
Sweet potatoes can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells, is it true or false? The results of the study may have been published

author:Dr. Zhong discussed

Sweet potatoes are more nutritious, and have certain medical value, blood tonify blood and warm the stomach, "Golden Potato Transmission" records that sweet potatoes can cure dysentery under the blood, wine accumulation of hot blood, damp heat jaundice, sperm turbidity, blood fever menstruation, infant chancre and so on.

Sweet potatoes are easy to cultivate due to their strong sense of fullness, and their living environment requirements are not high, and in the poor years when they do not have enough to eat, they have saved many ordinary people who are desperately struggling in famine. Seemingly simple and ordinary sweet potato is an out-of-the-box imported product, China is not his origin, as early as the Ming Dynasty Wanli years, sweet potatoes followed the merchants who went to Nanyang to do business to settle in China, and later widely planted, became people's favorite food.

Sweet potatoes can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells, is it true or false? The results of the study may have been published

In the cold winter to warm the body, eat a mouthful of steaming, fragrant baked sweet potato is the best choice, a bite down soft, soft, sweet, unconsciously fell in love with him. Sweet potatoes taste sweet and delicious, can be eaten raw, cooked, roasted to eat, rich in dietary fiber, carotene, vitamins, carbohydrates and potassium, copper, calcium, selenium and other trace elements, can meet the needs of the body.


The 5 health benefits of sweet potatoes


Modern people because of the diet does not know how to temperance, coupled with sedentary exercise, do not love sports is easy to gain weight, suffer from three high rich diseases, and sweet potato fat content is low, rich in dietary fiber, with less heat production, strong satiety and other characteristics, just to meet the requirements of dieters.

Every 100 grams of sweet potatoes contain only 0.2 grams of fat, almost negligible, so it is a very good low-fat, low-calorie food, sweet potatoes as a staple food to eat can effectively reduce the intake of other foods, so as to achieve weight loss and weight loss effect. In addition, sweet potatoes can also effectively prevent the body's sugars from being converted into fat too quickly, which is conducive to maintaining a good body.

Sweet potatoes can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells, is it true or false? The results of the study may have been published

- Prevent excessive cholesterol levels

Eating sweet potatoes in moderation can effectively inhibit the rise in cholesterol levels in the body. Related studies have found that the effect of sweet potatoes in inhibiting cholesterol is about 10 times that of other foods, and the elderly have high cholesterol levels that can be eaten with sweet potatoes instead of other staple foods.


Related studies have found that patients with type II diabetes have significantly improved their insulin sensitivity after taking the extracted substance of white-skinned sweet potatoes, so eating sweet potatoes can play a role in stabilizing blood sugar levels.


Eating sweet potatoes has the effect of assisting in lowering blood pressure is mainly due to the fact that it is rich in potassium, potassium and sodium are important elements that affect blood pressure levels, if the human body can consume enough potassium to promote blood excretion of excess sodium ions, eating more potassium-rich foods can also promote the balance of the body's mineral levels, so it can play a certain role in assisting blood pressure.

Sweet potatoes can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells, is it true or false? The results of the study may have been published

- Reduce the risk of stroke

Sweet potatoes are definitely the "king of high potassium and low sodium", and related studies have found that the potassium element rich in sweet potatoes can reduce the risk of stroke by 20%.


Sweet potatoes can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells, is it true or false? The results of the study may have been published

Whether sweet potatoes have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects is one of the most concerned issues, related studies have shown that sweet potato extract can effectively inhibit colon cancer and breast cancer, and the inhibition rate of cooked sweet potatoes is higher than that of raw sweet potatoes.

As early as 2014, Japanese medical scientists have conducted relevant investigations and studies on the diet of more than 200,000 people in the country, and the results show that sweet potatoes have obvious anti-cancer effects in many foods, and cooked sweet potatoes and raw sweet potatoes rank first and second respectively, and the inhibitory effect on cancer cells is as high as 98.7% and 94.4%.

Sweet potatoes can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells, is it true or false? The results of the study may have been published

After animal experiments, it was found that the anti-cancer substances contained in sweet potatoes can effectively prevent the emergence of colon cancer and breast cancer, sweet potatoes have the effect of eliminating reactive oxygen species, reactive oxygen species are one of the causes of cancer in humans, so the effect of sweet potatoes inhibiting the reproduction of cancer cells is very significant.

The carotene contained in sweet potatoes enters the human body after a series of digestion and decomposition into vitamin A, which can effectively improve the body's immunity and resistance, and has a positive effect in preventing epithelial cells from becoming cancerous, in addition, lignin in carrots can help establish a strong immune system mechanism, indirectly destroy the cancer cells that have been produced, and inhibit the reproduction and spread of intact cancer cells.


2 health reminders for eating sweet potatoes

1, can not eat too much

Although sweet potatoes can be eaten as a staple food, but long-term use of it as a staple food may cause malnutrition, especially in the group of people who have just recovered from serious diseases and are pregnant, Chinese medicine believes that spleen and stomach disorders, gas stagnation and food accumulation should also be used cautiously, diabetics can take it in moderation according to medical advice.

2. Serve with pickles to reduce pantothenic acid

Sweet potatoes have a high sugar content, eating too much will produce a lot of stomach acid, will cause spit acid water or "heartburn", at this time eating some pickles can alleviate the symptoms.

#夏方养生指南 #

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