
Russian electronic warfare equipment appeared, U.S. drones were to be poked blind, and Ukrainian intelligence was interrupted

author:War Research

On February 24, Putin ordered a special military operation against Ukraine, which has become a model for modern military operations, which can be seen in the use of a large number of precision-guided weapons, including Kh-31 anti-radiation missiles, which took the lead in striking a large number of radar facilities in Ukraine, which made Ukraine's only S300 long-range air defense missile instantly become a "headless fly", these long-range air defense systems can not pose a threat to the Russian air force, An hour after the start of the war, the Russian army had also put the Ukrainian Air Force Air Force and naval forces into a state of total annihilation, but on the night of February 24 and 25, during the day, it could be seen that the Ukrainian army had shown a counter-offensive momentum, and even recaptured The Antonov airfield from the Russian army.

Russian electronic warfare equipment appeared, U.S. drones were to be poked blind, and Ukrainian intelligence was interrupted

In the process of counter-offensive of the Ukrainian ground army, Russia also suffered casualties, of which about 130 armored vehicles and several tanks were destroyed, but many of Ukraine's radar and communication equipment have been damaged, but Ukraine can still obtain intelligence about the current battlefield, and can not help but make people wonder whether it is related to the US military drones, from the data provided by the ADS-B transponder, although the sky over Ukraine has been demarcated as a no-fly zone, But at the edge of the no-fly zone, there are still a number of U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk drones, which have been circling in the air for at least 22 hours, and they are able to detect russian military movements in Ukraine.

Russian electronic warfare equipment appeared, U.S. drones were to be poked blind, and Ukrainian intelligence was interrupted

Although the US military forces have not joined this military conflict, but do not rule out that the US military can assist Ukraine in the way of intelligence information, just in the US military RQ-4A Global Hawk drone for a long time hovering, a set of photos provided on social media shows that there have been a number of Russian military vehicles equipped with Russian electronic warfare equipment in southern Ukraine, from the appearance of these military vehicles, it should be a Russian-made R330zh automatic jamming system. This automatic jamming system has been in service with Russian forces for many years, and it is not the first time it has appeared near Ukraine, after the US military frequently used the Global Hawk unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to travel to the airspace near Ukraine, Russia has sent R330zh automatic jamming system.

Russian electronic warfare equipment appeared, U.S. drones were to be poked blind, and Ukrainian intelligence was interrupted

The appearance of Russian electronic warfare equipment may also blind the U.S. military's drones, when Ukraine will not be able to obtain intelligence from the United States, which will not be exposed to russia for a series of military operations, at the same time, the bank's automatic jamming system can also interfere with Ukraine's anti-aircraft missiles and radars to improve its own battlefield viability.

Russian electronic warfare equipment appeared, U.S. drones were to be poked blind, and Ukrainian intelligence was interrupted

At present, Russia has indeed suffered war losses in Ukraine, but the current losses are also within the normal range, Ukraine has repeatedly asked for help from Western countries, whether to obtain support from NATO, but for now, Russia has not used its own killer Weapon Ukraine has been unable to deal with. Text/Iris

Russian electronic warfare equipment appeared, U.S. drones were to be poked blind, and Ukrainian intelligence was interrupted

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