
In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

author:Shi Hai Guanfu

At the end of July 2020, Lee Teng-hui, who was nearly 100 years old, died in Taiwan due to illness, drawing a conclusion to his "sinful" life.

On October 7 of the same year, Lee Teng-hui's granddaughter personally held her grandfather's altar of ashes and, together with her mother Li Anne and others, set off from the mansion where her grandfather lived, "Cuishan Villa", to the "Five Finger Mountain National Army Demonstration Cemetery".

Subsequently, Tsai Ing-wen, who was the leader of the Taiwan authorities at the time, led the "vice president," "secretary general," and other high-ranking officials to greet the spirit and held a simple ceremonial activity.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

After the "Christian Church" prayer, the army fired three more guns, and at this point, Lee Teng-hui's burial ceremony was completely over.

But it is such a seemingly ordinary immigration initiative that has been jointly protested by many Taiwanese groups. They gathered one after another on the morning of the same day at the intersection where Lee Teng-hui's hearse would pass, raised flags and shouted, and expressed their dissatisfaction.

Among them, Qian Da, then vice chairman of the "Blue Sky Action Alliance," told reporters that the reason why they protested was because they believed that Lee Teng-hui was not qualified to be buried in the Five Finger Mountain.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

This decision of Tsai Ing-wen is undoubtedly the greatest insult to the "national army"!

Lee Teng-hui clearly claimed to be Japanese, and during his lifetime he even expressed his closeness to the Japanese many times, and he was an out-and-out speculator who lacked a central idea; he could not be compared at all with the officers and men who heroically resisted Japan and defended their homeland.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

At the same time, the protesters not only loudly rebuked Lee Teng-hui for "not having a face," but also pointed the finger at Tsai Ing-wen, who made this decision, shouting at her: "Don't be arrogant, the more arrogant you are, the less likely your life will last!" ”

The question then arises: When mentioning Lee Teng-hui as a person, most of the Chinese first think of his "Taiwan independence" stand, but why do "anti-Taiwan independence" groups also "hate" Lee Teng-hui so much? The answer should begin with Lee Teng-hui himself.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

01, "Betrayer": He has joined the CCP twice and quit the organization twice

Lee Teng-hui was born in mid-January 1923 in a village called Puping in Sanzhizhuang, Taipei, where his father was a policeman named Lee Jin-lung and his job changed frequently, so Lee Teng-hui often experienced moving houses and changing schools when he was a teenager.

Probably because he did not stay in each place for long, lee teng-hui used to be alone in school and rarely participated in group activities.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

In 1941, Lee Teng-hui graduated from Tamsui High School and joined the "Imperial Democratization Movement" promoted by the Japanese authorities, renaming himself "Masao Iwasato."

In 1943, Lee Teng-hui, who had just been admitted to Taipei Higher School and had studied for less than a year, resolutely gave up his studies in Taiwan and went to Kyoto Imperial University in Japan alone to study.

Because Japan did not allow colonial students to study political science and law related subjects at that time, Lee Teng-hui had to abandon his ambition and choose agricultural economy instead.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

The following year, the increasingly tense war affected the students, and Lee Teng-hui briefly gave up his studies with the current and returned to Taiwan for training.

He later returned to Japan and became a trainee non-commissioned officer in the Chiba Anti-Aircraft Artillery Unit. But before he could set foot on the battlefield, Japan was defeated.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

In 1946, Lee Teng-hui gave up his studies in Japan and returned to Taiwan to enroll in National Taiwan University, where he continued to study agricultural economics.

During his time at school, he accidentally reunited with his former acquaintance Wu Ketai, and soon chatted with him and became a best friend without saying a word.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

Wu Ketai, who was in his twilight years, told the visitors that Lee Teng-hui at that time was not like later, and his personality was still a bit jumpy.

He would show off to Wu Ketai with a copy of Capital, which he had brought back from Japan; he would talk to Wu Ketai about his relationship with Zeng Wenhui, revealing the secret of Zeng Wenhui's father's promise to let him marry one of the zeng family's two sisters when he grew up.

At times, they also talk about each other's views on the current situation and future of China. Lee Teng-hui did not know that Wu Ketai had joined the CCP organization long ago, but he expressed understanding and acceptance of Wu Ketai's views.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

Over time, Wu Ketai slowly developed a thought: He wanted to introduce Lee Teng-hui to join the organization and wanted to "fight side by side" with Lee Teng-hui.

After obtaining the consent of his superiors, Wu Ketai chose to confess to Lee Teng-hui one day in September, telling Lee Teng-hui that he intended to promote him to a member of the CPC, and asked Lee Teng-hui if he would agree.

Lee Teng-hui did not hesitate to nod his head and promise, so Wu Ketai immediately wrote an autobiography in accordance with the regulations and handed it over to the CCP organization, successfully absorbing Lee Teng-hui as a party member.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

The following year, Wu Ketai was wanted and briefly left Taiwan for Shanghai, where he severed contact with Lee Teng-hui. A few months later, members of the organization quietly found Wu Ketai, who had just returned to Taipei, and told him: "Lee Teng-hui has asked to quit the party. ”

Taken aback, Wu Ketai hurriedly found Lee Teng-hui through Zeng Wenhui and asked him why he had quit the party. Lee Teng-hui replied: "The party is not pure. ”

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

Wu Ketai asked why it was not smooth? Lee Teng-hui replied: Some people have ambitions.

Wu Ketai muttered to himself that Lee Teng-hui, who has always been arrogant, must have had a conflict with some arrogant members of the party; at the same time, he gave a few more words of persuasion.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

However, Lee Teng-hui's will to resign from the party was very firm, and Wu Ketai had no choice but to take the initiative to report to the organization on his behalf and obtain the permission of the leaders at a higher level.

Since then, Wu Ketai has maintained personal relations with Lee Teng-hui and occasionally exchanged contacts.

Some time later, Wu Ketai heard that Lee Teng-hui had joined a peripheral organization called the "New Democratic Comrades Association" and was forced to rejoin the CCP organization with those members.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

But this time, too, didn't last long. In 1948, Lee Teng-hui, who twice proposed to his superiors to resign from the party, had a serious conversation with Xu Maode.

Xu Maode had no choice but to let Lee Teng-hui "think again", agree to see him again in 10 days, and then make a final decision.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

After 10 days, Lee Teng-hui's attitude was the same, and Xu Maode was completely ruined, but in the end he agreed to Lee Teng-hui's application to resign from the party.

Lee Teng-hui's experience was well known within the KMT, including Chiang Ching-kuo, who reused Lee Teng-hui.

However, before Chiang Ching-kuo promoted Lee Teng-hui, he assured Lee Teng-hui that the "CPC member" information about him had been destroyed and that there would be no such thing within the KMT in the future, hoping that Lee Teng-hui would be able to do things for the KMT with peace of mind.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

However, as the saying goes, even if what happened is destroyed and forgotten, its existence cannot be truly denied, and in the eyes of the CCP and the Chinese, Lee Teng-hui is undoubtedly a betrayer.

As far as the "anti-Taiwan independence" groups are concerned, this incident is the most powerful evidence that Lee Teng-hui "lacks a central idea and stand" and is a thoroughly speculative person.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

02, "Pro-Japanese": It doesn't matter whether he is Japanese or not, his attitude toward Japan is the key

Moreover, Lee Teng-hui's attitude toward Japan is also the point that Chinese and the "anti-Taiwan independence" groups hate the most.

As we all know, because Japan launched a brutal war and caused great harm to Chinese mainland and Taiwan, Chinese hated Japan very much, and coupled with the fact that Japan often spread some "anti-China" remarks and behaviors, this hatred between them was deepened.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

On the contrary, Lee Teng-hui, as the former "leader" of the Taiwan region, repeatedly carried out some extremely absurd pro-Japanese "performances" after taking power, which made people very speechless and disgusted.

Among them, Lee Teng-hui's attitude toward the Diaoyu Islands can be described as "madness within madness," which has aroused fierce criticism from people from all walks of life on both sides of the strait.

Lee Teng-hui first spoke of the Diaoyu Dao issue in an interview in September 2002 in which he unashamedly stated that the Diaoyu Islands should be Japan's "inherent territory" and that its ownership should be "vested" in Okinawa, Japan.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

At the same time, Lee Teng-hui also expressed "shameless views" on China's claim that the Diaoyu Dao are China's territory.

Six years later, in the same September, Lee Teng-hui, who went to Japan to give a speech, openly recognized the Diaoyu Islands as "Japanese territory" in front of the Japanese media camera.

A few months later, he was interviewed by a newly launched magazine in Japan and once again uttered ridiculous words.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

As the "leader" of the Taiwan region, Lee Teng-hui has, as always, firmly adhered to the "Japanese stand."

In 2015, Lee Teng-hui's behavior of "flattering the sun" once again surprised people.

He braved the world to say that Japan was his "country."

Naturally, his absurd and shameless remarks were violently rebuked and attacked by people from all walks of life on both sides of the strait.

At the same time, many people have questioned Lee Teng-hui's true "nationality" and think that there is probably "Japanese blood" in his bloodline, right?

For example, Taiwan's "Business Weekly," which was the first to question Lee Teng-hui's death, used a photograph taken by Lee Teng-hui's father and nine Japanese police officers at the Lee Clan Ancestral Hall as a starting point to ask the question that "Lee Teng-hui's father is Japanese."

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

Coupled with the fact that after leaving office, Lee Teng-hui has repeatedly disregarded the feelings of the people on both sides of the strait and repeatedly visited the Yasukuni Shrine to pay respects, which makes people feel even more deeply that Lee Teng-hui is probably indeed a Japanese!

However, whether Lee Teng-hui is Japanese or not actually does not matter, and the most fundamental reason for the people on both sides of the strait to criticize him lies in Lee Teng-hui's attitude toward China and Japan.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

His explicit identity is that of a Chinese and the "leader" of the Taiwan region.

However, he ignored the historical truth, distorted the historical facts, reversed black and white several times, and failed to live up to the blood and lives of the martyrs on both sides of the strait to protect this land.

Putting aside all disharmonious cross-strait positions, from the perspective of the anti-Japanese resistance, Lee Teng-hui was indeed a Chinese in vain and was not qualified to be buried in the "Five Finger Mountain Cemetery."

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

03, "Splitters": From "Loyal Successor of Chiang Kai-shek" to "Godfather of Taiwan Independence"

In addition, there is an even greater "stain" on Lee Teng-hui.

In the past year, Lee Teng-hui, who was over 40 years old, was not satisfied with his achievements in agricultural economy, gave up his work in Taiwan and went to the United States for further study.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

A few years later, soon after returning to Taiwan after obtaining a doctorate, he received the attention of Chiang Ching-kuo, who was then vice president of Taiwan's "Executive Yuan."

Adhering to the concept that "the development of Taiwan should be both agricultural and industrial," Chiang Ching-kuo quickly summoned Lee Teng-hui, who held the title of "Doctor of Agriculture," and left a deep impression on Lee Teng-hui, who had rich professional knowledge and a respectful attitude.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

Later, with chiang ching-kuo's support, Lee Teng-hui not only smoothly joined the KUOMINTK, but also quickly promoted him to a political councilor of the "Executive Yuan" and began to enter the political arena.

At that time, no one expected that such a person who should have been the most loyal successor of the Jiang family would have inserted a knife in the backhand after the power in his hands was increasingly consolidated and expanded.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

Lee Teng-hui first showed his "fangs" in a power struggle with Soong Mei-ling, Yu Guohua, and others; he purged the Chiang family's "heavy subjects," supported his cronies to come to power, and forced Soong Mei-ling, who represented the Chiang family, to stay away from Taiwan, thus greatly weakening the Influence of the Chiang family in Taiwan.

Subsequently, Lee Teng-hui suppressed Soong Chu-yu in the "Taiwan general election" and dispersed the total number of votes of the KmT represented by Lien Chan and Soong Chu-yu.

Chen Shui-bian of the Democratic Progressive Party was given an opportunity to take advantage of the void, so that the KMT not only split into two, but also missed the "fruits" that were at his fingertips.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

Immediately, the KMT, which recognized Lee Teng-hui's "true face," immediately forced Lee Teng-hui to resign as party chairman and expelled him from the party.

However, the KMT's behavior, far from causing Lee Teng-hui to "seriously injure his vitality," actually stimulated him to completely throw away the mask of a "hypocrite" and "run wildly" in the direction of "Taiwan independence."

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

Lee Teng-hui changed his previous attitude of resolutely opposing "Taiwan independence" and brazenly claimed that he had "never heard of the 1992 Consensus."

When he invited the "legislators" of the Taiwan Solidarity Alliance, he even more openly stated that "if Taiwan wants to break away from the past, it must draw a clear line with China's history and culture and decouple from China."

In this way, "Taiwan has its own way to go", otherwise, "Taiwan will usher in a greater crisis."

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

Under the vigorous leadership of Lee Teng-hui, the Taiwan authorities quickly threw out such absurd political propositions as "splitting and dividing the two sides of the strait" and "two Chinas in stages." The development of "Taiwan independence" groups was supported, and the "Taiwan independence" ideological trend spread rapidly, bringing great harm to cross-strait relations.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

It can be said that since the 1990s of the last century, Lee Teng-hui has been constantly advancing in the direction of the "godfather of Taiwan independence," and he has failed to live up to Chiang Ching-kuo's expectations and cultivation of him, as well as the trust of the KmT and the Taiwan people.

His narrow pattern and scheming not only filled Taiwan with the scars of ethnic division, but also drew a gap between the people on both sides of the strait that is difficult to heal easily.

In 2020, Lee Teng-hui was buried in Wuzhishan and protested, and protesters loudly reprimanded: No face, no qualifications

People often say that "the coffin is conclusive," and even though Lee Teng-hui has passed away from the world for a long time, the mistakes he has made are still unforgivable, he is a thorough national sinner, and "ten thousand years of stink" will certainly be a historical label that he can never remove.


"Taiwan Media: Lee Teng-hui is not surprised to be pro-Japanese, his father is japanese"

"Lee Teng-hui's Death: Joining the Communist Party of China Twice"

Silhouettes of History