
Junior Three Kingdoms Chronicles - Zero: District 22 Day 4 Development

Less than 022 district day 4 development

Hello everyone! I'm Zhan Ji.

Today is the fourth day of the less zero-open zone. As usual, what can we do today?

Today's welfare activities have a new section "Yellow Turban Battle Order", which clears certain levels of the Yellow Turban Campaign and gets the Yuanbao reward, if you add the deluxe gift package, there are additional Yuanbao and Enhancement Book rewards. From the perspective of the yuanbao, it is more cost-effective than directly charging the yuanbao.

Boosters can be used to select the corresponding boosters according to their main hero class.

Passing the higher Yellow Turban Battle as soon as possible can get the soldier charm faster, and at present, Zhan Ji already has a class that can command 8 soldiers.

In addition, today has triggered a number of limited-time special offers with special soldier charms, and Zhan Ji suggests choosing a soldier charm package that corresponds to the main force that is developing and the main general who will develop later.

For example:

Junior Three Kingdoms Chronicles - Zero: District 22 Day 4 Development
Junior Three Kingdoms Chronicles - Zero: District 22 Day 4 Development
Junior Three Kingdoms Chronicles - Zero: District 22 Day 4 Development
Junior Three Kingdoms Chronicles - Zero: District 22 Day 4 Development

The timing of each number is different.

Note that there are 3 soldiers who can already command 8 soldiers, and it is just right to cooperate with the technology of 8 soldiers in the alliance technology in the previous few days.

Today's "True Dragon Trial" progress bar was completed to 1100, and Liu Bei got the "True Dragon Soul" with 16 qualifications, and after getting the props, Liu Bei automatically upgraded to 16 qualifications.

In the "Treasure Forge" mission, gold and red are relatively difficult to complete. Civilian players can give up. High-V players can obtain it through a limited-time gift pack or a supreme treasure package, and a luckier big guy can also use the Tiangong gift pack to extract gold and red treasures.

Treasures have a lot of bonuses to combat power.

"Skill breakthrough", only upgrade the heroes who are mainly in battle (Liu Bei, Zhao Yun, Cao Ren, Ma Chao, Dianwei), the best skill selection, for example, Zhao Yun's "Five Tiger Generals" can be promoted first. In order to complete the skill breakthrough mission in the True Dragon Trial faster, each hero can only upgrade one skill to level 6.

Today, a small partner in the group proposed that the elite seeks to save more points and then draw, and the chance of a good elite master is greater. In terms of probability, it is also true. But this is actually a matter of luck, luck is coming, a ten-in-a-row will produce a good hero.

However, it is not recommended to exchange the Yuanbao for too many meritocracy orders, as not all heroes can be recruited in the elite recruitment (see the preview in the upper left corner). The best heroes are still the 18 gods and 20 gods.

Today, under the elite recruitment of Zhan Ji, there is a "3 stars after 77 draws" in ten consecutive years. This display will automatically trigger after the cumulative elite has been recruited to a certain number.

When elite recruits accumulate 500 times, they can use the "Point General Order" to draw from their designated 3-star hero pool, which is a friendly setting.

At level 39, Kyushu-Internal Affairs is opened, and you can complete some tasks and get rewards every day, and as your level increases, you can also carry out internal affairs at the same time.

There are also "limited-time missions" on the map of Kyushu, and 3 time-limited missions will be refreshed at several points in time every day, and the corresponding rewards can be obtained for completing them.

Today's "flock of deer" friends in the alliance are very powerful, and they successfully captured Luoyang City at 20:00 p.m., and the first "coalition anti-Dong" has passed the customs. Next, you can occupy more land and complete the tasks of "Occupy 150 Plots" and "Occupy 230 Plots".

It should be noted that when occupying the land, do not fight for each other, before attacking, first see which piece of land is being attacked by small partners, and then work together to lay down this land, and then go to fight other open spaces.

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