
From being a former powerhouse to being beaten backward, how did Ukraine degenerate to where it is today?

author:There is a way to look at the mirror

#俄战斗机群接近乌首都基辅 #

Recently, the situation in Russia and Ukraine has taken a sharp turn for the worse, and Just after the End of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, Putin the Great signed a presidential decree declaring the recognition of the "Donetsk People's Republic" and the "Luhansk People's Republic." Immediately after, the war quickly spread to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and Russia was determined to fight ukraine and the Western forces behind it to the end. In the face of Russia's blow, Ukraine appears to be powerless to resist and has reached the brink of national collapse and disintegration. Why is Ukraine, which has been clamoring to embrace the West against Russia, so vulnerable?

From being a former powerhouse to being beaten backward, how did Ukraine degenerate to where it is today?

Russian-Ukrainian conflict

You must know that Ukraine was once a well-known nuclear power, the second largest in European territory, the military industry is developed, and the proper sense of being a big country is the visual sense, but how did this former power step by step come to such a field as it is today?

Once a nuclear power

Ukraine was once the second largest member state of the Soviet Union, with a land area of 603,700 square kilometers, equivalent to the area of the mainland's Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality combined. The population is about 44 million, which is only about half of the population of Sichuan Province.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine has been second only to Russia in the CIS in terms of economic strength and military capabilities.

Ukraine is an important military industrial base of the former Soviet Union, with a complete industrial system, with the famous Antonov Design Bureau, known as the "heart of the Soviet aviation industry" Madasic Company, the Black Sea Shipyard that built the Varyag aircraft carrier, the Kiev Aviation Plant, the Southern Machinery Factory and other 3600 military enterprises, with the ability to produce all the main war weapons of the former Soviet Union. It had a large number of weapons and equipment, including 6500 tanks, 7150 armored vehicles, more than 7000 large-caliber artillery, more than 100 Il-76 strategic transport aircraft, 22 Il-78 aerial refueling tankers, 25 strategic transport aircraft An-124 and the world's largest An-225 dream transport aircraft at that time. Most importantly, Ukraine also had the world's third largest nuclear arsenal at that time, second only to the United States and Russia, thousands of nuclear warheads made the US empire feel frightened, and the overall military strength ranked among the top five in the world at that time.

From being a former powerhouse to being beaten backward, how did Ukraine degenerate to where it is today?

Ann 225 Dream Transport aircraft

Credulously believe in the West and abolish martial arts

How can the European and American powers tolerate such a powerful Ukraine, so they use all kinds of coercion and inducement to try to coerce Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons. At that time, Ukraine thought that it had no ability to maintain nuclear weapons, did not master the launch code, and was eager to defect to the West, hoping to get western assistance, so the United States and Europe made a small plan to easily trick Ukraine into jumping into the pit.

In May 1992, after several rounds of negotiations, the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus finally signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty Agreement, and Kravchuk, then president of Ukraine, carried forward the spirit of internationalism and promised to "eliminate all nuclear weapons and leave no one behind." Years later, when he saw ukraine now devastated, he estimated that his intestines were remorseful.

So many nuclear weapons are said not to be wanted, and the Ukrainians cannot be willing without saving some benefits. So after more than two years of interest negotiations, in January 1994, the United States, Russia and Ukraine signed the Tripartite Agreement on the Elimination of All Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine, which made it clear that Ukraine would ship all nuclear weapons to Russia for destruction within 7 years, and the United States would pay russia and Ukraine for second-hand materials for the purchase of dismantled enriched uranium. In addition, the United States paid Ukraine $175 million in "nuclear weapons loss fees" and another $155 million in economic aid.

Seven years later, Ukraine has destroyed all nuclear weapons, including long-range missiles and strategic bombers that can fire conventional weapons. The mere cost of a few hundred million dollars by the American and European powers, as well as the signing of a Budapest Memorandum of Understanding to give so-called security promises without hesitation, tricked Ukraine into abolishing its martial arts and degenerating from a military power that was proud of the world to a lamb to be slaughtered.

From being a former powerhouse to being beaten backward, how did Ukraine degenerate to where it is today?

Destruction of strategic weapons

The oligarchic forces are growing stronger and larger

Even if it abolishes martial arts, it will not be difficult for Ukraine to develop into a rich country with a rich inheritance inherited from the former Soviet Union. But the problem that Ukraine faces next, like a gradually worsening tumor, is even more deadly, and that is the oligarchic power.

At the beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the oligarchic forces in Russia were also rampant, more than in Ukraine. But Russia's good fortune lies in the emergence of a strongman leader , Putin. Putin is well aware of the harm of oligarchs, and has used iron fist means to eliminate the seven major oligarchic forces in a timely manner and nationalize large capital.

Ukraine, however, was less fortunate, lacking a strongman politician to navigate and lost its way by a group of politicians.

The first ukrainian president, Kravchuk, because of his eagerness to embrace the United States and Europe, not only abolished nuclear weapons, but also excessively superstitiously believed in the Western market economy, and implemented a large-scale privatization policy at home, resulting in a large number of state-owned assets being divided up by a small number of powerful people, and the Ukrainian oligarchs rose rapidly and grasped the economic lifeblood of the country. Kravchuk's failed economic policies led him to blame by the opposition and the public and forced him to end his term prematurely.

In 1994, the second president, Couch, took office, and this elder brother was the representative of the oligarchy, which intensified during his tenure. During Kuchma's reign, Ukraine privatized, abandoned, or handed over a large number of high-quality state assets to the United States, and Ukraine has since entered an era of oligarchy.

Yushchenko, Tymoshenko, Yanukovych, and Poroshenko, who came to power later, were all oligarchs. Ukraine's old and new oligarchs sang and sang, infighting continued, and Ukraine was plunged into endless political turmoil.

At the end of 2004, the "Orange Revolution" broke out in Ukraine, and the anti-Kuchma camp led by Yushchenko and Tymoshenko launched the "Kuchma" campaign, and then Yushchenko successfully became president and Tymoshenko became prime minister. After coming to power, they vigorously promoted land privatization and further embezzled state-owned assets. With the growing power of the oligarchs, the corruption of politics, the collusion between politicians and oligarchs, who else will take the interests of the Ukrainian people seriously?

From being a former powerhouse to being beaten backward, how did Ukraine degenerate to where it is today?

Ukrainian oligarchs

Politics swings and becomes a pawn

The infighting among the oligarchic forces has also brought about political divisions. During the administration of Kravchuk and Kuchma, Ukraine was able to maintain its relative neutrality towards the United States, Europe, and Russia. But since the Orange Revolution in 2004, pro-Western political forces led by Yushchenko and Tymoshenko have come to power and have fallen to the United States and Europe, leading to increasing tensions with Russia. Russia has repeatedly threatened to cut off gas, and relations deteriorated even more after Russia invaded Georgia in 2008.

Subsequently, the pro-Russian Yanukovych and the pro-Western Poroshenko took turns to come to power, and the rift between the east and west of Ukraine intensified. Ukrainian pro-Western politicians and oligarchs, for their own interests, do not hesitate to betray the country and the people, and incite populism and seek political interests in the name of democracy and freedom.

Flies do not sting seamless eggs, which is the heart of China and the United States and Europe, they see Ukraine as an important pawn in suppressing Russia, to join the European Union and NATO as bait, constantly instigate Ukraine's internal political confrontation, and incite the fire between Russia and Ukraine.

In 2013, the second color revolution in Ukraine broke out, and the demonstrations quickly turned into violent clashes, during the 93-day riots, a large number of casualties, the capital Kiev was in chaos, and the pro-Russian Yanukovych stepped down, the biggest driving force behind this is the United States and Europe. After that, pro-Western forces escalated the contradictions between Russia and Ukraine step by step, which directly led to the Crimean incident in 2014, when the Crimean Autonomous Republic was incorporated into Russia.

At the same time, in 2014, the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts in eastern Ukraine declared independence and established the "Donetsk People's Republic" and the "Luhansk People's Republic", which became the trigger for today's fierce conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

From being a former powerhouse to being beaten backward, how did Ukraine degenerate to where it is today?

Color revolution

The fall from the industrial power to the "European womb"

Under the scourge of US and European imperialism and the betrayal of domestic pro-Western forces, Ukraine has gradually evolved from political division to national territorial division, and has moved towards the abyss of no return. The biggest victims of all this are the broad masses of ukrainians.

As the second largest country in Europe, Ukraine is known as the "granary of Europe", and it is rich in mineral resources and developed industrial system. Ukraine has gone from being an industrial power at the beginning of independence to the poorest country in Europe today, with a plummeting standard of living, 80% of the population now falling into poverty, and its purchasing power in 2018 was only 9233 US dollars, ranking first in Europe.

Economic downturn and high unemployment have made Ukraine one of the countries with the highest rates of human trafficking in Europe, with a large number of women forced to make a living from prostitution in order to make ends meet. Some women have even been ruthlessly sold by human traffickers to countries around the world. Ukraine became a famous "red light district" in Europe, reduced to the "womb of Europe".

From being a former powerhouse to being beaten backward, how did Ukraine degenerate to where it is today?

Ukrainian refugees


After three decades of political turmoil and economic recession, Ukraine has long been devastated and devastated. In today's Ukraine, politics and diplomacy have long lost their autonomy, and president Zelenskiy, who is an actor, is nothing more than a puppet of Western forces, playing with fire and self-immolation step by step under the coercion and manipulation of the United States and Europe, and becoming a victim of the game of great powers.

On February 22, 2022, in the face of repeated provocations from the United States, Europe and Ukraine, Putin announced that he recognized the status of Donetsk and Luhansk in the Eastern Region of Ukraine. Subsequently, the Russian army quickly sent troops to Ukraine with a thunderous momentum, and it took only a dozen hours to beat Ukraine without the ability to fight back. Ukraine, which blamed itself for playing with fire and self-immolation, is already facing a crisis of national subjugation in the blink of an eye. Where is the United States and Europe, which once threatened to give Ukraine aid and security guarantees, and will the Western countries, which only care about their own interests, care about Ukraine's life and death?

From being a former powerhouse to being beaten backward, how did Ukraine degenerate to where it is today?

What ukraine has to teach us:

1. The fate of national development must be firmly in its own hands, and only by adhering to the independent development path can it stand tall among the nations of the world, and wavering between major powers will only play with fire and self-immolation.

2. The fruits of the market economy should benefit the broad masses of the people, develop for the people, and the fruits should be shared by all the people. Only by controlling the disorderly expansion of capital, eliminating polarization, and achieving common prosperity can we achieve national prosperity and strength.

3, only with their own strong military strength can we seek development in the law of the jungle in which the weak eat the strong, peace is defended by the fist, do not think of the kindness and protection of others.

4. Western hegemonism has never been a savior, they see only interests and no morality in their eyes, and they instigate color revolutions in the name of freedom and democracy, with the purpose of harvesting the world and grabbing benefits. The ultimate fate of superstitious belief in them and becoming a pawn will be an abyss of doom.

From being a former powerhouse to being beaten backward, how did Ukraine degenerate to where it is today?

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