
Delayed retirement is coming! The employment problem you are most worried about may be considered in the pension industry

author:Elderly renewal

A few days ago, the State Council issued the "14th Five-Year" National Notice on the Development of the Aging Cause and the Planning of the Pension Service System", which is a notice of more than 18,000 words, which makes a comprehensive plan for the pension undertakings and pension services during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period in the mainland, which mentions the "implementation of the gradual extension of the statutory retirement age" that everyone is most concerned about, which has caused a heated discussion for a time.

Delayed retirement is coming! The employment problem you are most worried about may be considered in the pension industry

Why delay retirement?

At present, the mainland has entered a deeply aging society. According to the data of the Seventh Population Census, there are about 264 million people aged 60 and above on the mainland, accounting for 18.7% of the total population; about 190 million people over the age of 65, accounting for 13.5% of the total population; and during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the elderly population on the mainland will exceed 300 million.

The United Nations has predicted that according to this trend, the median age of the population in Chinese society will reach 49.6 years old in 2050, that is, half of the population will be over 50 years old, and an aging society has become an urgent problem.

Secondly, the current retirement age on the mainland is relatively low, and the current statutory retirement age is 60 years for male employees, 55 years for female cadres, and 50 years for female workers. The average life expectancy of the mainland has increased from about 40 years old in the early days of the founding of New China to 77.3 years old in 2019, the average life expectancy of urban residents has exceeded 80 years, and the retirement age has not been adjusted in the past 70 years.

At the same time, the mainland's economy and society have undergone tremendous changes, and the problem of the overall low retirement age is very prominent.

In short, with the significant changes in the economy and society, the average life expectancy has increased significantly, the aging trend of the population is increasing, and the current retirement age has been incompatible with the current economic and social environment.

Previously, Jiangsu Province has begun to pilot delay retirement. On January 30 this year, the Jiangsu Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Notice on the Implementation Measures for the Basic Pension Insurance for Enterprise Employees", which clearly mentioned that upon their own application and the consent of the employer, and reported to the human resources and social security administrative department for the record, the insured personnel can postpone retirement, and the minimum time for postponing retirement is not less than one year.

Who has the greatest impact on delayed retirement?

If implemented in 2022, the following three groups will be affected by the new retirement policy:

(1) female workers less than or equal to 50 years of age (women born in 1972 or later);

(2) Female cadres and male workers who are less than or equal to 55 years old, mainly workers engaged in heavy manual labor (those born in 1967 or later), of which female cadres and female white-collar workers who retire at the age of 55 may be the first group to carry out delayed retirement;

(3) Male cadres who are less than or equal to 60 years old (males born in 1962 or later).

According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security's programme, a "gradual" delay in retirement will be introduced, with a delay of several months or a year each year, after which the target age for statutory retirement will be reached. It can be seen that the delayed retirement plan has a greater impact on the post-70s and post-80s, and the post-90s should have fully caught up with the full implementation of the New Deal by the time they retire.

For us, delaying retirement is really not far away!

What are the biggest concerns about delaying retirement?

To delay retirement until the age of 65, so that ordinary people have a suitable, stable, physical and mental ability to do before the age of 65, there is something to do, this is a problem worth thinking about.

Delayed retirement has little impact on the elderly who have already retired, but for those who will catch up with the delayed retirement, the biggest worry is the employment problem. Now many enterprises require the age of recruitment not more than 35 years old, the employment competitiveness is weakened, there are old and young, and it is sad to find a working day, which makes people tired and helpless.

According to some institutional survey statistics, from February to September 2020, the number of job seekers aged 35 and over who submitted resumes on the Zhaopin platform increased by 14.9% year-on-year, and the growth rate was more than twice that of job seekers under the age of 35; among them, job seekers aged 35 to 49 increased by 13.5% year-on-year, and job seekers aged 50 and over increased by 32.4% year-on-year.

Compared with many professions, doctors, researchers, professors, teachers, etc. in their careers, with the continuous accumulation of experience and skills, have great advantages in the later stages, which can be described as "the older the more popular". Although ageing does not meet society's demand for innovation in a timely manner, their experience and proficiency in specialization are unmatched by young people. According to the current retirement age, even if you retire, you will be re-employed, and you can continue to exert your residual heat in the post and do your best to serve the society. But these occupations require high professional skills, after all, it is a minority.

With the intensification of the aging of the mainland, the pension industry has become the most potential "sunrise industry" in people's eyes. In recent years, many investors and operators have flocked to this "blue ocean". The huge market demand has led to the mushrooming of various types of pension institutions, pension communities, and elderly service enterprises, and the huge talent gap will provide many jobs in the market.

In addition to traditional old-age services, many industries such as elderly medical care, finance, education, tourism, and aging products that are extended and subdivided also lack a large number of professional practitioners. And with the improvement of people's quality of life requirements, the choice of pension lifestyle is more diversified, and the future product market is more specialized and segmented. While consumer demand promotes the development of the industry, it will also create more corresponding jobs.

Compared with other industries, the entry threshold of the pension industry is low, the age requirements are relatively broad, and most of the current elderly care practitioners are 35-50 years old, and the state strongly supports and develops, and various policies are favorable. The scarcity of talents determines that in the future period of time, the employment choice of pension industry personnel is higher, and the workplace competition is far lower than that of other industries, which is also a good choice direction.

Leisurely territory pension consultants believe that delaying retirement is already a matter of certainty, aging is not a matter of one person, but a social problem, involving the vital interests of many people, the country, enterprises and workers need time to adapt to the impact of the policy.

As an individual, it is still necessary to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude towards life and strive to enhance their value and competitiveness. In addition to strengthening your own skills, you must also have a lifelong learning attitude to avoid being eliminated prematurely. On the national side, actively explore new industries suitable for the current social development, set up some jobs suitable for the elderly; introduce policies to weaken age restrictions, and reduce the age requirements for enterprise recruitment, so as to promote the implementation of the policy of delaying retirement and help workers spend their lives smoothly. We look forward to a harmonious society where the elderly have a pension and a dependency!

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