
"Breaking into the discomfort zone": Feeling the unpleasant moments in life is the help of our growth

author:I'm here

In the Beijing Winter Olympics, the most popular athletes are Gu Ailing and Su Yiming, both of whom are less than twenty years old and have embarked on a life subversion. Many people like them, cheer for them, she dumps them, and on the sports field, they also challenge the limits of human beings with super difficult moves, and they deserve to win gold medals.

But if they are born for sports, and winning gold medals is like probing for things, it is also unrealistic, and their sports careers are transformed from other aspects. Gu Ailing, her life for more than ten years is a legend, constantly challenging all kinds of impossible, the national freestyle ski junior champion, joining the Chinese nationality, high scores admitted to Stanford University, in order to participate in the Beijing Olympic Games postponed a year of reporting, and then the olympic miracle, I believe that there are more miracles waiting for her.

"Breaking into the discomfort zone": Feeling the unpleasant moments in life is the help of our growth

What about Su Yiming? He was also a child star who played his own piece of the world in the film and television circle, but he chose to ski, which is a career with greater difficulty and tests, and now what? His achievements are already there for all to see, and the news has seen that he has thrown an olive branch to the university, and what awaits him must be a broader world.

Why were Gu Ailing and Su Yiming so successful? Because they all have difficulties in choosing, they all have the courage to face difficulties, they have crossed one seemingly impossible difficulty after another in life, and constantly walked to the peak of life.

"Breaking into the discomfort zone": Feeling the unpleasant moments in life is the help of our growth

What about us personally? Is there a way to make such a high-achieving career as well? There is, and it's a possible methodology. Even if they can't be as successful as Gu Ailing, at least they can continue to be more successful than their previous selves. So what is the specific method? It is to constantly break into the discomfort zone, experience the "short moments of discomfort", and then let these discomforts become our help to move forward.

How does it work? British speaker and fashion magazine editor-in-chief Yingl Stewart, based on her own upbringing and the experience of most successful people, uses this book "Breaking into discomfort zones: the key experience of growing up quickly in difficult situations" to take us on the fast track of life.

The comfort zone is the life that everyone yearns for, and we are also happy to immerse ourselves in the comfort zone, go to work every day, do the work that can touch the fish, watch TV after work, brush the mobile phone, is not a very comfortable life, but this will definitely make our lives sink and become the most ordinary ordinary people.

"Breaking into the discomfort zone": Feeling the unpleasant moments in life is the help of our growth

So how about "Breaking into the Discomfort Zone"? In fact, it is very simple, every place in life can be completed, such as ourselves, we can start from going to work without touching the fish, we can calmly accept more tasks, especially many tasks that do not belong to us. It is certainly uncomfortable at first, and this brings us to the core idea of the book, "Short Moments of Discomfort" (BMD for short), that when we face any difficulty, we will encounter BMD, but when we can endure short-term changes and pain, after a few times, we must be able to clearly feel the change, we have to live to make our own decisions, we can also learn more, we can also pursue more, and so can we not succeed?

Of course, this is just a simplest example of breaking into the discomfort zone, but the book "Breaking into the discomfort zone" is a systematic solution, Yingluck in this book from us to encounter discomfort, how to experience BMD, how to reconstruct self-psychological expectations, and so on to help us complete the transformation of our own life. #National BookMaker ##Personal Growth ##成功 #