
Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel

author:Meta Smoke in Wencheng


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Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel

Hello everyone!

In yesterday's article, we focused on how users should do their best and take responsibility for their own safety in response to emergencies.

Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel
Today we are looking at another related group, that is, the maintenance personnel of the equipment.

A tragedy three years ago

I remember that in 2019, there was such a tragedy in The Pudong New Area of Shanghai, when a 795 bus was at the stop, a tire suddenly flew out and smashed directly into a 3-year-old boy walking on the sidewalk (accompanied by his grandfather at the time), and after being sent to the hospital, his family was devastated by his injuries.

Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel

Finally, after the investigation of the responsibility for the accident, the real cause was found, a staff member did not do the maintenance work in accordance with the process and specifications, and had a certain fluke psychology about the potential consequences it might cause, and delivered the vehicle to the driver without completing the maintenance work.

Unfortunately, it was precisely the next day that misfortune occurred.

Of course, this staff member finally got the punishment he deserved, assumed the corresponding criminal responsibility, and he himself regretted it a lot.

Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel

But it was all too late, and the boy had left this world forever, something that no subsequent remedy could make up for.

In this accident, the occurrence of emergency events has a direct causal relationship with the slack in maintenance work.

If this staff member had been able to strictly follow the procedures and norms, and did not have any slack and luck in the maintenance work, perhaps this tragedy would not have happened. Not surprisingly, this little boy is also about to usher in a wonderful primary school life this year.

Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel

Such an emergency incident is the most terrible, because it occurs in an instant, and the consequences caused by the reaction of no one are very serious, and we can think that the response to this event is insoluble.

The only way to deal with it is to rely on daily maintenance, of course, we can also continue to optimize the design and manufacturing process in the future to reduce the possibility of emergency incidents from the source.

Maintenance personnel are indispensable

For many industries, maintenance personnel are indispensable when it comes to hardware equipment or a variety of machines.

Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel

If a device or machine is likened to a patient, the maintenance worker is the doctor.

For machines, they are often only in the best condition when they have just left the factory (born), and then as the service life rises, the machine will always be constantly worn and consumed, the performance will continue to decline (small hair diseases), and occasionally there will be various failures (major diseases or surgeries), resulting in shutdown.

In fact, neither the machine nor the human body can escape this natural law, and will always gradually move from the best state to the weakening.

Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel

In the event of a malfunction, the maintenance personnel are the "attending physicians" of the machine, and they need to fully understand its specific symptoms and then accurately treat it so that they can recover and devote themselves to busy work again.

In other times, maintenance personnel need to perform routine maintenance of the machine, and some machines also need to replace consumables frequently.

At this time, the maintenance personnel can be regarded as a "health doctor", with the goal of "treating the disease" and issuing corresponding health care programs, which can also reduce the occurrence of failures.

Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel

Therefore, in order to keep the machine or equipment running well, maintenance personnel are indispensable, and they are also the objects that enterprises should focus on cultivating.

The attitude of maintenance should be consistent with emergency events

After the previous system introduction, I believe that everyone has understood the basic attitude we should hold in emergency incidents.

Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel

Whether it is the identification of emergency incidents or the response to emergency incidents, we always need to maintain a rigorous and objective attitude, strictly abide by the corresponding norms, and innovate when necessary to continuously improve our response capabilities.

The same goes for maintenance work. The better the maintenance work, the lower the probability of an emergency event, at least to ensure that there are no short boards and defects on the side of the machine or equipment, and tore the chain of emergency events.

From this point of view, the maintenance work mainly plays a preventive role.

Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel

Such prevention requires rigor and rigor.

In each routine maintenance work, the staff must strictly implement all the mandatory items in accordance with the requirements of the maintenance specifications to ensure that the maintenance work is comprehensive and foolproof.

At the same time, if possible, the person in charge of the maintenance team should also arrange the corresponding "mutual inspection" work, that is, to ensure that the maintenance work of each machine can be assigned to a colleague responsible for inspection, and the colleague responsible for the lead to jointly confirm whether the maintenance is complete and qualified.

Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel

At the same time, the team leader himself also needs to establish a corresponding reporting or remote management mechanism, timely control the health of each machine and the progress of maintenance work, and intervene in time when necessary to provide employees with corresponding guidance and tips, or rearrange the corresponding priorities.

Of course, different machines or equipment have their own unique characteristics, different industries also have a wide range of maintenance specifications, has a unique maintenance mechanism that meets their own needs, I will not repeat it here.

For the maintenance team, these factors need to be carefully and comprehensively considered.

Emergencies need to be taken a systematic view (19): the combined efforts of maintenance personnel

As of today, the introduction of systematic response to emergencies will come to an end, hoping to play a role in throwing bricks and stones. Thank you again for your attention!

Author Meta Smoke in Wencheng

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