
Folk Tales: The Mystery of the Legendary Old Bustard's Treasure Poem and Her Great Fortune

author:Blue Tiger StoryBook

Speaking of the old duck, many people know that it is the boss lady of the Qinglou, and behind the glory and wealth is the sad history of blood and tears.

Folk Tales: The Mystery of the Legendary Old Bustard's Treasure Poem and Her Great Fortune

And today, this is the story of Li Cuicui, an old duck in Cuihualou in Jinan Province, at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and the huge gold and silver treasures she received in her life.

Li Cuicui, in the Tongzhi years was photographed to sell flowers into the Qinglou was only 9 years old, at that time the Cuihualou was also called YichunYuan, the old duck surnamed Han, known as Han Saihua, this is a fierce master, Li Cuicui in Yichun Courtyard for three years as an envoy to the lady, when he was 12 years old, he was forced by Han Saihua to start a career of selling spring.

Folk Tales: The Mystery of the Legendary Old Bustard's Treasure Poem and Her Great Fortune

Han Saihua was also a girl who received guests at night in the early years, because she was beautiful and intelligent, she was loved by the old duck, and was adopted as a dry daughter, and took over the Yichun Courtyard after the death of the old duck.

And Li Cuicui, because she was born smart and beautiful, the sinister Han Saihua was also the most cruel to her, because she was also afraid that this beautiful woman would go her way in the future.

The more fierce, drunk, and temperamental, they were all arranged by Han Saihua to Li Cuicui, and it is conceivable how tortured and sad the young Li Cuicui suffered.

The turning point in Li Cuicui's fate came in a winter of the 12th year of Guangxu, that night, Yichun Courtyard came a group of Mongolian camel guests outside the border, this gang of barbarians outside the border wanted to stay in Yichun Courtyard after drinking flower wine, and the girls in Yichun Courtyard were not enough, the poisonous Han Saihua arranged Li Cuicui to them, I thought that the weak Li Cuicui would suffer disaster, but just when Li Cuicui was dragged, The Yichun Courtyard suddenly lost power! Suddenly, there was the sound of knife and gun fighting, and the Yichun Courtyard was in a mess! It turned out that a gang of anti-people displaced people had gathered to seek revenge on the enemy rich merchants who had spent the night here, and in the midst of the turmoil, Han Saihua was accidentally killed in the hall.

When the officers and soldiers arrived, the Yichun Courtyard was already in a mess, the guests had all run away, and only a dozen girls and men who had nowhere to escape were hiding in the corner.

The clever Li Cuicui was the first to find out that Han Saihua was dead, so she ran into Han Saihua's room for the first time and took her gold and silver and hid it. This big case alarmed the prefect Zhang Yao, the yichun courtyard was surrounded by water, the prefect Zhang Yao ordered the closure of the yichun courtyard to investigate the matter thoroughly, and his master Yan Xuesheng offered a plan: Instead of closing the Yichun courtyard and causing the personnel to have nowhere to appease and the Yichun courtyard is prosperous, it is easy to cause public opinion turmoil, or to cause adverse effects on the prefect's career, it is better to list and operate normally, and the case is investigated.

Folk Tales: The Mystery of the Legendary Old Bustard's Treasure Poem and Her Great Fortune

The matter was agreed by the prefect, and Master Yan Xueshen led the officers and soldiers to the scene to deal with it, while the subordinates of the Yichun Academy were all terrified and afraid, only the young and beautiful Li Cuicui stepped forward to take the speech, and Li Cuicui recognized Yan Xueshen's position and right to speak, and immediately offered the property accumulated by Han Saihua. This matter is exactly in the heart of Yan Xueshen, not to mention such a young and beautiful Li Cuicui.

The next morning, Yichun Courtyard was open for business normally, but the old duck turned into a young and beautiful Li Cuicui.

A few days later, Yichun Courtyard was re-listed and renamed Cuihua Building.

And Li Cuicui, who is in her early twenties, has also become the youngest old duck who is famous far and wide. Due to the close relationship with Yan Xuesheng, officials of all sizes, Fujia squires will also come here to contact the prefect through Li Cuicui, and from then on, Li Cuicui opened the code to wealth.

Li Cuicui with his own wisdom and beauty, after several generations of prefect changes, CuihuaLou is still the provincial city of fireworks willow lane and other signs, so Li Cuicui's wealth is also increasingly superimposed.

In the twenty-sixth year of Guangxu, that is, in 1900, the Boxer Rebellion spread all over the north and south of the great river, the situation was unstable, the soldiers were in chaos, and the people were afraid, and the 35-year-old Li Cuicui also began to be afraid, afraid of her huge property, afraid of her Cuihualou, afraid of her life safety, after all, in this turbulent era, she was a woman from the dust, after all, she was weak, if she properly guarded and arranged her wealth?

Li Cuicui was nine years old when she was abducted by human traffickers, and she remembered that her hometown was in Linpan Town, Texas, so she spent a few years entrusting Xiao Shunzi, the duck duke (housekeeper of the Qinglou) of Cuihualou, to find her family. To say that this little Shunzi, was previously the yichun courtyard of the wine guy, after that turmoil, the original duck worker looked at Han Saihua dead, so with his life savings disappeared without a trace, and the small shunzi who served the wine has always taken good care of Li Cuicui, so after Li Cuicui was in charge of the Cuihua Building, Xiao Shunzi became the duck duke of the Cuihua Building, and slowly became Li Cuicui's close friend.

Xiao Shunzi finally found Li Cuicui's family in Linpan Town, Li Cuicui's mother had passed away, only her father and her thirty-year-old bare stick brother Li Xianghai lived in poverty, and since then, their father and son have lived a glorious and rich life that they dare not dream of.

Folk Tales: The Mystery of the Legendary Old Bustard's Treasure Poem and Her Great Fortune

Xiao Shunzi made a profound package for Li Cuicui's identity in order to comfort her father and brothers, after all, she was born in the dust and dust and was not allowed to enter the ancestral tomb according to the rules of her ancestors. As a result, the father and son of the Li family only knew that Li Cuicui was abducted and sold to a large family in the provincial city as a child bride, and then had glory and wealth.

Li Cuicui went home to see his father and brother, and then, he bought a house and landed, married his brother to a daughter-in-law, and equipped his father with a beard, and since then, the father and son of the Li family have ascended to heaven step by step and become people on earth.

However, Li Cuicui also gained experience in these years of operation, not saving silver bills, only physical objects, gold and silver dollars, silver dollars, gold bars, and jewelry. Because she soberly realized that social turmoil, maybe when there is a change, the silver ticket in her hand is a piece of paper, and only real money and silver are the wealth that can be seen and touched. Therefore, Li Cuicui bought a number of courtyard treasures in the suburbs, and Xiao Shunzi only knew one of them.

Li Cuicui would from time to time let the guys drive her to these courtyards, arrange the guys outside, and hide her belongings.

Later, because there was too much silver, she would regularly convert silver into gold bars, after all, gold bars were easy to carry and did not occupy a place.

Cuihua Building was closed in 1915, and at this time Li Cuicui was 51 years old, her father and brothers lived a glorious and rich life with their own help, and she was also tired of a lifetime of running and busyness, she took Xiao Shunzi to live in the old home linpan to buy her own house to enjoy leisure, first, she wanted to be close to her father and family for many years, she had a sense of belonging, and second, she had a sense of security away from the noise and chaos.

Folk Tales: The Mystery of the Legendary Old Bustard's Treasure Poem and Her Great Fortune

In fact, she can't believe anyone, out of professional vigilance and age concerns, even the little Shunzi who accompanies her all her life she has to be wary, after all, her origin and her age, she and Xiao Shunzi have spent most of their lives, she does not have a son and a half daughter, the ghost knows if Xiao Shunzi gets her wealth will not abandon her and go alone. As for her brother, she made him a man of life, and she would regularly provide him with wealth, but, after all, she had not seen him for many years, and she was not 100% sure of her brother's character. Only by keeping wealth in your own hands is the greatest sense of security. As for what happened after her death, she couldn't control it.

Therefore, she built the ancestral tomb and also built a mausoleum for herself.

She also passed on Li Xianghai's younger son, Li Jiabin, and also had a descendant.

In 1926, Xiao Shunzi died and was buried in her repaired mausoleum.

The 62-year-old Li Cuicui sold her mansion in Jinan City to cash out, before the sale she spent several years has been slowly pouring out the gold and silver jewelry inside, because, Xiao Shunzi is gone, she is even more lonely, she must shrink her wealth layout, because this stepdaughter Li Jiabin is a proper loser, can not count on him, give him money for him to spend, in the future he has a hundred years, there is a person who drops the pot can also be regarded as a final gift.

In the winter of 1938, the 74-year-old Li Cuicui died under the gaze of his stepson Li Jiabin, His Brother Tian Fengxian, and his younger brother's family. Fengxian bequeathed 5 gold bars, younger brother Li Xianghai bequeathed 20 gold bars, and step-son Li Jiabin gave 40 gold bars and courtyard fields.

Folk Tales: The Mystery of the Legendary Old Bustard's Treasure Poem and Her Great Fortune

Li Cuicui and Xiao Shunzi buried her own repaired grave, 3 meters east of her parents' grave.

The only will left behind is a poem: a hundred gold bars, a thousand yuan treasure, twelve stones up the mountain, twelve stones down the mountain, gold and silver in the stone stone. Ten years of richness, ten years of poverty, and another ten years of poverty can be found.

Obviously, this is a treasure poem.

This poem, his stepson cracked for twenty years without result.

When the fourth old was broken, the grave of Li Cuicui's parents was excavated, and there was a brick under the coffin that was active, and it was found that a golden turtle made of pure gold weighed 2600 grams.

Li Cuicui's grave was excavated, and there was a golden turtle under the coffin, weighing 3600 grams.

The treasure poem was taken into the grave by his brother and passed out by the descendants of Fengxian Tian Fengxian, and no one has cracked it so far.

This story was originally written by Blue Tiger and refuses to be copied.

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