
Suspected of using 8 words to satirize the coach, the figure skating girl is still not reconciled: I am tired of the food of the Winter Olympics

For Trusova, the beautiful girl of the Russian Olympic team's figure skating team, the Beijing Winter Olympics should be a sports event she will never forget. Despite the difficult moves in the women's single figure skating free skating field, she still failed to win a gold medal at the Winter Olympics. Such a result made Trussova emotionally collapse on the spot after the score came out. Although in the end, under the comfort and enlightenment of the coach and staff, the mood seemed to improve, and also participated in the award ceremony. But this seems to be just an illusion, and Trussova still doesn't seem to have come out of the resentment of winning the silver medal. In an interview, she was very reluctant to say that even the winter Olympic food praised by most athletes and coaches was lying on the gun.

Suspected of using 8 words to satirize the coach, the figure skating girl is still not reconciled: I am tired of the food of the Winter Olympics

Trusova has a very good talent in the sport of figure skating, and with her hard training, she has become one of the top figure skaters in the world. However, Trusova has a more obvious deficiency, that is, the difficulty is enough, but in terms of artistic appeal, there is still a little gap with her teammates Vallieva and Shcherbakova. So, that's why she didn't win a heavyweight championship after competing in adult competitions. This time at the Beijing Winter Olympics, Trusova is desperately hoping to win an Olympic gold medal, so that her career can be called perfect.

Suspected of using 8 words to satirize the coach, the figure skating girl is still not reconciled: I am tired of the food of the Winter Olympics

While teammate and biggest rival Vallieva was involved in banning drugs, it was actually a great opportunity for her. After all, according to normal play, Valieva's probability of winning the championship is greater than Trusova's. However, in the end, in the case of Vallieva's "intentional" mistake, Trusova, although she played well and had the highest difficulty, she still won only one silver medal, and the championship was won by teammate Serbakova.

Suspected of using 8 words to satirize the coach, the figure skating girl is still not reconciled: I am tired of the food of the Winter Olympics

Seeing this result, Trusova's emotions were completely out of control. She was not convinced, and her heart was very unwilling, obviously dancing so well, working so hard, why was it such a result. She was angry, questioned the referee's score, and vented her anger and dissatisfaction in front of the crowd: "I hate this sport, I hate it, I hope my life has never existed figure skating." 」 I don't want to race anymore, everyone has gold medals, I don't! "I spent 3 years practicing all this and never won any major events. I wanted to jump around more to win the championship, but in the end there was nothing. I tried my best and jumped 5 weeks in the race for the first time, and the result was still like this. "To be honest, Trusova deserves sympathy, but anyway, there is only one gold medal. After all, her teammates are also very good. So under the comfort of the coach and staff, Trusova also slowly calmed down and went to the award ceremony.

Suspected of using 8 words to satirize the coach, the figure skating girl is still not reconciled: I am tired of the food of the Winter Olympics

However, Trusova, who seems to have returned to normal mood, still failed to get out of the mood of winning the silver medal in a later interview. In an interview with the media, she directly said: "Where are the medals? I plucked it. I took it off as soon as the award ceremony was over. In a moment Anya (Sherbakova) will come over and she will show you her medals. I've had a great day, I'm smiling, I'm fine. I had been preparing for this moment for a long time, and the dream of five four-way jumps had come true. I'm happy to have done all the technical moves. However, Trusova said that she had a good day, it seemed to be just a appearance, for her silver medal, she was still unwilling, and even a little bit of irony of the coach in it, when talking about other people have gold medals, she used 8 words to say: "You already know all this." ”

Suspected of using 8 words to satirize the coach, the figure skating girl is still not reconciled: I am tired of the food of the Winter Olympics

Trusova, who is still in an unwilling mood, seems to be very dissatisfied with the food at the Beijing Winter Olympics. She said: "I want to be in Moscow. I'm tired of the food here, I don't eat Chinese food, I can only try to eat some neutral food. "Then again, although Trusova's winning the silver medal is really painful, her spitting on the food of the Beijing Winter Olympics is a bit incomprehensible." After all, the Beijing Winter Olympics offer hundreds of kinds of food, almost all over the world. Such a guarantee, but also to be complained about, really some do not understand.

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