
2021 Zhao'an Collection Talent Network Talent Trend White Paper

author:Zhao'an Collection Network

In 2021, in the context of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the rise of emerging Internet formats such as short video, live broadcasting, and e-commerce, more young people choose to leave "big cities" and seek development in "small places". At the same time, with the gradual improvement of the infrastructure of small cities, the regional flow of the talent market has accelerated and become larger, the flow of talents between industries, companies and positions has become more frequent, and the talent market is becoming more and more diversified.

The collective talent network has been closely observing the talent trend in Zhao'an County, and in 2021, an important keyword we extracted is: change. In this white paper, we will start from several dimensions such as the supply and demand of talents, salaries, portraits, and flows, and deeply look into the current Zhao'an talent market. Whether you are the head of the employer or a job seeker, I hope that everyone can learn something.

1. Overview of talent supply and demand

2021 Zhao'an Collection Talent Network Talent Trend White Paper

Figure 1: Supply and demand distribution of Zhao'an recruitment industry in 2021

1.1 The supply and demand of talents in most industries are basically balanced, and the talent gap in individual industries is large

From the Zhao'an manpower big data analysis chart of the collective talent network in 2021, it can be seen that the talent gap in the relevant positions of "production/operation/procurement/logistics" is large, and the supply of talents in "sales/customer service/technical support" and "machinery/equipment/technicians" is relatively tight. In the fields of "personnel/administration/senior management" and "consulting/law/education/scientific research", the supply of talents is relatively abundant, and the competition is relatively large.

1.2 Production-oriented entities such as industry and manufacturing account for a relatively large proportion of the Zhao'an talent market

Zhao'an recruitment positions are mainly concentrated in the physical industry and the tertiary industry such as education, sales, service, etc., and the new format represented by computers and the Internet is in its embryonic stage, and the proportion of job demand is not high, but there is a certain talent gap. At the same time, we can also see that the market demand for technical talents and talents' skills is also unsaturated; but there is an oversupply phenomenon in "personnel/administration" positions.

2. Industry salary overview

2021 Zhao'an Collection Talent Network Talent Trend White Paper

Figure 2: Overview of salary supply and demand for Zhao'an recruitment in 2021

2.1 The treatment of enterprises shows a U-shaped curve trend of two heads

Combined with the data of Figure 2, we can see that the enterprise treatment of the Zhao'an talent market is concentrated in the gear of less than 2,000 yuan to 6,000 yuan, and there is a U-shaped curve, and there are a small number of positions of 10,000 yuan and above. It shows that the operation of most enterprises is relatively stable, and the talent gap is mainly concentrated in grass-roots employees and middle and high-level skilled/management talents.

2.2 Talent expectation treatment shows a "flat burden" curve trend of high in the middle

Compared with the two-headed curve of enterprise treatment, the expected salary distribution of the talent market is more balanced, and the main expectation is that the salary range and the treatment of enterprises have a certain overlap, with the characteristics of more detailed and more average gear. It shows that on the supply side of talents, the proportion of talents at all levels is more balanced and healthy.

3. Overview of talent portraits

2021 Zhao'an Collection Talent Network Talent Trend White Paper

Figure 3: Supply and demand of Zhao'an recruitment qualifications in 2021

3.1 The proportion of talents in higher education is relatively large, and college degrees have become the main force in the market for job hunting

From the big data of the collection of talent network, we can see that the proportion of talents with college and undergraduate degrees accounts for more than 50%, and I believe that Zhao'an's small partners know that there is no college or higher education institution in Zhao'an, combined with the three data in Figure 3, which reflects that most of the main forces of Zhao'an job-seeking talents have the experience of going out to study.

2021 Zhao'an Collection Talent Network Talent Trend White Paper

Figure 4: Supply and demand overview of Zhao'an recruitment work experience in 2021

3.2 Talent work experience is evenly distributed, and fresh graduates account for 20%.

As shown in Figure 4, including more than one year of work experience, the proportion of talents with work experience in the Zhao'an talent market is close to 60%, of which the proportion of talents with more than 1, 3 years and 5 years of work experience is more prominent; and fresh graduates account for about 20% of the total job-seeking talents. Based on personal experience, we believe that most Zhao'an talents have a resume of working and working in cities/regions other than Zhao'an.

4. Overview of talent flow

2021 Zhao'an Collection Talent Network Talent Trend White Paper

Figure 5: The geographical distribution of Zhao'an recruitment enterprises in 2021

4.1 The flow of talents is greatly affected by the area where the enterprise is located, and Nanzhao Town is still the first choice for talents

From Figure 5, we can see that Nanzhao Town, as the "Zhao'an County" in the traditional sense, still has the highest proportion of recruitment enterprises, but with the development of Zhao'an Industrial Park and the improvement of infrastructure such as "South Ring Road" and "New National Highway", Shenqiao Town and Qiaodong Town have also become important areas where major enterprises gather.

4.2 Cross-town talent flow has become the norm, and geographical restrictions have gradually reduced the obstacle to talent flow

With the rise of the characteristic economy of each township and the improvement of infrastructure such as roads and the increase of residents' car ownership, the flow of talents in each township has become more frequent and gradually become the norm. For example, the coastal townships represented by Sidu Town, Meiling Town and Jindu Development Zone have gradually been included in the scope of career choice by more and more talents with the rise of the marine economy. With the government's guidance and support for selenium-rich industries such as Eight Immortals Tea and Qingmei, the number of enterprises in Baiyang Town and Taiping Town is also increasing.

It is believed that the small partners living in the county town have also found that more and more "neighbors" will choose to work in the townships around the county and even farther away.

5. Forecast of Zhao'an talent market trend in 2022

With the development of Zhao'an City, the development of all walks of life in Zhao'an will also get better and better, I believe that we all know that in 2021, Zhao'an GDP will grow by 8.5%, and Zhangzhou cities ranked seventh (recommended reading: 2021 Zhangzhou county (district) GDP released! Take a look at Zhao'an's GDP... At the same time, the government has also been vigorously attracting investment, along with the "return of Zhao'an" New Year symposium, Zhao'an local township sage symposium and other meetings, there will be more and more Zhao'an people back to their hometown to work and live, but also welcome more friends to choose to come to Zhao'an to work and live, Zhao'an people welcome you.

2021 Zhao'an Collection Talent Network Talent Trend White Paper

Image taken from "Commandments of the World"

Remember to look for a job in Zhao'an and gather talent networks.

2021 Zhao'an Collection Talent Network Talent Trend White Paper

Zhao'an Collective Talent ServiceZhao'an Collective Talent Service is a platform for Zhao'an enterprises and job seekers. The platform has job search, training, accounting, policy and other aspects.


The "2021 Zhao'an Gathering Talent Network Talent Trend White Paper" is produced by the Collective Talent Network, unless otherwise noted, the data used in this article comes from the data platform of the Collective Talent Network, and the data period is from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

As a third-party agency, the data we cite is not from the official census database, or a more authoritative and complete database, and we have not been granted the right to use it. Our data may be imperfect, so there is a certain bias in the analysis results, which cannot be used as a certain basis for business, investment or other decision-making, but only shows the talent trends we see, and there is a certain degree of subjectivity.

I hope that readers will carefully discern and criticize more.

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All text and data in this article are protected by copyright in Chinese laws and intellectual property related regulations. Without the written permission of the Collective Talent Network, no organization or individual may use the information in this article for other commercial purposes.