
Weekly horoscope 2.21-2.27

author:Star Translation Agency

Christopher Renstrom, a well-known American astrologer and astrologer, has been in the industry for more than 35 years, publishing several books, founding astrology websites and teaching projects, and running columns in various media. The main style is event guidance.

Please note the Star Translation Agency and the translator.

★★★ Integral Astrology ★★★ – Translator: Improvisational Fantasy

(Feb. 24) Water punishment can easily trigger feelings of regret. Maybe you would wish you had "known it well", and if you had "known it" before, you wouldn't have made that choice. But the water is hard to harvest, and it may be futile to try to save it. The past can no longer go back, so you can't turn back, you can only continue to walk. Accepting the status quo does not bring comfort, but acceptance brings insight and revelation. Mercury symbolizes intelligence (after all, the mind is in charge), and since you don't waste your time and energy lamenting the past, you can free up your brain to think about what you need to deal with and come up with a new plan. This time Mercury is in Aquarius and is the most creative time.

★★★ Aries ★★★ – Translator: Andrea

On February 23, it will not be easy to reduce your guard and open all communication channels. There is no good reason to believe that opponents have changed their patterns, and the truth is that opponents may not have changed. However, neither side can afford the escalating costs of an ongoing conflict, and in this case you will make the most of mutual understanding or a truce. People may accuse you of procrastinating again, but you will feel that this communication is different and that this communication takes a while to get used to.

★★★ Taurus ★★★ – Translator: Andrea

You have a lot of questions about what you're going to do next, but you see that it has a huge impact on the people you care about, so what do you do? You are a Taurus, and you will subconsciously put the happiness of your loved one above your own. It's your nature to give, shelter, and protect — even if they mean a heavier burden, you do it. People often forget that Venus is your guardian star and that Venus will give everything for the relationship. What if your perseverance turns into a real result? You're perfectly capable of picking up the pieces and starting over.

★★★ Gemini ★★★ – Translator: Andrea

It's one thing to know that an outcome can't be avoided, but being in it is another entirely. This sentence is just to show you that no matter how much preparation is made in advance, it cannot really mitigate the impact. On February 24, Mercury and Uranus form a quarter phase, and of course you will think that this phase will have a more profound effect, but this phase has already had an impact on the present, and you have to deal with it. If anyone can pick themselves up from the sudden depression and stand firm, it must be you, Gemini. It's a strange feeling, and it's hard to explain it yourself. It is an overwhelming sense of relief that will make you feel relaxed from head to toe.

★★★ ★★★ Cancer – Translator: Hallucinations

It's hard to imagine any other way out of a predicament, but the auspicious phases involving Venus and Mars show that there is a way. Obviously there is someone you think has closed the door who decides to reopen the door, but you have to show that you have also changed. In the current situation, your deep distrust of others makes it impossible for anyone to make up. Yes, both of you are at fault, but if you don't show the willingness to try it again, things will only get worse. This week, by responding to others' gestures of kindness with your own kindness, you can get things back to normal.

★★★ Leo ★★★ – Translator: Andrea

Sometimes, doing the right thing can make you feel incredibly bad — February 24, mercury and Uranus form a penal phase — and such moments occur. Whether it's a personal sacrifice, a radical move, or an urgent need to break the mold, you need to make a solemn commitment to what you're doing and get to the end of what you've already started. You have a reason for your choices, so you have to double down on your bets. Remember that you only have a month before the vernal equinox, and at the time of the vernal equinox, your faith and beliefs are rekindled.

★★★ Virgo ★★★ – Translator: Hallucinations

Remember what you said to yourself, benchmark what you want to do in life, not what you feel you have to do? Just start this week. It's not that you have to give up all your responsibilities and obligations to do it, and change is rarely sudden, but you can start setting aside time in your daily schedule for activities that make you happy. Maybe it's 90 minutes to write your book, or to become proficient in a new subject. Virgos have accumulated great progress in many small steps. Small advances accumulate enough and you will soon succeed.

★★★ Libra ★★★ – Translator: Andrea

You want to keep yourself in emergency measures, but you may have an easier time choosing to retreat when you are really facing an emergency. At the moment, the situation has progressed to a critical state, so you must pay close attention to the developments. There are gains and losses, and Libra pays attention to balance, so you will weigh carefully. There is a situation where the location is favorable, but the time is missing - in this case you may want to retreat and try again on another day. However, the false withdrawal may form an illusion for the other party, the other party may withdraw, and at this time you may get a clear vision and see what you really want.

★★★ Scorpio ★★★ – Translator: Illusion

No one is more desperate than you when you break up the relationship, so you may also be surprised when you have the opportunity to do some tinkering on February 24, which comes completely suddenly, and you naturally can't help but wonder if this person is trying to retaliate in some way – the previous thing didn't end well. However, as the conversation unfolded, it became clear that they were sincere. Are people really so tolerant and forgiving? The answer is clearly yes. Still, you need time to sort out your thoughts about it, not that you have to be good friends with the other person, but it's always good to give peace a chance.

★★★ Sagittarius ★★★ – Translator: Hallucinations

On February 23 and 24, Venus and Mars and Neptune were in good shape, and whether you spent money to float is a good question worth asking. Normally, Neptune's sextances soften the toughness, but this time they may weaken your criticality and lead you to try to save a situation that should have been ignored. You've finally managed to achieve a financial advantage over a disadvantage, and then stop thinking about the ivory in your dog's mouth, especially when you've gone to such great lengths to turn things around.

★★★ Capricorn ★★★ – Translator: Footsteps

You're still struggling to judge whether your aggressiveness is too aggressive or not hot enough. Mars in Capricorn makes you feel like you have to keep pushing forward, while Venus worries about what will happen if you keep climbing upwards. Fortunately, Neptune's tranquilizing power will weaken this cosmic energy and make you less wary. The end result is that you are more open to other people's opinions. This allows you to listen to what they have to say, absorb criticism, and benefit greatly from their insight. You haven't listened so much in a long time, and you'll be glad to feel that way again.

★★★ Aquarius ★★★ – Translator: Andrea

If conventional wisdom is no longer "wise," then it's easy to question it. This week, Mercury and Uranus form a penal phase, and what was useful in the past is no longer working, and you can't give it another chance, and when it makes progress again. Now, no one is asking you to pick up primary gear and directly overturn the shackles of tradition, nor should you say that you have to maintain some structure that is obviously outdated. It's human nature to find a way to solve an unworkable situation, but if you have to give up something that no longer stands up and replace it with something else that really stands, you have to find a way.

★★★ Pisces ★★★ – Translator: Improvisational fantasy

How lately you think you're so world-weary. The so-called new opportunities look similar to what they are doing now, and even some creative projects make you feel familiar and not fresh. What's going on? Could it be that pisces before people and Capricorns after people? In fact, the last Sagittarius moon of the year is fully responsible for your lack of enthusiasm for life. Usually, you are the one who sells what interests you and wants to get others interested, but now you have to rely on the efforts of others to give you Amway - you will not buy without hard work.

Weekly horoscope 2.21-2.27

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