
Today, the whole network is sending birthday wishes for Su Yiming, whose third wish will he spend?
Today, the whole network is sending birthday wishes for Su Yiming, whose third wish will he spend?

Olympic champion Su Yiming. Source: Visual China

Today (18th), the 18th birthday of China's youngest Olympic champion Su Yiming, the whole network is sending him blessings.

CCTV News wrote: "Today, #Su Yiming's birthday#. This year's Winter Olympics @ Su Yiming won a gold and a silver! He was exposed to snowboarding at the age of 4, and in order to ski, he could not sleep, complete his homework in advance, and insist on going up the mountain with frostbite. He can practice a movement for 6 hours a day and repeat it all the time. He said that if you have a goal, you will boldly try, give everything you have, and strive to never deceive yourself! Let's cheer together! ”

Today, the whole network is sending birthday wishes for Su Yiming, whose third wish will he spend?

"People's Daily" wrote: "[Today, #Together wish Su Yiming a happy 18th birthday#]

Today, the whole network is sending birthday wishes for Su Yiming, whose third wish will he spend?

About the 18th birthday gift Su Yiming sincerely thanked her parents and said, "The best birthday gift is my parents, they brought me to this world, took me skiing when I was 4 years old, until I got the gold medal. They grew up supporting me in the direction I loved. ”

On February 15, in the Beijing Winter Olympics snowboard jumping competition, he has won a silver medal in this Winter Olympic Games, and Su Yiming, who is about to turn 18 years old, won the first two rounds of the final with perfect play, and won another gold medal with a high score of 182.5, becoming the youngest Winter Olympic champion in mainland history.

Su Yiming once mentioned 3 of his wishes in an interview, and now the first 2 have been realized:

"My first wish is to qualify for the Winter Olympics and to participate in the 2022 Winter Olympics in my home country."

"The second wish is to stand on the podium and win the first place, to win glory for the country, and to let the national anthem play on the podium."

"The third wish is to get an acceptance letter from the ideal university."

The reporter learned that because of his long-term participation in training and competitions outside, in order not to delay his studies, Su Yiming, who trained in Chengdu, transferred from Jilin No. 1 Middle School to Chengdu Experimental foreign Chinese School in the first semester of the second semester of high school in 2021, and is currently a student of the fourth class of the second class of real foreign high school.

According to Su Yiming's father, the conditions in Chengdu are very good in all aspects, and in recent years, they have also been training in Chengdu in the summer, and it is expected that Su Yiming will go to Chengdu to study in May.

Su Bingtian, known as the "Su God", also did not skimp on his appreciation of Su Yiming, calling him "Su God on the Snow", and said that he was proud of him like all the audience.

Today, the whole network is sending birthday wishes for Su Yiming, whose third wish will he spend?

Netizens are most concerned about Su Yiming's third wish, let netizens name major universities to cheer

There are nominations for Peking University Tsinghua University, and there are also nominations for the Beijing Film Academy

Today, the whole network is sending birthday wishes for Su Yiming, whose third wish will he spend?
Today, the whole network is sending birthday wishes for Su Yiming, whose third wish will he spend?

No matter where the future goes, Su Yiming's wonderful life has just begun. Happy 18th Birthday!

Editor: Shen Xiangsha

Comprehensive: People's Daily, China Youth Daily, Red Star News, netizen comments, etc

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