
DNF: Hanbok 5000 days bonus exposure! Against the target enmity package, the player left drooling

As one of the heaviest versions of the year, the Chinese New Year edition also kicked off its 4th Spring Festival campaign with the arrival of February 24th! The 4th update mainly adds 4 events and 2 changes, namely the 5000-day memories gramophone, the 5000-day time memorial shop, the time travel, and the favorite choice. In terms of 2 major changes, the Soul Realm will cancel the monster building overlord and reduce the health by 46%, while increasing the exchange of 2 essence gift boxes. The evil jade is revised according to the attributes of the fame, and the epic evil jade can increase the reputation by 304 more than before the revision.

The 5,000-day event reward is unsatisfactory

DNF: Hanbok 5000 days bonus exposure! Against the target enmity package, the player left drooling

From the 4 activities that joined 2 are included in 5000 days, it is not difficult to see that the activities on the line are related to the commemoration of the national service online for 5000 days, but the rewards of the event are not satisfactory, a good commemoration of the DNF5000 activity, the national service planner actually launched 6 shopping mall props to cut the player leeks, although some of the props are cheaper than the mall, but also joined the props that the mall has never joined before, such as blue navy suits, fantasy clone weapon outfits, but because of the need for kryptonite, the discount is not large, The rewards are average, so they are also angrily called "grace and revenge package" by players.

The player's desire for kryptonite is affected by the Experience Suit event

DNF: Hanbok 5000 days bonus exposure! Against the target enmity package, the player left drooling

Combined with the experience service incident of not deleting files for 4 years in the past few days and Xiaoya's use of power for personal gain, players are even more angry, deciding whether to manage the activity plus not joining, starting today, deciding not to spend a penny, white prostitute will be finished! But when the player is still angry, the reward for 5,000 days of Hanbok is also exposed! As a game that introduces Hanbok, in fact, Hanbok was released as early as August 2005, which means that it is 3 years earlier than the national service, so what will be the reward for 5,000 days of Hanbok?

Hanbok 5000 days bonus exposure

DNF: Hanbok 5000 days bonus exposure! Against the target enmity package, the player left drooling

The result is not revealed, I don't know, a whistle-blowing player is more angry! The 5,000-day commemorative activity of Hanbok is not like the national costume needs kryptonite gold, and the memory is rewarded with garbage, but as long as you stand on the street, you will get 10 super star pass for 10 hours of the accumulation of station street, 25 hours of accumulation can get the account vault expansion coupon, the accumulation of 50 hours of station street can get the gorgeous badge random box 1 and + brilliant badge self-selected gift box 2, the accumulation of station street 75 hours reward, but also can get the 5th set of sky set box gift box (national costume heaven 3 battle spirit sky dance).

Reward exposure players are angrier

DNF: Hanbok 5000 days bonus exposure! Against the target enmity package, the player left drooling

Although everyone knows that Hanbok Sky is not valuable, auction can be bought, but from the point of view of the day 3 with the highest value, it is obvious that Hanbok planning attaches great importance to players, and it is not like the national costume to take day 3 as a treasure! While the national service players left saliva, they were also more angry, and they began to complain about the planning, and some players said bluntly: "Hanbok treats players as people, and horse clothes treat players as beasts" There are also players who frankly say: "National costumes and Hanbok people are as few as they are sent like this", and some players sighed: "Don't charge money anymore in the future." All in all, there is no harm without contrast.

DNF: Hanbok 5000 days bonus exposure! Against the target enmity package, the player left drooling

【Personal Summary】

In general, the 5,000-day reward for the standard Hanbok, the 5,000-day "En will revenge" gift package of the national costume is also too cold, and it is no wonder that most players will be more angry after seeing the reward, but angry, if you want to make the DNF future rewards better, it is recommended that everyone do not have to charge money, according to the routine of the past planning, as long as the sales of the gift package is low, the number is small, and all kinds of out-of-print props will be sent.

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