
The Beijing Winter Olympics gold medal coach was reported by the disciples: broken bones also had to be trained and humiliated in the trash can!

As the curtain fell on the Beijing Winter Olympics, the investigation of Russian coach Tusit lize also officially began. The investigators, the World Anti-Doping Organization and the International Skating Federation, have received reports of alleged abuse of trainees in Tuti lize and continue to investigate the adults involved in the Valieva doping incident.

In the figure skating women's singles free skating competition of this Winter Olympics, Vallieva, the biggest favorite to win gold, was affected by the doping storm, and there was a fall at the beginning, and the whole set of actions was completely out of expectation.

The Beijing Winter Olympics gold medal coach was reported by the disciples: broken bones also had to be trained and humiliated in the trash can!

By the end of the music, Valieneva was already sobbing. Under normal circumstances, as a coach, he will comfort the players at the first time, but Tuti Lize's practice is to constantly question Vallieva.

Hearing the coach's reprimand, 15-year-old K Bao directly had an emotional breakdown and cried bitterly, which made many netizens feel sad.

The Beijing Winter Olympics gold medal coach was reported by the disciples: broken bones also had to be trained and humiliated in the trash can!

Regarding Tusit Lize's approach, IOC President Bach said: "I saw in her chills and creeps, she did not care about her, did not give her any comfort and help! ”

Although the Russian side has expressed its respect for Mr. Bach, it does not agree with Bach's coaching philosophy. Russian media said that Tuti Lize is a strict head coach, and it is this strictness that has allowed her to cultivate 4 Winter Olympic champions!

The Beijing Winter Olympics gold medal coach was reported by the disciples: broken bones also had to be trained and humiliated in the trash can!

To what extent is Tu Especially Zee harsh?

Several foreign media interviewed Polina Schwardwa, who used to train at the club of Tutlişe. To this day, Schwardwa is still horrified by Tu Thyrize's training methods.

Schwardeva revealed that the most memorable was Tusit lize's insults to her. Schwardeva recalled that on one occasion when her training failed to satisfy Tuti Lize, the other party was furious and ordered her to roll into the trash can.

The Beijing Winter Olympics gold medal coach was reported by the disciples: broken bones also had to be trained and humiliated in the trash can!

Schwardwa did not dare to resist, and could only obediently obey, she slipped into the smelly garbage can herself, and waited until everyone's training was over, and then she saw the light of day.

Schwardeva pleaded with the coach to approve of her movements, but Tuti Lize threw down a cold sentence: "It's garbage, you should hide in the trash can!" ”

In addition to disguised corporal punishment and personal insults, Schwardeva also revealed Tu Thezé's inhumane training. In previous training, Schwardeva had broken both toes, but Tuti Lize still ordered her to force the training.

The Beijing Winter Olympics gold medal coach was reported by the disciples: broken bones also had to be trained and humiliated in the trash can!

"Someone else did it 100 times, and they asked me to do it 200 times, and by the time the training was over, I couldn't wear any shoes on both of my feet!"

From Zagitova and Medvedeva to Serbakova, Trusova and Walyeva, Tuti Lize is indeed a meritorious achievement. However, the athletes under Tu Especially Lize shared the common characteristics, becoming famous at a young age, and then suffering from injuries and being forced to retire early.

The Beijing Winter Olympics gold medal coach was reported by the disciples: broken bones also had to be trained and humiliated in the trash can!

Could it be that all this is caused by a problem with Tu Especially Zeze's training method?

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