
Turning wood into stone – see french wood carving artists giving new life to wood

Turning wood into stone – see french wood carving artists giving new life to wood

Dee Li Mattefi, a French contemporary wood carving artist, he transforms the form of wood into the shape of stone, showing simple and innovative works, giving wood new vitality and expression.

Turning wood into stone – see french wood carving artists giving new life to wood

Born in 1967 in a mountain village in the south of France, Dieli is a self-taught woodcarver artist. From an early age, he loved art, created his own hands, admired the landscape and wood stones of his hometown, created simple works, changed the impression of wood in people's hearts, and achieved the coldness and excitement of "stone".

Turning wood into stone – see french wood carving artists giving new life to wood

His sculptural works, first of all, are selected on wood, mainly from the yellow-green mountains of southeastern France. Secondly, we make full use of the appearance and streamlined characteristics of the original wood to create a stone shape, forming a sharp contrast between wood and stone. Finally, he always uses minimalist lines to form simple geometric patterns, revealing amazing minimalist sculptures. With such characteristics, wood under his knife, showing a unique and quaint style.

Turning wood into stone – see french wood carving artists giving new life to wood

His works, the volume is not large, it does not look very conspicuous. However, carefully appreciating, he uses the method of direct carving, using the texture of wood, following the ultimate aesthetic principle of form and matter, amplifying the beauty of appreciation, highlighting the "atmosphere" of the work, and bringing a pleasing feeling.

Turning wood into stone – see french wood carving artists giving new life to wood

The art of wood carving has a long history, but the subject matter of creation is mostly portraits, floral animals and landscapes. Under The innovation of Dielli, the use of wood, a product of nature, to create a landscape of stone, this method of character transformation, through the creation of beauty, transform each other's physical characteristics, presenting the peculiarity of art to create beauty, which has won the love of many people.

Turning wood into stone – see french wood carving artists giving new life to wood
Turning wood into stone – see french wood carving artists giving new life to wood
Turning wood into stone – see french wood carving artists giving new life to wood
Turning wood into stone – see french wood carving artists giving new life to wood
Turning wood into stone – see french wood carving artists giving new life to wood
Turning wood into stone – see french wood carving artists giving new life to wood

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