
The Canadian education system is fully understood, with an application process at all levels

author:Jin Gillette studied in Handan
The Canadian education system is fully understood, with an application process at all levels

Sir Winston Churchill secondary school, Wu Yifan's alma mater, is the larger private school in Los Angeles. Winston Churchill Middle School, like Britannia Secondary School, is the only two international secondary schools and one of three in the Los Angeles area that offers french immersion classrooms. Wu Yifan, a popular superstar whose incomparable standards have promoted immigrants to invest in Canada since childhood, has learned three Chinese words.

Canada is the preferred choice for Chinese immigrants, and one of the key factors is Canada's sound and high-quality education system. Cultural education has always been highly valued by the Federal Government of Canada and the local governments of various provinces, cities and municipalities, and 7% of the Financial Services Bureau invests in basic education every year to ensure the quality of high-quality education in Canada.

The Canadian education system

It is divided into three links: early childhood education (3-6 years old), primary higher education (6-18 years old) and higher vocational education (over 18 years old).

Basic education in primary and secondary schools is widely promoted in Canada, and Chinese citizens enjoy compulsory education until they graduate from junior high school until the age of 16. There are 12 years from primary and secondary schools in Canada to ordinary high schools, although the systems of provinces and cities are different, but they are generally based on a 6-year primary and secondary school plus a 6-year secondary school system (refer to the following table 2). There is no distinction between "critical" and "non-critical" secondary schools in Canada, but only public secondary schools, private secondary schools and boarding secondary schools.

Canadian colleges and universities do not have a national entrance examination, and after graduating from the 12 classes of secondary school, they can apply for it, and if they are evaluated by each university, they can immediately pursue university elective courses. Canadian higher vocational education generally refers to the cultural education of colleges and universities, community colleges, technical high-tech colleges and vocational and technical schools, giving bachelor's degrees, masters, doctoral students and advanced academic qualifications. The Canadian general bachelor's degree is three years, while the prestigious bachelor's degree must be studied for four years, and the honorary title bachelor's degree can be immediately followed by 1-3 years of doctoral program content, and finally obtain a master's degree. Canadian colleges and universities implement convenient credits, and bachelor's degrees must provide corresponding credit points, and students can customize humanized courses according to their own self-learning ability and schedule.

All in all, the cultural education in All Aspects of Canada is similar to the mainland education system (refer to the second table below), which is convenient for Chinese students to dock and integrate into professional learning in a short period of time after transferring to Canada. However, when studying abroad in Canada to study secondary school curriculum, you should also pay attention to different provinces, regions and regions of the education system (refer to the following table 1), so as to facilitate the selection of the best plan for studying abroad, and make early preparations for future colleges and universities.

Application process

Bachelor's degree

Apply now for an undergraduate at a Canadian university and be sure to meet the following criteria:

Graduated from junior high school and scored more than 80% of the average test score in three years

l The score of the college entrance examination is the undergraduate admission score of Chinese universities

l Toefl 80 or above (86 points or above from first-class universities), or IELTS 6.5 or above

Naturally, if the high school grades are not idealized, you can also find other plans to get tickets to the beloved university with an objective overall plan

【Plan 1: Language Expression Core】 Ordinary high school and university graduates can also apply for conditional admission to the Canadian university assessment core, that is, students can transfer to the undergraduate for the first year of undergraduate after meeting the special conditions, usually the English test results such as toefl or TOEFL. There are many universities in Canada that offer this type of recruitment method, but the language expression core of prestigious public universities usually does not accept applications from students without toefl or IELTS scores.

For Chinese high school students or secondary school students whose college entrance examination scores are not ideal or who have not received an ordinary high school diploma, they usually have to have a "buffer period" to enter Canadian colleges and universities, that is, to first study the content of the Canadian high school Chinese with OSSD course content or 12-u (efficacy equivalent to college preparatory professional courses). If the 12-u test results are idealized and the language expression test questions (toefl/IELTS/eap) are passed, you can enter a reliable Canadian university to pursue a bachelor's degree program.

【Plan 3: Conditional Admission】Universities and professional pre-university schools are held in collaboration. Applicants can also receive a notice of colleges and universities, universities recognize the test results of college preparatory schools, and students can be admitted to undergraduate without toefl.


Canadian graduate student applications have always belonged to the high-end scope, how to locate the professionals and institutions that they are interested in and correspond to their own research content majors in the application process? What kind of grade scale must be shown to be favored by expert professors? How can the raw materials of kumon (personal statement, recommendation letter) make itself stand out among many applicants?

First, let us grasp the level of recruitment considerations for Canadian master's students, so that we can ensure problem-oriented when preparing in advance:

1) The applicant's technical professional environment;

2) GPA at school;

3) Work experience or work experience (especially for disciplines such as MBA must show certain management experience and management ability);

4) IELTS or TOEFL score;

5) GMAT and GRE scores;

6) Part of us have to recruit interviews.

Secondly, the application process for master's degree students in Canada is as follows, and the application can be handled according to the rules, and each step can be done well, that is, step by step, step by step, to succeed:

1) Prepare the application materials in advance according to the application regulations of the institutions and institutions declared by the institute, such as preparing the university transcripts in advance, the proof of the work unit, the preparation of ps, personal resumes, recommendation letters, etc.;

2) Submit online application;

3) Documents for applications such as mailing transcripts;

4) IELTS test or TOEFL, gre or gmat sent to the institution according to the official network distribution;

5) Closely follow up the progress of the application processing, find out the omissions and fill in the gaps; (Note: Some institutions will need to recruit interviews after re-review, and then carry out the next round of approval. ﹚;

6) After getting the offer, determine the company's affairs clearly and do a good job in the next step.

Finally, let's talk about the things to look out for when preparing your filing materials in advance:

College gpa:

The university GPA is the most important part of the rigid standard and is an important document for assessing the applicant's self-study ability and future ordinary grades. As an recruiter, they have always been fond of these applicants with high scores, because the level of enrollment, that is, the GPA score of the recruited students, will also endanger the credibility of the school. At the same time, due to the concentration of professional courses, the vast majority of colleges and universities will pay more attention to the test results of the next 2 years of colleges and universities, and they will also take into account the status of applicants entering institutions, for example, some institutions have established that there are different regulations for gpa applicants enrolled in China 211 engineering schools and gpa for non-211 engineering school applicants.

Language Expression Test Scores:

For applicants whose English is non-Chinese and non-Chinese mainland, the application for master's degree students requires the applicant to bring the toefl, IELTS test, gmat test results, etc. to reflect the applicant's language expression ability. Language expression test scores, like college gpas, serve as a norm for assessing the overall literacy of applicants, as it directly affects whether you have successfully completed the content of the graduate program to obtain a bachelor's degree.

Work Experience:

Work experience and after-school work experience are the third element to be considered in addition to the gpa and language issues of the university, and in the case of assessing the applicant's work experience, the specific elements of concern of the institution are:

(1) The overall strength and influence of the company, such as whether it is a global top 500 enterprise, whether it is at the leading level in the field.

(2) The necessity of the work undertaken by the applicant and the overall development trend of business growth, such as whether there are still continuous promotions and key positions in the same position or a level of position for many years.

(3) The applicant's leading cadre organization and management level, such as whether he has any management work experience or work experience as a planner.

Kumon raw materials:

Official documents contain personal statements, recommendation letters and personal resumes and other supplementary textual raw materials for the application processing level. The actual legal documents stipulate and write the process, and the North American cultural education nae will be interpreted in detail in the content of the future dry goods knowledge articles, please pay close attention!

Many people choose the wrong department when filling out the university, or because of the migration of interests and hobbies in the future, they decide to change the technical major when they enter graduate school. If the change is not very big, foreign universities will accept it. For example, in China, I studied mathematical thinking, and when I entered graduate school, I changed my mind to financial accounting or statistical analysis; I switched from architecture to urban planning and construction; from English to news reporting; from physics to astronomy.

Each graduate student has a core requirement when verifying their application, and they will test the materials on your transcript and recognize it if they match or approximately the key course content standards they have set. If you are still two years away from completing the test, they may allow you to enter the school as a temporary status and ask you to take some college electives.

Usually, if you don't make up for college electives too much, it is not easy to jeopardize the course content of your elective master's degree students, that is, it does not enhance your time for graduate and doctoral students. If you need to transfer to these completely unrelated technical majors, most colleges and universities will not accept them. Technical majors that are more open to the outside world, such as business management, cultural education, computing and other technical majors, usually accept students from all technical majors.

It is very noteworthy that the Study Abroad Master in Canada also has a scholarship to apply for this step. Here, the authoritative experts who went abroad to study abroad summarized the process of applying for the Canadian master's study abroad scholarship to the students.

There are two forms of request for an application form:

1. Internet application processing.

Immediately send an e-mail to the person responsible, and the actual writing is consistent with the letter writing. In addition, according to, after advancing to the homepage of each school, and then entering the relevant part of the qualification admission, usually Canadian universities have application on line (online application) reports.

2. Correspondence.

3. Letter request for application form, relatively speaking, is relatively declared, and some institutions do not accept application online. However, such letters are usually handed over to the secretarial solution and are not easy to fall into the hands of the applicant for verification, because the applicant's diploma history and other materials are eventually filled in on the real application form for admission, so the letter requesting the application form is not necessary to store. However, in order to better facilitate the recipient of the letter to decide whether to apply for it or not, the letter requesting the application form should include at least the following types:

The applicant's detailed mailing address;

Bachelor's degree and technical major to be applied for;

Time to prepare for admission to the school;

Educational experience and bachelor's degree, including bachelor's degree already studied or already obtained;

Work experience, selected key or indicative only for the current position;

The budget comes from, that is, whether to apply for academic scholarships.

The above six items should be briefly stated, and others such as school test scores, tofel, gre scores, etc. can not be indicated.

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