
"In the World": Regarding the family, Liang Xiaosheng told us one of the most worthy of deep consideration


Liang Xiaosheng's mutual friction and influence on the fate of the times and individuals in "The World of Man" has been more or less felt by us from the fates of different characters. The heavens and the earth are yellow, the chaos has just begun, the fate of living beings is already inseparable from the development of this world in the tunnel of time and space, we usually say that fate is impermanent, that is, manpower is uncontrollable, and it is only a statement of the vastness and instantaneous changes of life.

The fate of the individual is closely linked to the times, and everyone knows that in any era there will be people who lament and rejoice. Some people become vested interests in the development of an era, some people become stepping stones and pioneers of an era, either way, they can be summed up with Schopenhauer's exclamation of himself: Either this era is not worthy of me, or I am not worthy of this era.

The characters in "The World of Man" have from the bottom to the top, and the fates are not the same, but if the personal fate is combined with a family, Liang Xiaosheng's "summary" in the book gives the best answer.

"In the World": Regarding the family, Liang Xiaosheng told us one of the most worthy of deep consideration

The family's biggest "blessing"

Liang Xiaosheng said this about the change of personal destiny: knowledge, education, opportunity, power, and the design of life by individuals all affect the fate of individuals to varying degrees.

The fate of the individual must be based on the development of the times and the environment of existence. Those who want to change their lives must live badly, and those who live a moist life must want to maintain the status quo, and others will also attribute this injustice to fate.

In fact, whether a person lives well or not depends not only on the degree of personal effort, but also on choice, and for the change of the times, people's inability to do anything.

We can deeply appreciate this when we look at the fate of the three brothers and sisters of the Zhou family in "The World of Man". Zhou Bingkun was regarded by his family as the most mediocre since he was a child, but it was precisely because of his mediocrity that he became a great filial piety to take care of his parents. Mediocrity can not erase a person's struggle, Zhou Bingkun has not stopped struggling, he has always been ashamed of his mediocrity, has been chasing his brother and sister on the road, has always wanted to become the person who can also make the family proud. However, his efforts are limited to the overall environment.

Zhou Bingyi's career has developed the most brilliantly, but there are also many unsatisfactory; Zhou Rong lives the most freely, always on the road of pursuing personal ideals, but there are also her pains and helplessness. For the entire Zhou family, the biggest blessing is that the three brothers and sisters have found the "most right person" in marriage.

"In the World": Regarding the family, Liang Xiaosheng told us one of the most worthy of deep consideration

Liang Xiaosheng said that the luck of the children of the Zhou family benefits from two aspects:

1, the image given by Heaven, the three brothers and sisters are a table of talents, people are always visual animals, beautiful things naturally attract people to see for a long time, but also willing to get close to beauty, and with the innate "beauty" to pay no regrets.

Since ancient times, there have been heroes who are sad to be beautiful, and there are countless people who are willing to give their lives for the pursuit of beauty, and being born beautiful has already occupied a large part of the advantage of fate.

2. The inheritance of goodness and self-motivation in human nature. The Zhou family has been a cultivating and reading family for generations, and the inheritance and family style of this gene is the most important factor in a family, and the Shuxiang Mendi is far more worthy of friendship and respect than the powerful family of the time. Regardless of whether this scholarly family has fallen for a while due to the reasons of the times, it also has a genetic advantage and deserves social recognition.

If it were not for the fact that the children of the Zhou family were all self-motivated and upright people, it would be impossible to attract such excellent partners as Hao Dongmei, Cai Xiaoguang, and Zheng Juan. Zhou Bingyi is not excellent, Hao Dongmei cannot ignore his mother's original opposition, take the initiative to pursue him and accompany him for a lifetime; if Zhou Rong has no wisdom but a vase, it is impossible to let Cai Xiaoguang have a deep affection for her, and after 12 years of being separated by a foreign country, Cai Xiaoguang still loves her as much as ever; if Zhou Bingkun is not kind, Zheng Juan cannot be so virtuous to the Zhou family for a lifetime.

There is a folk saying that it is often said that the filial piety of one's own son (daughter) is not the most filial piety, and the filial piety of the son-in-law (daughter-in-law) is the true filial piety and the blessing of a family.

However, to attract the recognition and dedication of people with foreign surnames to this family, it is necessary to have their own shining point and others think it is worth paying, and this shining point must be the "family style" passed down from generation to generation by this family. It is not a temporary pity promoted by gratitude, nor is it based on the exchange and attraction of a momentary passion or interest, but by its own family charm and transparency.

"In the World": Regarding the family, Liang Xiaosheng told us one of the most worthy of deep consideration

Don't "One man gets the word, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven"

In the big family of the Zhou family, there are five people with high education, Bingyi, Zhou Rong, Nan Nan, Zhou Cong, Yue Yue, and Cai Xiaoguang, a "literary and art master".

When Liang Xiaosheng analyzed the "glory" of the Zhou family, he said that if there was no Zhou Bingyi, the deputy mayor of the main hall, and if there was no secret help from Dongmei's mother, the Zhou family would more or less receive the benefits of Bingyi, and through his operation of not showing mountain dew, Zhou Bingkun could not have been assigned a house with a façade after the demolition of the light character piece, which was also An arrangement of Bingyi, and his nephew Zhou Congcai entered the newspaper to become a reporter after graduating from college.

Although Zhou Rong was almost admitted to the doctorate through personal struggle, only because of her daughter interrupted the peak development of her career, but her life was successful, Cai Xiaoguang waited for her for a lifetime, the famous Cai Dao is the man that countless girls yearn for, but his heart only for Zhou Rong from one end, although she drifted in France for her daughter for 12 years, but it is also the most precious experience in her life, enriching insight, increasing experience, multicultural absorption, All of this was directly related to her personal charm and the fact that she was able to write a good novel later.

If Cai Xiaoguang had not become a famous Cai Dao by personal struggle, he would not have had the courage to be with Zhou Rong, and if he himself lived a depressed life, where could he enjoy such a lingering old age with Zhou Rong, and Zhou Rong would not have been able to choose to be with him. If Zhou Yue marries a phoenix man or a man with financial difficulties, then Zhou Rong and Cai Xiaoguang's life will not be better.

"In the World": Regarding the family, Liang Xiaosheng told us one of the most worthy of deep consideration

Zhou Bingkun will become the "lucky one" among his friends, and it is really because there are so many capable people in the Big Family of the Zhou Family, who are the people who really change their fate through knowledge. They have the ability to help Zhou Bingkun's family, more or less send him money, in fact, the book writes that Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong's economic help to Zhou Bingkun is there, they pay the most for Zhou Bingkun's parents' support, they are providing financial support, Yue Yue later went to France, will also use their own work-study money secretly sent to Zheng Juan, to help them reduce the pressure of paying double insurance.

Liang Xiaosheng wrote in the book that compared with the National Day, Catching Up, and Debao, Zhou Bingkun would have lived the happiest life if he had not been imprisoned for 12 years for NanNan's affair, not only because he had married a virtuous wife like Zheng Juan, but also because there were several "guides" in the family who could provide Bingkun's life with whether it was financial help or some intangible benefits. Zheng Juan also in the 12 years of Bingkun's imprisonment, after the death of Zhou's father and mother, she received help from Mrs. Qu and arranged a job at the street office. It can be said that although the Zhou Bingkun family was born as a low-level person, it was helped by the upper-level, and it can be said that it can be regarded as a vested interest.

Compared with his friends Guoqing, catching up, and Debao, they are not so lucky, that is because there is no "guide" in their family, there is no one who can really afford it, when they have difficulties, they can only fall into the desperate situation of loneliness and helplessness, the death of National Day, the betrayal of Debao, and the suffering of catching up, all because of personal factors and the overall level of the family.

"In the World": Regarding the family, Liang Xiaosheng told us one of the most worthy of deep consideration

Liang Xiaosheng also made a hypothesis in the book, if there is such a capable person as the Zhou family in the family of these three, it is also terrible, because he is a savior who is facing to help a person in the family, which is very difficult and risky, which will produce a situation of "one person gets the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven", and use his power to the extreme voluntarily or by force, both to pass his conscience and carry the burden of family affection, so that his life is troubled, and even desperate In the end, it is difficult to save yourself and your family from successfully landing.

Compared with this kind of family relying only on the development of one person to save a family, a family like the Zhou family is the majority of people who have the ability to save a small number of poor relatives, whether it is to give financial help or pave the way for future generations, it is easier, and there is no need to bear such a large spiritual burden, after all, the master has to lead the door, practice in the individual, and the iron must be itself. For example, although Zhou Cong enjoys the convenience of the work arranged by his great uncle, he also has the ability and ability to do a good job in his job, so that he can reduce a lot of gossip and let himself have room for development.

Although Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan have also received some favors from the two families of Bingyi and Zhou Rong, their two sons are also people who know how to be grateful, Bingkun has also been working hard, and Zheng Juan has also been selflessly paying, so it seems that everyone's payment is two-way, which is still based on a family style and personal charm attracted by the partner, in order to continue to become such a thriving big family.

"In the World": Regarding the family, Liang Xiaosheng told us one of the most worthy of deep consideration

Family glory

Liang Xiaosheng in "The World of Man" is not only portraying the fate of different characters in the same era, but also telling their respective life trajectories due to their different backgrounds, personalities, and choices, when we gradually enlarge these small characters from an individual to a small family, and then to a family, the difference is often very huge, and the reason is self-evident.

If there are three or five "guides" in a family, or a wise old man like the "Dinghai God Needle" like Mrs. Dongmei Majin, it is a blessing for a family, but what a blessing it is for a family to strive for so many talented, kind and upright people!

For each of us as an individual of a family, everyone wants to be the savior rather than the rescued, but people's talents, luck, personality, choices are different, of course, the path of life is different, the results of life are also different, resulting in the difference in personal social status and personal destiny, but no matter what, we must do what we can, try not to add trouble to others, do not become a person who accepts it for granted, do not let others be regarded as a burden when interacting with themselves, The fact that others can help you not only shows that you are trusted by others, but also the kindness and cultivation of others; when you have received help from others, you must also know how to be grateful and give back, so that you can become a savior who can give others some ability.

Therefore, family glory has never been supported by one person, but by the inheritance of a family's family style, and one after another aspiring and thoughtful people to pass on from generation to generation, to attract the same kind of excellent people from generation to generation to form a strong and good character of the big family, such a family foundation, is really stable and standing. This may be the truth that we should most appreciate and think about when we watch Liang Xiaosheng's "In the World".

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