
Feng Shixing, the leader who worries the country and loves the people

author:Rambling Bayu
Feng Shixing, the leader who worries the country and loves the people

Statue of Feng Shixing

Among the dozens of streets crisscrossing Beibei, there are only two roads named after people, one is "Lu Zuofu Road" named after Lu Zuofu, and the other is named after Feng Shixing. Lu Zuofu is a "national industrialist" respected by generations of leaders of our party and state, the founder of Beibei, known as the "father of Beibei", his deeds are mostly well known to the people of Beibei, while many people are relatively unfamiliar with Feng Shixing, the Song Dynasty leader who worries about the country and loves the people, and even does not know that his name should be pronounced "xing" [héng] or "xing" [xíng], in fact, his name is walking "xing" [xíng]. Feng Shixing, the word "Dangke", the number "Jinyun", known as "Mr. Jinyun", named "Feng Shixing", has the meaning of "moving at the right time".

Feng Shixing, the leader who worries the country and loves the people

Beibei Fengshi road signs.


Feng Shixing, the leader who worries the country and loves the people

Beibei Lu made the road sign of Fu Road.

   It is not difficult for careful Beibei people to find that in Addition to "Feng Shixing Road" in Beibei, there are many cultural relics and legends related to Feng Shixing: "Zhuangyuan monument", "Zhuangyuanbei Primary School" and "Zhuangyuanbei Station", and the legend on Jinyun Mountain and the "ink washing pool" where Feng Shixing washed brushes when he was a teenager was studying is called "Octagonal Well". In addition to Beibei, in Chongqing Yubei, Banan, Wanzhou, Bishan and even Sichuan's Ya'an, Peng'an, Pengzhou, Hanyuan and other places have relics related to Feng Shixing, such as "Zhuangyuan Bridge", "Zhuangyuanlou", "Zhuangyuan Ancestral Hall", etc., and about his birthplace, there are different words, one is Yubei Luo moraine, the other is Said to be Ba County (Ba County is related to Bishan). Bishan's Chengjiang, Dalu, Yifeng, Batang, Jinfeng, Xiema, zeng was assigned to Ba County after the demolition of Bishan County, and Qianlong returned to Bishan in twenty-four years), of course, more convincing is born in Bishan, such as Jiaqingnian's "Sichuan Tongzhi Jinshi" recorded: "Feng Shixing, Bishan people. In the book "General Examination of the Continued Literature of the King's Republic", it is also written: "When the line is good, the word is dangke, the Bishan people." The "Bishan County Chronicle" compiled in the fourth year of Tongzhi also records: "The Bishan people of Song Gong Prefecture belonged to it. According to this record, Feng Shixing was a native of Chengjiang, Beibei (Chengjiang Town, Yilai Township, Bishan County during the Song Dynasty, and Yili Bajia around Jinyun Mountain in Chengjiang Town). Le Moraine should be the place where his mother's mother lived, Feng Shixing lived when he was a child. Because the relevant theories come to the local chronicles, inscriptions, epitaphs, temples, genealogies, so the theories are different, according to the author has repeatedly conducted field research in Jinyun Mountain, visited the local people, and also based on relevant records, the conclusion is: Feng Shixing was born in Jinyun Mountain, lived in Luo moraine when he was a child, and returned to Jinyun Mountain to study when he was a teenager. Of course, it is understandable that everyone has a preference and worship for a historical and cultural celebrity with a very high national spirit, but Jinyun Mountain is the place where Feng Shixing lived for more than twenty years and spent nearly half of his life, and it is also the place where he has written the most academic works. In Jinyun Mountain, in addition to the "octagonal well", there are little-known legends of the "Xuetang Fort" and "Old House Foundation" that have been related to him for nearly a thousand years.

Hard-working and studious

  Feng Shixing, whose ancestral home was Zhuji ( Zhuji Ziyan Township , Zhujiawu ) , was born in 1100 AD. Feng Shixing was clever, studious, and had a talent that never forgot, and was loved by his elders, especially Mr. Private School and his masters, and was willing to pass on his life's knowledge to him. The young Feng Shixing followed the private school teachers and masters to learn history, geography, literature, as well as science, Taoism, Neo-Confucianism and so on.

  The place where he studied as a teenager was called "Xuetang Fort", which was a privately run school for nearby young children and teenagers to enroll in school. Xuetang Fort is under the altar stone of the highest peak on the northern slope of Jinyun Mountain, near the Huangyangou and Daijiayuan in Jinyun Village, Chengjiang Town, Beibei District, where the terrain is open and relatively gentle, and the west can overlook bishan mountain, the north can look at Hechuan, and the opposite is a continuous cloud and mist mountain range.

Feng Shixing, the leader who worries the country and loves the people

Jinyun Mountain Academy Fort

  For thousands of years, the vicinity of Xuetang Fort has been inhabited, but a few years ago the residents were relocated due to the establishment of a nature reserve, the houses were demolished, and the ready-made is gradually being restored to forest. In the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties, around xuetang fort, there were more residents living there, and about four or five hundred meters above xuetang fort, there was a rather large courtyard, called "old house base", where there were once nearly 100 residents, mainly based on agricultural cultivation and temple services for a living. Here the sun is shining in the west, the sun is abundant, the land is fertile, the folk customs are simple, and it has always been a concentrated residence for the people of Jinyun Mountain. Now, after the vicissitudes and changes of the times, the foundation of the old house has long been submerged by the vast forest sea. According to the locals, the legend of the old house foundation has been passed down for a long time, and their ancestors only know that there is a long lost village of the old house foundation, and the generations of legends have said that in that forest, those places that resemble the foundation of the house are the former courtyards, and the true appearance of the courtyard has never been seen, and now, in the dense weed jungle, under the tall pine trees and nan bamboo, only the shadow of the house foundation that formed the courtyard can be faintly seen. The only thing that can witness the prosperity here is that many of the remaining Ming and Qing tombs, especially the qing dynasty tombs are luxurious and huge, according to locals, in the past few years, the "four olds" and the process of tomb robbery were dug up and destroyed, and the bones of the people in these tombs were found to be relatively large, and it is suspected that most of them are the remains of foreign monks.

Feng Shixing, the leader who worries the country and loves the people

The remains of the old house base of Jinyun Mountain

   Perhaps it is a unique geographical advantage here, the Ming Dynasty, near the old house foundation built the "Fuxing Temple", Fuxing Temple was demolished in the 1960s, the temple house was used by local farmers to live, moved out in the 1980s, the fuxing temple hall also collapsed in a storm a few years ago, now only a few remaining beams and pillars and temple gate pillars and temple ruins stand in front of two huge yew trees, there is a stone pagoda on the right side of the temple a hundred meters.

Feng Shixing, the leader who worries the country and loves the people

Revival temple in front of yew trees

Feng Shixing, the leader who worries the country and loves the people

The old main hall of Fuxing Temple

   And legend has it that when Feng Shixing was studying in Jinyun Mountain, there was an "octagonal well" near jinyun Temple under Lion Peak and Juyun Peak, which was the ink washing pool where he washed brushes, but thinking about this statement is a bit far-fetched, even not very logical, washing ink in a clear spring water, polluting the water quality environment, ordinary people will not do this, not to mention, in the Song Dynasty, a piece of paper that has written words will not be thrown away, and all pieces of paper with words will consciously pick up the "word library" (a stone pagoda of burning word paper) and burn it, how can a reader wash pen everywhere? This is not Feng Shixing's sentiment. Of course, legends are legends after all. Feng Shixing has participated in the study in the Jinyun Temple, and there have been academic exchanges with senior monks, after all, there are many senior monks in the temple, from the southern dynasty Liu Song Jingping first year (423 AD) and the monk Ciying Master kaishan to create Jinyun Temple, in the feng Shixing era, the temple here has experienced hundreds of years, there is a rich cultural precipitation, it is also in this way, Feng Shixing chose to return to his birthplace Jinyun Mountain to learn knowledge when he was a teenager.

Feng Shixing, the leader who worries the country and loves the people

Octagonal well Feng Shixing portrait

Feng Shixing, the leader who worries the country and loves the people

Jinyun Temple Main Hall

  The Song Dynasty, which began in 960 with the establishment of the Northern Song Dynasty by the Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin "Chen Qiao Mutiny" and "Imperial Robe Plus Body", was an era of heavy literature and suppression of martial arts, especially the intersection period between the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty in which Feng Shixing lived, which was the most brilliant and most decadent period of the Song Dynasty, and it was also the period with the most historical celebrities and the most thrilling stories, not only the notorious traitors, but also many literary celebrities, such as Ouyang Xiu, Li Qingzhao, Wang Anshi, Xin Shuyi, Su Shi, Lu You, and the famous anti-Jin general Yue Fei. Therefore, Feng Shixing's parents paid special attention to the cultivation of his cultural knowledge, strict requirements from an early age, coupled with his diligence and studiousness, he soon became the best among his peers, he not only read poetry and books, but also paid more attention to personal cultivation, traditional etiquette, and gradually cultivated a very high patriotic spirit and national integrity. In 1124 AD, the twenty-four-year-old Feng Shixing was a zhongjinshi, and then "Enke Zhuangyuan", the so-called "Enke Zhuangyuan", that is, in the imperial examination system, the emperor of the Zhengke Sect, Tenen Kaike, and then obtained the first place, in terms of knowledge and practical work ability may be higher than the Zhengke Zhuangyuan, (such as some of today's selection of transfer students, special enrollment and so on). Therefore, the common people have always regarded Feng Shixing as the "first leader of Bayu". It should be said that this is the pride of the Bayu people, and even more the pride of the Chengjiang people.

A clean and honest official with integrity

Feng Shixing, who was a champion, was a figure with first-class knowledge and work ability, but at that time, the Song Dynasty was in charge of adulterous subjects, first Cai Jing, Gao Qiu, Tong Guan, and Wang Fu, and then There was Qin Jun, and Feng Shixing, who was a champion, was only appointed as a lieutenant of Yun'an County (present-day Yunyang County, Chongqing), mainly in charge of public security and theft, equivalent to the current public security bureau chief. At that time, Yunyang County was a poor county, and there were cases of robbery and theft from time to time, and the work was heavy, Feng Shixing did not feel that the officials were small, but concentrated on doing his work and began his first career journey. From the first year of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1129) to the third year (1127-1129), He was transferred to Fengjie County, and in 1134, he was transferred to Jiangyuan County (江原, in the southeast of Chongzhou City, Sichuan, and the county system has been abolished as a town). During his tenure, he was talented and was highly recommended by Yang Yuanzhi, and was soon promoted to Zuo Fenglilang (左奉礼郎) (after the restructuring of Emperor Yuanfeng of Shenzong, he was reinstated as a priest of the Taichang Temple from the Eight Pins, and was in charge of the initial sacrifice of the Sacrifice Ofe). Later, he served as Zhi County of Dansuo County (this is a small county in Meishan City, Sichuan, and finally became a leader, qipin county at that time). In 1137, he was summoned to The Capital as a Left Dynasty Fengyi Lang (an advisor to the emperor).

Since Feng Shixing joined the work, he has experienced the change of dynasties between the north and the south of the Song Dynasty, and has changed from an official of the Northern Song Dynasty to an official of the Southern Song Dynasty. When he was summoned to the capital, the Jin soldiers had occupied Bieliang (present-day Kaifeng, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty) for ten years. Feng Shixing experienced the "Jingkang Difficulty" in 1127 after the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, which was the most difficult national shame for him to forget, that is: after the Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed by the Jin people, the Northern Song Emperor Song Huizong and his son Song Qinzong were captured by the Jin people, and at the same time, their wives and children were captured, including the mother of the Emperor Zhao Zhao, who founded the Southern Song Dynasty, more than 3,000 people, more than 800 cars, countless treasures, these people arrived in the Jin Kingdom, they were insulted, most of the men were tortured to death or killed, including Song Huizong died of depression, and the women were sold into brothels or forced to be concubines. History calls it "the humiliation of Jingkang". Of course, emperors like Song Huizong went to the subjugation of the country and were humiliated by themselves, and everyone who has seen the Water Margin knows that there is a story that the good Han of Liangshan is in Tokyo, when there were Jin people outside who hit under the nose, and there were many peasant rebel teams such as Song Jiang and Fang La attacking the city and plundering the land, but he handed over the military power to the traitors Gao Qiu, Tong Guan, etc., and concentrated on meeting Li Sisi at night, so did such an emperor and the dynasty at this time have the reason to not die?

The Southern Song Dynasty was founded by Emperor Huizong of Song's ninth son, Emperor Softzong of Song's younger brother Emperor Gaozong of Song. With the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jin people did not stop the pace of annexing the Song Dynasty, and Feng Shixing, who had a strong national spirit and patriotic thinking, did not want to see the Southern Song Dynasty follow in the footsteps of the Northern Song Dynasty, did not want the history of the fall of the land and the people being bullied to repeat itself, and tried his best to advocate sending troops to resist the Jin and become the main war faction. He put the great righteousness of the country and the nation first, regardless of his personal future and destiny, met with Emperor Gaozong of Song and presented "Please Divide the Troops to Zhen JingxiangShu", saying that the Jin people were not trustworthy, and asked the minister to choose a minister to be heavy and heavy troops to zhenjing, and the result was rebuked by Zhao Gaozong, the "lord and faction" who advocated peace talks: "The words of the cup of soup, I can't bear to hear" Of course, although Emperor Gaozong did not like Feng Shixing's proposal, he was undecided, so his proposal still enabled Yue Fei to concentrate on the governance of the Jianghan area and resist the Jin people (there is still a Jianghan district in Hubei). Yue Fei has a total of eighteen years of anti-Jin history, of which seven years were fought in the Jianghan region.

In 1139, the thirty-nine-year-old Feng Shixing became the governor of Wanzhou, although he served as an advisor to the imperial court for two years, witnessed the flattering faces of various figures in the imperial court, and fought for power, but did not change Feng Shixing's honest and honest, upright and kind nature. In 1141, the transfer magistrate Li Jiong, in an attempt to extract a large amount of money from Wanzhou, offered favors to the imperial court, and led 500 Flying Tiger troops to forcibly extract it, But Feng Shixing resolutely opposed it, was impeached by He Qi, and was deposed from his post (Shi Xing used his ministry to resist the transfer envoy, falsely accused of being a thief, and was imprisoned in the Great Prison of Zhaoxing - meaning resisting the transfer envoy, arrogant). He was also removed from the "Records of the Great Song Dynasty" and exiled from Wanzhou and Kaijiang (Kaizhou District) for nearly two years.

A teacher who sits and does not waste

Feng Shixing returned to the Le Moraine family from Wanzhou at the end of the fourteenth year of Shaoxing (there was a field property in Le Moraine), and in anger, changed the "Le Moraine" to "Luo Moraine" (the reason for the name of the present-day Luo Moraine). Subsequently, he went to Jinyun Mountain to buy a field, built a school to run a school, and lived for seventeen years of people's life, which is called "sitting in ruin" for seventeen years.

In fact, it is not correct to say that "sitting on the throne" for seventeen years is not correct, this is a kind of official-based thinking, and it is believed that only being an official is the right way. Feng Shixing was near the old courtyard of Jinyun Mountain (Huangyangou and Daijiayuan) and on the banks of the Liangtan River under Jinyun Mountain (the Liangtan River is near the current Zhuangyuan Monument, and during the Later Ming Dynasty Wanli Dynasty, the Guanguan Ministry of Political Xu was inspired by Feng Shixing's deeds, and specially came to the hometown of Jinyun Mountain, and erected a monument inscribed with the three characters of "Zhuangyuan Township", so the place name was named "Zhuangyuan Monument") and purchased many fields, and at the same time he taught and educated people in Jinyun Mountain, wrote books and said, and lived a full and meaningful life, how can it be regarded as "sitting waste"? Feng Shixing felt particularly kind and down-to-earth when he returned to the place where he was born and raised, far away from the officialdom, and he could concentrate on what he liked. In the Xuetang Fort where he once went to school, he used his savings for many years as an official to open a larger school and accept more peasant children to enroll in education, and Feng Shixing personally taught the students, not only imparting knowledge, but also talking about the principle of being a man, talking about the strength of the country and the nation, educating future generations to "have a complete egg under the nest" (a sentence spoken by Box Heng's son), saying that only when the country is prosperous and the people are united, the people will have the great righteousness of a happy life.

  During his time at Jinyun Mountain, Feng Shixing composed a large number of poems and songs, and wrote forty-three volumes of the Jinyun Mountain Anthology, as well as a study of Zhou Yi and two volumes of Yi Theory. There are still four volumes of the Jinyun Mountain Anthology, which are included in the "Complete Book of the Four Libraries of The King", and one of the seven laws of Jinyun Temple, "Jinyun Temple", has been passed down to this day:

Borrow the Zen forest scenery Ruohe, half a day of the building hall crown Saga.

Mo Yan's summer is less in this, and there are more high places in the breeze.

The nine peaks are clear and foggy, and the water is far from waveless.

When I come to visit, I will return without having to chant a sermon.

In the seventeen years since he resigned and returned to Jinyun Mountain, it can be said that he is as meaningful as his achievements in his career, and even more far-reaching, and at the same time, it has strengthened his nationalist spirit.

Feng Shixing, who worries about the country and loves the people

In 1157, after the death of the Southern Song Dynasty traitorous vassal Qin Ju, Feng Shixing returned to serve as the prefect of Pengzhou (present-day Peng'an County, Sichuan) and the prefect of Lizhou (present-day Hanyuan, Sichuan); in 1161, the Jin people's back alliance (the so-called Jinren back alliance, mainly the world pattern changed, the Mongols at that time became stronger, and united with the Southern Song Dynasty to attack the Jin people), because Song Gaozong declared himself a vassal to the Jin people, and the Song-Jin War broke out in full swing, and Feng Shixing was summoned again by Emperor Gaozong, and said in "Please use Zhang Jun and Liu Qishu in the Yitian Division": Since ancient times, no one has been able to make the world advance because of the retreat of the Lord, and the cowardice of the Lord of Man can make the world brave, and in the present situation, may His Majesty give up his own likes and dislikes and use Zhang Jun, Liu Qi, Li Xianzhong and other generals to resist Jin. And proposed that "it is advisable to be a provincial official, and reduce the number of prefectures and counties." (Feng Shixing was keenly aware of some of the ills of the administrative system from the Northern to Southern Song dynasties, and he was also an outspoken man.) Looking at the demise of the Song Dynasty, it has a lot to do with "redundant pawns in prefectures and counties", at that time, whether in the Southern Song Dynasty or the Northern Song Dynasty, the institutions were bloated, and the large number of officials was a common disease, not only "redundant pawns in prefectures and counties", in fact, the imperial court was more serious, and there were a lot of civilian officials, military attaches, and eunuchs. Why is this happening? The main reason was that the imperial court was afraid that the local power was too great, and adopted the "division of power", and set up many supervisory organs, directly administered organs, and containment organs to prevent civilian officials and military attachés from monopolizing power, resulting in the formation of a situation of "redundant officials, redundant pawns, and redundant expenses"; for example, the rulers adopted the method of recruiting and raising troops to ease the peasants' counter-disturbances, such as "recruiting" the Liangshan uprising, which caused a sharp increase in the number of soldiers. The use of soldiers must be through the Privy Council (the Privy Council is responsible for mastering the military status, controlling the tiger symbol, mobilizing the army, etc.) and supervising the army, and the transferred soldiers do not understand each other, the command is out of touch, and the front mostly ends in failure. Another example is the establishment of a transfer envoy -- the aforementioned transfer judge is the deputy general of the transfer envoy, some people say that it is similar to today's Ministry of Transport, in fact, he is similar to today's national tax agency, directly to the local collection of money and goods, and these officials are withheld layer by layer, enriched by private pockets, and arbitrarily manipulated power. According to the current saying, "middlemen have earned the difference", there are too many officials from the top down, the use of the state has increased greatly, the financial income cannot be made up, and the salaries cannot be paid. Therefore, on the one hand, he advocated resisting jin and proposing beneficial candidates, on the other hand, he also put forward the suggestion of "Yi provincial officials, reducing the redundant pawns of prefectures and counties") It was Feng Shixing's idea of loyalty and dedication to serve the country, and he proposed a suitable candidate, which led to the rapid demise of the Jin state under cooperation with the Mongols (of course, the illness of the Song Dynasty was difficult to return, and the Southern Song Dynasty was destroyed by the Mongols after that is the last word). Subsequently, he was promoted to the position of Right Dynasty Doctor, and was promoted to chengdu prison to manage border affairs. In 1163, Feng Shixing died in Yazhou (present-day Ya'an) at the age of 63. After his death, he was posthumously honored as the "Marquis of Ancient City", and was first buried in the ancient city of Yazhou, and later moved to Yuzuituo (now Yuzui Town, Jiangbei District) in Ba County.

In the fifth year of Qiandao (1169), the people of Yazhou raised 700,000 yuan to build a temple for Feng Shixing. The "Monument to the Temple of FengHou in the Ancient City" says: "The masses rebuked 700,000 yuan, tied up the house twenty-five surpluses, the middle was the hall, the statue of the Marquis was sculpted, and the people sang and danced when they were old, and the water and drought were severe, and they would pray for hou." ”

Historically, there have been more than ten million officials serving in Ya'an? And Feng Shixing is probably the only one who can be loved by the people and spontaneously raise funds to build a memorial hall. Feng Shixing was born in Jinyun Mountain, and after he was a teenager, he returned to Jinyun Mountain to study, and from an early age he was full of history books, deeply influenced by traditional Chinese thought and culture, and also felt the pain of the disaster-ridden nation, and his bones were full of feelings of worrying about the country and loving the people. Therefore, in his lifetime, he never considered personal gains and losses, proceeded from safeguarding national unity and territorial integrity, insisted on putting forward the idea of resisting the enemy in opposition to those in power, pointed out the shortcomings of the political system, and at the same time, he tried his best to do practical and good things for the people, and was deeply loved by the people. After being framed and dismissed, he also worked hard to run education, cultivated many useful talents for the country, and made great contributions to the country and the nation throughout his life.

Knowing the past and learning from the present, understanding Feng Shixing today and studying his thinking of worrying about the country and loving the people is of far-reaching practical educational significance for us today to work with one heart and one mind, unite as one to resist foreign enemies, and oppose "Taiwan independence" and "Xinjiang independence" and other national separatist acts.