
The mystery of the composition of the Virgin in Raphael's chair

There are many well-known painters in the world, Raphael is one of them, and "The Virgin in the Chair" is his masterpiece. But the academic community has always been talking about the mystery of the composition of the Virgin in the chair, why would three vivid characters be put into one frame? There is a great deal of speculation about the inspiration for the composition of the Virgin in the chair. The mystery of the composition of the Virgin in the chair remains unsolved.

The origin of the composition of the Virgin in the chair

The mystery of the composition of the Virgin in Raphael's chair

Raphael is a famous Italian painter, he has many masterpieces in his life, "The Virgin in the Chair" is one of them. Raphael was best at painting the Virgin, and his virgins had otherworldly charm. Then again, when you watch "Our Lady in the Chair", do you feel that three vivid images are tucked into this circular frame? Why did Raphael frame three vivid people? Is there a lot of purpose in this chair about the mystery of the composition of the Virgin?

The mystery of the composition of the Virgin in Raphael's chair

The Virgin in the Chair is the work of the Italian painter Raphael Sansi. Raphael's Virgin Mary is a monument to his artistic career. The perfect qualities of his virgins are due to his keen insight into women on earth. The three figures of the Virgin, the Child and John in this painting are more vivid than any of his previous portraits of the Virgin and Child. Among Raphael's paintings of the Virgin Mary, this "Virgin in the Chair" is the most eye-catching.

The mystery of the composition of the Virgin in Raphael's chair

The Virgin in the painting of the Virgin in the chair lovingly embraces the little Son in the chair and looks sideways at the outside of the painting with soft, emotional eyes. While marveling at the painter's genius expressiveness, one wonders: Why did the painter put the scene in a slightly cramped circular composition? The mystery of the composition of the Virgin in the chair is puzzling.

The mystery of the composition of the Virgin in Raphael's chair

The origin of the composition of the Virgin in the Chair: In 1820, there was a "Legend of the Hermit" in Italy, which contained a rumor that once upon a time, a respected hermit encountered wolves in the forest, and he was in a hurry to climb the oak tree to survive. He was later rescued and treated by a bartender's daughter. After spending the night in the hotel, he left the forest the next morning. As he walked, he prophesied that the oak tree that had saved him and the girl would receive eternal good retribution.

The mystery of the composition of the Virgin in Raphael's chair

A few years later, the oak tree was cut down to make a wine bottle for the hotel, and the girl also married and had two sons. One day, Raphael passed by here and saw these two angelic children and a young and beautiful mother, in Raphael's eyes, no kind of subject matter can be compared with the theme of motherhood! Painting is spontaneous.

The mystery of the composition of the Virgin in Raphael's chair

But there are no painting tools in front of you. In a hurry, he grabbed the clay pieces on the ground and drew the image of the mother and son on the bottom of an oak barrel by the hotel door. This is the origin of this "Virgin in the Chair", which seems to fulfill the prophecy of the hermit.

The mystery of the composition of the Virgin in Raphael's chair

Among Raphael's works, the most impressive thing is his numerous paintings of the Virgin Mary. The reason why his virgins have an otherworldly charm. Among Raphael's paintings of the Virgin Mary, this "Virgin in the Chair" is the most eye-catching. While marveling at the painter's genius expressiveness, one wonders: Why did the painter put the scene in a slightly cramped circular composition? The mystery of the composition of the Virgin in the chair is still an unsolved mystery.

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