
Yandong Town, Tinghu District, Yancheng City, purified the cultural environment by "cracking down on pornography and sweeping away illegal activities"

author:Purple Cow News

On February 18, in order to further standardize and purify the cultural product market, strengthen the supervision of cultural business places in the jurisdiction, and put an end to the phenomenon of illegal publications, the staff of the Publicity Office, the United Front Work Office and the Market Supervision Bureau of Yandong Town, Tinghu District, Yancheng City, carried out a joint inspection activity of "eliminating pornography and cracking down on illegal activities" for bookstores in the jurisdiction.

Yandong Town, Tinghu District, Yancheng City, purified the cultural environment by "cracking down on pornography and sweeping away illegal activities"

During the inspection, the town's joint inspectors learned in detail about the basic situation of business scope and fire safety, and carefully checked whether pirated books were sold in the store; whether books that hindered the physical and mental health of minors were sold; and whether there were illegal books. They require every operator to: implement the main responsibility, improve the awareness of operating according to law, so that the license is complete and legal operation; to standardize the management of books, strictly control the purchase channels, and provide consumers with rich and healthy cultural products.

Yandong Town, Tinghu District, Yancheng City, purified the cultural environment by "cracking down on pornography and sweeping away illegal activities"
Yandong Town, Tinghu District, Yancheng City, purified the cultural environment by "cracking down on pornography and sweeping away illegal activities"
Yandong Town, Tinghu District, Yancheng City, purified the cultural environment by "cracking down on pornography and sweeping away illegal activities"
Yandong Town, Tinghu District, Yancheng City, purified the cultural environment by "cracking down on pornography and sweeping away illegal activities"

The town's joint inspectors distributed publicity materials on epidemic prevention and control and "eliminating pornography and cracking down on illegal activities" to the business premises, and explained the importance of epidemic prevention and control and "eliminating pornography and cracking down on illegal activities" in plain language, with emotion and understanding. During the inspection, they asked all business sites to tighten the two strings of epidemic prevention and control and "eliminating pornography and cracking down on illegal activities" at the same time, effectively eliminate all kinds of risks and hidden dangers, jointly maintain a safe, civilized, prosperous and harmonious cultural environment, and create a positive, upward, sincere and equal working atmosphere.

The inspection operation organized by Yandong Town not only purified the order of publication operation in the jurisdiction, but also built a solid "protective wall" for the town's epidemic prevention and control and cultural environment.

Correspondents Zhou Ying, Zhu Junlei, dong lixin

Proofread by Xu Heng

Source: Purple Cow News

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