
Issue 039 [3D" Analysis of the Small and Medium Warfare Method

author:Lottery Data Wisdom Classroom

"Small Medium large form column"

【Current Format: Focus 1.2 】

[1 indicates] 012 +3456, broken 789

[2 indicates] 3456+789, broken 012

[3 indicates] 012 +789, broken 3456

【4 indication】012 + 3456 + 789 small medium and large each out of 1 yard

or 012=3 #3456=3 #789=3

Issue 039 [3D" Analysis of the Small and Medium Warfare Method
"Difference Five Chart Data"
Issue 039 [3D" Analysis of the Small and Medium Warfare Method
Issue 039 [3D" Analysis of the Small and Medium Warfare Method

< <断组公式>> [the broken group is in three intervals, there are 1 or 2 groups of numbers for 0, if the three intervals are 1 yard each, then the broken group is not established, there is an error cycle, combined with their own conditions, reference to use]

Issue 039 [3D" Analysis of the Small and Medium Warfare Method

《Positioning Path + Exclusion of Two Code Combination》

Issue 039 [3D" Analysis of the Small and Medium Warfare Method

Reminder Column

"Reminder 1" appropriate attention group selection 223.233, missing 246 issues

《Data Column》

Basic conditions: [bile group] 1567 [three bile] 561

Reference conditions:

048 is possible = 0-1

Condition: Pattern focus on the order of consideration:

(1) Group selection 3456-789

(2) Group selection small 012-3456

Issue 039 [3D" Analysis of the Small and Medium Warfare Method

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Finally, thank you very much for paying attention to the 101 classroom, no one can do the condition period correctly, there will be a cycle, but long-term tracking and observation of data charts, there will be gains.

【Disclaimer】All the above data is a personal opinion and hobby, for entertainment reference only, and is not intended as betting advice. Please abide by the relevant regulations of the national lottery and buy lottery rationally.