
Scene 丨Yangjima: Brilliant in multiple people

author:The Paper
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"现场丨央吉玛:在多重人格里光华灿烂","en":"Scene 丨Yangjima: Brilliant in multiple people"},"description":{"content":"央吉玛在很多场合唱歌,LiveHouse里的她好过其它大多数场合。她找不到出口的力量配合从地里长出来的身姿释放,多重人格...","en":"Yangjima sang on many occasions, and she was better off in LiveHouse than on most other occasions. She can't find the outlet of the power to cooperate with the release of the posture that grows out of the ground, multiple personalities..."}},"items":[]}