
The "Trip for Two" award is hemp! Once again, it won DICE's Game of the Year

The winning game of the 25th annual DICE Awards is now available. Founded by the American Society for the Interactive Arts and Sciences, the four letters DICE represent the four elements of Design, Innovation, Communicate and Entertain. The list of winners is as follows:

Game of the Year: "Two-Player Trip"

The "Trip for Two" award is hemp! Once again, it won DICE's Game of the Year

Action Game of the Year: Halo Infinity

The "Trip for Two" award is hemp! Once again, it won DICE's Game of the Year

Adventure Game of the Year: Guardians of the Galaxy

The "Trip for Two" award is hemp! Once again, it won DICE's Game of the Year

Family Game of the Year: Ricky & Tinker Bells: Time Jump

The "Trip for Two" award is hemp! Once again, it won DICE's Game of the Year

Fighting Game of the Year: Guilty Gear Fight

The "Trip for Two" award is hemp! Once again, it won DICE's Game of the Year

Racing Game of the Year: Forza Horizon 5

The "Trip for Two" award is hemp! Once again, it won DICE's Game of the Year

Role-Playing Game of the Year: Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

The "Trip for Two" award is hemp! Once again, it won DICE's Game of the Year

Sports Game of the Year: Mario Golf: Super Rush

The "Trip for Two" award is hemp! Once again, it won DICE's Game of the Year

Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year: Age of Empires IV

The "Trip for Two" award is hemp! Once again, it won DICE's Game of the Year

Mobile Game of the Year: Pokémon Collection

Online Game of the Year: Halo Unlimited

Best Game Design: "Two-Player Trip"

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