
For Russian figure skating women's singles? K Bao does not take the medal, is it deliberately releasing water? The reason is heart-wrenching

The International Skating Federation is expected to raise the age of 15 to 17, and the vote will be held in June, 17 is the age at which many girls experience developmental barriers. So this will definitely reduce the difficulty, the youth group is better than the adult group? Is this really a wise choice? Can I apply for a technical action to be scored by the machine? Wouldn't that be fairer?

For Russian figure skating women's singles? K Bao does not take the medal, is it deliberately releasing water? The reason is heart-wrenching

Is this for The Russian Figure Skating Women's Singles? , yes, because only the Russian women's singles have so many excellent 15-16 year old children.

This Winter Olympics, Russia's "figure skating three children", really made people very distressed, all three people cried, and K Bao did not take the medal, only got the 4th place in the women's singles. Did she deliberately release water?

For Russian figure skating women's singles? K Bao does not take the medal, is it deliberately releasing water? The reason is heart-wrenching

Whether it is deliberate release of water or mistakes, the reason is painful. If K-Po wins the medal, Russia's previous team gold medal will be cancelled, there will be no award ceremony, no ice piers, only a torch. K Bao was previously suspected of taking illegal drugs, so the previous team gold medal award ceremony was postponed, and this time the medal may not be awarded ceremony.

For Russian figure skating women's singles? K Bao does not take the medal, is it deliberately releasing water? The reason is heart-wrenching

Why K Bao was able to continue to participate in the figure skating women's singles competition, because K Bao was under 16 years old and was a protected person, and K Bao's examination during the Winter Olympics was not a problem. The first time may be a mistake, and the second after the other has to make people question. And K Bao is a hexagonal warrior with almost no shortcomings. Whether it is a release of water or a mistake, the game is over, don't guess, this is her own choice, can only say pity.

For Russian figure skating women's singles? K Bao does not take the medal, is it deliberately releasing water? The reason is heart-wrenching

Originally, in this Winter Olympics, Russian athletes could not participate in the name of the country, but only in the name of the Russian Olympic Committee. The moment I boarded the plane from Russia to Beijing, there was an inexplicable feeling of home and country. This sets the tone for Russian athletes to obey the "big picture" in case of trouble. So when you are investigated, if you have won an award in the back, you will not be able to arrange an award ceremony, and these situations come to a child. They are also naturally subordinate to the overall situation.

For Russian figure skating women's singles? K Bao does not take the medal, is it deliberately releasing water? The reason is heart-wrenching

K Bao chose to withdraw from the top three for the sake of the country and in order to let the award ceremony proceed. K Bao is only 15 years old, the pattern is big, she deserves respect. It can only be said that sports are mixed with politics, and they are not so pure. Of course, K Treasure's release of water did not bring everyone to rejoice. Sitting alone in confusion after the Qianjin game, Sasha was not willing to fail and cried bitterly, K Bao did not need to say. I only hope that the little girl can finally get a clean slate.

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