hobbiton, one of the reasons the book is so influential is that Tolkien weaves his trauma and experiences from World War I into the story.

The First World War allowed Tolkien to see the absolute depth to which the human spirit and morality can sink, and although Lord of the Rings is ultimately still a fairly optimistic novel, plots like the fate of the hobbits at the beginning of the novel, as well as the "long defeat" introduced in the book (the belief that good inevitably becomes evil, although victories large and small may be achieved in the process) are still reminding the reader, The author of the book is a veteran who witnessed the horrific deaths of most of his best friends in the mud trenches.

10 Amazing Facts You Don't Know About The Lord of the Rings9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead role 3. In the first draft, Frodo kills Gollum

7. The actors were seriously injured while performing their own stunts

It sounds cool for actors to do their own stunts, but if you really stop and think about what it means, it's no surprise that stuntman is one of hollywood's safest and most in-demand positions financially.

Just look at The Lord of the Rings and you know the consequences of an actor wanting to do everything on his own. For example, Orlando Bloom fell off his horse in a scene and broke three ribs. Meanwhile, Vigo Mortessen broke one toe and even lost a large piece of his teeth while filming the fight scene.

Toes are one thing, but losing a tooth is too conspicuous. And Vigo Mortessen's performance must continue. So I took the superglue and glued my teeth back and continued shooting.

This just goes to show that when an actor is fully aware that he is part of the crew and wants to get things done as humanely as possible, his performances and films often don't disappoint.

10 Amazing Facts You Don't Know About The Lord of the Rings9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead role 3. In the first draft, Frodo kills Gollum

6. Tolkien typed these three books with only two fingers

Before J.R.R. Tolkien wrote these three magical novels that laid the foundations of Western Nek culture, many people who knew him knew him as a freak. Of course, all the old straight men in the 1950s, white British, have their own weird attributes in the eyes of others, but Tolkien does have some unique features.

In addition to using his talents to construct the World of the Lord of the Rings and Middle-earth mythology, he also pretended to be Santa Claus to write letters to his children as they grew up, and he also had a small quirk that he only typed with two fingers when he wrote.

Includes the 1,200-page Lord of the Rings trilogy, as well as many other books about the Lord of the Rings universe. Thinking of the cramps That Tolkien experienced while writing, the codeword workers who read this article will probably clench their hands in pain.

Whatever the reason he writes in this particular way, it at least helps explain why every word on every page he writes feels like it's been thought through. Because that's obviously it.

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The Lord of the Rings Trilogy full set of 3 illustrated editions is available for ¥110 to purchase

10 Amazing Facts You Don't Know About The Lord of the Rings9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead role 3. In the first draft, Frodo kills Gollum

5. Christopher Lee is the king of nexus

The one-of-a-kind Christopher Lee is not only a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings, he's also known for volunteering to participate in films based on his favorite productions, and someone as famous as him can play any role he wants.

One of the most famous examples is that he auditioned for the Film Adaptation of Rankin-Bath Studios, The Last Unicorn, playing the arch-villain. He reportedly went straight to Rankin Bass's story team with his book, and he highlighted which parts of the book weren't allowed to be cut.

But you may not realize that playing Sajuman in a colored robe is his long-term plan. His entire career has been preparing for that moment. He even played a role in Robin Hood's New Biography, just to show the audience that he could play the wizard.

Having devoted his entire film career to a lengthy game of nuance, only to finally participate in a film based on a book he loved as a young man, Christopher Lee is the king of nexus.

10 Amazing Facts You Don't Know About The Lord of the Rings9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead role 3. In the first draft, Frodo kills Gollum

4. Sean Connery almost played Gandalf

Nowadays, anyone other than Ian McLean playing Gandalf is probably not acceptable. There is no doubt that mcLean is one of the best castings ever in the PerfectLy Chosen Lord films. But you probably won't think he's Peter Jackson's first choice.

Originally Sean Connery was assigned to play Gandalf, which was definitely a good choice. After all, Sean Connery was one of the greatest actors of his time, so it seems to me that there is no doubt that he will succeed in playing Gandalf as well.

However, here's the problem. Although Sean Connery can earn as much as 15 percent at the box office — a total of $400 million, higher than any other actor's single character — he never read the original book and didn't understand the script.

So he eventually turned down what was probably the most lucrative and perhaps the most privileged acting contract in film history. In the 1998 film The Avengers, Sean Connery could even wear a giant teddy bear prop without hesitation, but since he didn't think he could play Gandalf, maybe you should have found someone else to play.

10 Amazing Facts You Don't Know About The Lord of the Rings9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead role 3. In the first draft, Frodo kills Gollum

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3. In the first draft Frodo kills Gollum</h1>

In the Lord of the Rings films, Frodo performs far from the other characters, and he almost never kills anyone in all three films. At least you can't point out which of the famous and surnamed characters died at his behest.

But in the film's early screenplay, the situation was different.

Most of the scenes from Doomsday Volcano are the same as those presented in the last film, but with one key difference. As Gollum and Frodo fight for the Lord of the Rings, Frodo throws both Gollum and the Rings into the Doom Volcano, ending the conflict. Deliberately using the volcano to kill the crazy Gollum.

For a character like Frodo, it's obviously inappropriate to do so. This is not to criticize the other characters, but in later scripts they changed Gollum's death to because his obsession with the Lord of the Rings exceeded everything, which was definitely a good idea. It didn't always feel right to let Frodo kill him on purpose.

10 Amazing Facts You Don't Know About The Lord of the Rings9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead role 3. In the first draft, Frodo kills Gollum

2. Originally there were only two movies

Peter Jackson's treatment of The Lord of the Rings is undoubtedly more interesting than Peter Jackson's transformation of The Hobbit from two to three years later.

If you've really read the original Lord of the Rings novels, you'll know that they're not only very long, but also very informative.

There's so much to it that there's so much to tell about Middle-earth, and it's not unrelated to the storyline, so how many movies to make when adapting becomes a harder question to answer than you might think.

Originally, Peter Jackson wanted to make Lord of the Rings into two films instead of three, in the same way that Ralph Bakshi and Rankin-Bass made the Lord of the Rings cartoons in the '70s. Of course, in the process, Jackson probably found a serious deficiency in the two parts and decided to change it to a trilogy.

10 Amazing Facts You Don't Know About The Lord of the Rings9. Jimley is played by the tallest actor in the lead role 3. In the first draft, Frodo kills Gollum

1. Middle-earth is not Earth

Yes, you read that right. This place, known as Middle-earth, is not on Earth.

In fact, "Middle-earth" is called "Middle-earth" because it is the largest piece of land in the middle of the known world, which is actually called Arda. Of course, Tolkien's die-hard fans also know this, as the Pokémon Diamond and other books about Middle-earth are mentioned (but mainly the Pokémon).

It is no exaggeration to say that "The Sprite" will subvert most viewers' perception of "Middle-earth", but it seems a little too broad to say so. The point to be emphasized here is that Middle-earth has nothing to do with our world.

The humans in The Lord of the Rings have nothing to do with modern humans on Earth, and the elves are nothing.

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