
After 40 years old, wearing a coat in early spring is recommended to "choose light color instead of dark color", fresh and elegant

40-year-old women can not blindly follow the trend in dressing, especially in the rapid development of fashion, many people may see that bloggers have worn a variety of playful and sweet early spring items, and give up the daily model. You know, for us, choosing a classic and generous light-colored coat and drawing on the classic and fresh way of wearing is the best choice to enhance the temperament.

This time we will take a look at a group of early spring light color coats suitable for 40-year-old women to wear demonstrations, after 40 years old women, early spring coats are recommended to "choose light colors instead of dark colors", fresh and elegant!

First, the coat chooses a light color instead of a dark color

Many 40-year-old women are anxious to put away their tweed coats, but they think that the coats are too dull, and there are no sweatshirts, denim jackets or suits that can better interpret the fresh and bright atmosphere of early spring.

After 40 years old, wearing a coat in early spring is recommended to "choose light color instead of dark color", fresh and elegant

In fact, whether the piece can reflect the cheerful and clean early spring atmosphere is not determined by the style, but more importantly, the color. Color is the most captured factor by the line of sight, like seeing the dark color system, our first impression is that it is very serious and deep, as if the night, obsidian and all other cold and deep scenes or things, it is naturally difficult to feel fresh and lively.

But the light color system is different, most of the light color system is gentle and pleasant, and it is easy to create a relaxed style in early spring, such as light gray, light blue, beige, wearing these colors, we will also feel that we can always be young.

Second, which light colors are suitable for 40-year-old women?

Most light colors are actually more in line with the temperament of 40-year-old women, but we also have to take into account the seasonal factors, and in the early spring, it is recommended to start with some more intimate and cheerful light colors.

After 40 years old, wearing a coat in early spring is recommended to "choose light color instead of dark color", fresh and elegant

1. White

In the early spring when the wind and the sun are beautiful, the most important thing for everyone to miss is the white coat, which can be labeled with a variety of pure and beautiful labels, allowing you to wear a sense of wealth and gold.

And the white coat is very suitable for various items, and we have a lot of choices in the way to fit. Like a combination of white shirt dresses, it looks clean and high-class.

After 40 years old, wearing a coat in early spring is recommended to "choose light color instead of dark color", fresh and elegant

2, beige, apricot, oats

These colors are put together because the effects they create are quiet and soft, with the gentleness and kindness that spring should have.

And it is very friendly to middle-aged women with yellow skin tones, and it is often easy to create a sense of atmosphere.

After 40 years old, wearing a coat in early spring is recommended to "choose light color instead of dark color", fresh and elegant

3. Light color system

If you want to get rid of the cold and hard atmosphere of winter when wearing a tweed coat in early spring, you may wish to try a sweeter and playful light color system to add a bit of girlishness to the dress, and it looks bright and not old-fashioned.

Like baby blue, taro purple, taupe pink or matcha green, they can all lead the fashion trend in early spring.

Third, the color matching idea of light color coat

The light color system is different from the dark color system, the dark color coat is actually very versatile, like in the winter, you can use them to combine various color items, but the light color system should take into account the overall effect of the dress.

After 40 years old, wearing a coat in early spring is recommended to "choose light color instead of dark color", fresh and elegant

1. White system + color system

The white system is a more unique existence in the light color system, it is as versatile as the dark color system, and it has a pure and fresh feeling, in the early spring it is recommended to combine the light color system, with the help of quiet and elegant accessories to create a sense of nobility.

There is also a combination of colorful pieces that make the dress burst with a bright and lively atmosphere.

After 40 years old, wearing a coat in early spring is recommended to "choose light color instead of dark color", fresh and elegant

2. Light color + base color

The secret to making a light-coloured coat elegant and stylish is to pair it with a base colour piece to make the look more mature and textured. This combination is suitable for a wide range of ages, and it is easy to wear a girlish feeling after the age of 40.

For example, light pink is recommended with black, gray or white.

Fourth, light color coat matching ideas

In addition to paying attention to color matching, 40-year-old women should also pay attention to collocation, interpreting the lightness and gentleness of the light color coat itself.

After 40 years old, wearing a coat in early spring is recommended to "choose light color instead of dark color", fresh and elegant

1. Light color coat + wide leg pants

The light color and the dark color system have different sense of volume, the light color system is lighter, and the dark color system is deep, which also determines that the light color coat and the dark color coat are different.

Light-colored coats need to be combined to emphasize lightness and agility, and it is best to choose easy-going wide-leg trousers that can be beautiful and free without deliberateness.

After 40 years old, wearing a coat in early spring is recommended to "choose light color instead of dark color", fresh and elegant

2. Light color coat + skirt

If you use a light-colored coat to combine skirts, then first recommend a variety of pastel skirts, especially pleated skirts and umbrella skirts with swaying skirts, giving the dress a more flexible beauty.

And the light color + light color combination is a plus, the atmosphere is full.

After 40 years old, wearing a coat in early spring is recommended to "choose light color instead of dark color", fresh and elegant

As can be seen from the above, the light-colored coat is the most indispensable item for 40-year-old women in early spring, try the above styles and collocations, which will make you more advanced and generous!

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