
A person's best way to live: operator thinking, more experience of failure, less arrogance

Japanese author Yataro Matsuura, "Transcendental Expectations," Nakano:

More important than appreciation is how to move others and exceed expectations.

Appreciation is one way that most people gain outside acceptance.

A person's best way to live: operator thinking, more experience of failure, less arrogance

It is better to move others than to exceed each other's expectations, and use the operator mentality to altruism.

Elithism, not afraid of failure, not arrogant, is the best way for a person to live.

Operator thinking

Successful businessmen are running their own business. This phrase is used to describe Yataro Matsuura, which is most appropriate.

Yataro Matsuura, 17, dropped out of high school and started running his own business.

In order to make up enough money to go to the United States, he went to work as a mover.

In the bitter cold wind, in the blazing sun, Yataro Matsuura struggled to carry the items.

No matter how tired he was, he insisted, feeling full of meaning.

He said: When I treat my job as a business, I don't feel tired at all.

A person's best way to live: operator thinking, more experience of failure, less arrogance

After Yataro Matsuura arrived in the United States, he was attracted to old magazines of visual communication. Fashionable elements and various design patterns make him fall in love with them.

He thought that these visual magazines, perhaps people in the country would be equally interested.

Because the Internet was not developed at that time, the Japanese could not find a way to buy, so he bought a lot of magazines and sold them back to Japan.

Sure enough, the old magazine he bought back from the United States sold well in Japan.

Until the age of 30, Yataro Matsuura had been doing business with the mindset of a business manager.

In order to make himself more commercially valuable, Yataro Matsuura, 40, chose to become the editor-in-chief of "Life Handbook".

Yataro Matsuura took "beyond expectations" as his aim in the magazine "Life Handbook" and determined the direction of the topic with the mentality of a manager.

Each topic selection and planning is based on "making people forget and unhappy" and "eliminating people's troubles".

He thinks it won't work to get readers to keep subscribeing to magazines and desperately shouting and selling. To understand people's emotions with the mentality of the operator, such as:

A person's best way to live: operator thinking, more experience of failure, less arrogance

What kind of mood do people feel at what time?

What kind of words do you want to hear when you are sad?

In the end he succeeded. But he wasn't satisfied with the immediate success.

Nine years later, Yataro Matsuura once again took on new challenges and attempts, breaking into the IT industry and subsequently serving as co-CEO of American Health.

Again and again, for him, it was a business for himself.

I've heard a quote like this:

Fate, no choice; do things, come up with results.

In life, we have no choice but to encounter ups and downs. Even so, we must exceed each other's expectations and produce results.

Only be clear about what kind of help the other person can accept.

Only in order to perceive each other's emotions, to remain sharp, and people are willing to pay money and time for solving their troubles.

Kazuo Inamori said:

altruism! Everything for the sake of others, empathy, things will always go surprisingly smoothly, and the heart is calm and full.

Stand in the position of the other party, think more about the thoughts of others, and be anxious about the needs of others.

I often ask myself: Is there no other way?

A person's best way to live: operator thinking, more experience of failure, less arrogance

Insight into emotions, then altruism, any business can easily cope with.

This is the manager's thinking.

Experience more failures

A truly powerful person has to go through at least one failure.

Failure can motivate people to forge ahead until they succeed.

Snowboard champion Su Yiming said:

"I've also been through lows and difficulties. Sometimes it takes a long time to overcome an action, obviously I practiced well some time ago, but I can't suddenly slip out. ”

Oh, yes! Even the sparkling Su Yiming will have failures and injuries.

At the age of 7, while skiing, he was fractured by a fall.

After the injury healed, Su Yiming continued to choose to fly on the ice and snow.

He used his wild gliding on the snow and ice to show the courage not to be afraid of failure.

Even though he fractured his bones many times later, he never wanted to give up.

The video shows him fall heavily from the air, his body thrown far away.

Just by looking at it, I feel pain.

For many people, what hurts more than the body is the sadness after failure.

A person's best way to live: operator thinking, more experience of failure, less arrogance

To Su Yiming, failure is just a fearless breakthrough that helps him again and again.

No one is born a king, and every time he rises from failure, he is born again.

Failure is nothing more than a little starlight rushing to the mountains and seas.

As Su Yiming said: What is ahead? Slide it down and you'll have the answer.

There is no road in life, every step counts.

The German philosopher Nietzsche said: "What cannot kill me makes me stronger."

It doesn't matter if you fail 999 times, success may be in the 1000th.

1 success is enough to counterattack life.

Less arrogant

Osamu Dazai said in "Human Disqualification": I am sorry to be born as a human being.

In a person's life, there have been disappointments and experiences of pain, which are inevitable:

We think that if we work hard and complain, we can get a promotion and a salary increase, and the result is that the people who mix well are others;

We look forward to the quiet years, the stability of the present world, and the reality is just a chicken feather;

We thought that we could become the middle class by working hard, but we became greedy and greedy in the morning, and we ate a lot of worries.

Therefore, he was vain and self-effacing, self-pitying, and secretly sad.

The luminous body is always someone else's, and the only thing that is eclipsed is themselves.

Just like Weibo netizens:

She has been very introverted since she was a child and feels that she can't do anything well.

A person's best way to live: operator thinking, more experience of failure, less arrogance

Don't dare to express yourself, speak carefully.

I am afraid that I will not be able to meet the expectations of others, I am afraid of losing face, and I am even more afraid of disappointing others.

Psychologist Jung said: People who look outward are dreaming, and people who look inward are awake.

Those who look outward, because they dodge and dodge, are afraid of anything.

People who look inward can be softer and braver to be themselves.

The biggest difference between people is the difference in self-confidence.

I thought of Uncle Akiba, who had the privilege of working together before.

Uncle Qiuye was often ridiculed for taking antibiotics when he was a child, resulting in hearing loss and slurred speech.

He said: Hearing is not good, everyone can forgive you, the work is not done well, others will not forgive you, the only thing you can do is to solve the problem.

Being ridiculed as "deaf" and "big tongue", after a sleep, it is treated as if it had never happened.

If you can't hear other people's words, ask them a few more times.

Uncle Qiuye is not afraid of his "big tongue" and constantly does live broadcasts and videos.

Eventually become a respectable, knowledgeable head internet celebrity uncle.

There is a saying that goes like this: I respect fate and understand limitations.

But remember that no matter what step in life, there are "cards" to play.

Everyone's growth is like digging a well.

A person's best way to live: operator thinking, more experience of failure, less arrogance

Dig a little slower, dig a little longer, it doesn't matter.

It is important to trust yourself and eventually be able to dig up water.

The philosopher Socrates said: Whether a person has achievements or not, only to see whether he has self-esteem and self-confidence.

Strong self-esteem, not arrogant and thin, is the basis for counterattack;

Confident and confident, the more determined and calm, the more it shows strength.

Don't always say you're sorry, don't always say you can't.

Beyond your own expectations, you are the one who shines, and this book is also recommended for you who are in a confused situation.

Only when a person sees the advantages and faces the disadvantages can he live as much as possible

The best way for a person to live is: not to please, not to pander, to be altruistic, to have an ego.

Flattery can not be exchanged for recognition, pandering can only become more and more humble.

Altruism and ego are the awakening of a transitional human being.

The mind of the operator is altruism; the rise in failure is a miracle; a hundred times more confidence is courage.

In the ordinary, keeping the effort is the best life.

May everyone be able to:

After a thousand sails, be yourself

Years precipitate, beyond expectations

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