
【Poetry】 | Ren Yin's year of the first month of the seventh ruixue improvisation

【Poetry】 | Ren Yin's year of the first month of the seventh ruixue improvisation

Snow (I)

Ice Qing Jade Jie Tiangong came,

Why is it dusty on the ground?

The Jade Emperor Mengtuo secretly visited,

A letter in the world!

【Poetry】 | Ren Yin's year of the first month of the seventh ruixue improvisation

Snow (II)

Lonely and silent night white,

Liao Liaokong was filled with birdsong.

May there be no troubles in the world,

A short life is full of feelings!

【Poetry】 | Ren Yin's year of the first month of the seventh ruixue improvisation

A cut of Mei woke up from a dream

Midnight riding the dream in the memory, the words are long and meaningful, and it is always difficult to receive.

The second hand is endlessly walking around, waking up dreaming, and it is difficult to stay in love.

Huinu was lightly sleepy, the wind blew the eaves, and the rain knocked on the window edges.

Trance life has passed the halfway point, how many reasons, want to say must rest!

【Poetry】 | Ren Yin's year of the first month of the seventh ruixue improvisation

Like a dream order, the small courtyard is open

The plum blossoms reopened again, and the breeze sent a few wisps of incense

Hold the soil to plant the plum root, hoping that the fragrance of the year will be as promised

Why? Why? The wind has stopped residing!

【Poetry】 | Ren Yin's year of the first month of the seventh ruixue improvisation

Titled Female Painting

Sunny idle fly double swallow,

Clear water floats to pairs of geese.

A little red spit out from the branches,

Pen and ink open all over the garden in spring.

【Poetry】 | Ren Yin's year of the first month of the seventh ruixue improvisation

Reading Professor Zhu Zihui's "Distant Cultivation Reading / Residual Books on the Sunset" has a feeling

The gentleman has gone by white crane

Full of emptiness

The Chu clan talent will come out

Ji Wen mourns Yong Haojun

I am a vine of the Chu clan

Tears read the descendants of a thousand words

The jade destroyer dissipated his sigh

The morning star of the dawn moon is born after the light

———— was given to Grandpa Zhu who rode the crane in the wind

Author: Zhu Aichun, a village doctor.

Editor: Free Travel Picture: Fengya Fir River

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