
Why are middle-aged and elderly people often prone to edema? Finding out why is key

author:Come and help the captain
Abstract: Edema problem, whether it is kidney disease or not, should be paid attention to!

Speaking of edema, many people are not strangers, sometimes in the morning together to find that not only their eyelids are swollen, eye bags are swollen, their faces are swollen, and even their calves, arms, and stomach are also "fat a big circle", pressing down is a pit.

Moreover, it is generally understood that edema is mostly middle-aged and elderly, and the discovery of edema may indicate that there is a kidney problem. The kidneys are the main organs that regulate the water balance of the human body, and kidney diseases often cause edema, so most people will start with the kidneys for the first diagnosis.

Why are middle-aged and elderly people often prone to edema? Finding out why is key

In fact, the appearance of edema is not only related to the kidneys. In fact, the manifestations of many diseases include lower extremity edema, which is also a common manifestation of a variety of diseases.

In addition, for most people, long-term standing will cause swelling, and if you drink too much water before going to bed, it will also cause edema. Because people are standing and walking, the lower limbs are closest to the ground, under the action of the body trunk gravity, the lower limbs of the body will appear edema, and it is also more common, a variety of reasons will cause edema, lower limb or lower limb symptoms of edema is also the most common.

Long-term edema do not ignore, it may be your body in the alarm!

Edema is divided into many situations, if it is a normal physiological phenomenon on the edema, you can alleviate it through activity, do not care, but if the swelling condition is more obvious, and does not subside for a long time, it is necessary to pay attention to it, and may be an early warning signal issued by your body!

Why are middle-aged and elderly people often prone to edema? Finding out why is key

Edema may also occur in lesions of other organs. Common causes of edema can include the following:

Kidney disease: edema may appear in the lower limbs and eyelids, in addition to edema, it may also be accompanied by hypertension, hypoproteinemia, proteinuria, etc.;

Liver disease: lower extremity, eyelid edema, may also be accompanied by hepatic ascites, jaundice, low protein, liver function abnormalities and other symptoms;

Heart disease: edema of the lower limbs, accompanied by inability to lie flat, palpitations, shortness of breath, etc.;

Hypothyroidism: generalized edema, the appearance looks particularly obvious, the edema site is pale, waxy, with the finger press no finger marks, accompanied by severe hair loss, fear of cold, memory loss, mental atrophy and other symptoms, at this time must seek medical thyroid examination as soon as possible.

Why are middle-aged and elderly people often prone to edema? Finding out why is key

Malnutrition: long-term diarrhea, less eating, poor digestive function or people with chronic diseases such as tumors and tuberculosis will be edema due to malnutrition, such edema often starts from the foot, gradually spreads throughout the body, edema will be accompanied by wasting, weight loss, fatigue, lack of energy, etc.;

Pharmacological: This type of edema generally occurs after medication and disappears after discontinuation. The more common causes of drug edema include indomethacin, glucocorticoids, oral contraceptives, insulin, and nifedipine;

Idiopathic: This kind of thing mostly occurs in women, edema begins with the foot, generally changes with the physiological period, will appear eyelid, ankle, hand mild edema 7-14 days before menstruation, will subside after menstruation.

Why are middle-aged and elderly people often prone to edema? Finding out why is key

In fact, the appearance of edema in the human body also directly explains the metabolic circulation in the body, just like the occurrence of "flooding" in the human body, which may occur in any part of the body, and the degree of attack is also different. If it is an edema that can resolve on its own, we don't have to worry too much, but if it is in a fixed area for a long time and there is a significant depression in the finger pressure, it often indicates the appearance of the disease!

How to judge the severity of edema?

All kinds of edema have different degrees of danger, so in daily life, we must have the ability to quickly judge the degree of our own edema, according to our own condition, we can quickly seek medical treatment!

1. Mild edema

This type of edema mainly occurs in the eyelid, ankle or calf face bone position, press with the finger for 5-10 seconds, the skin depression occurs when pressed about 2 mm, and it will bounce back after release.

Why are middle-aged and elderly people often prone to edema? Finding out why is key

2. Moderate edema

Generalized edema is moderate edema, from the appearance can be clearly seen edema, especially the calf area, with the finger pressure will have a depression of about 4 mm, after releasing a few seconds to recover.

3. Severe edema

The body is edema is severe, the finger pressure may be dented by more than 6 mm, and it takes more than 10 seconds to dent the skin after release before slowly recovering.

The above edema situation, it is necessary to seek medical diagnosis in time, but it is recommended that when there is mild edema, it is necessary to find out the cause as soon as possible to avoid subsequent lesions and exacerbations of the disease, once it develops to moderate edema or severe edema, it means that the condition is already very serious!

3. Eliminate edema, starting with diet

Different causes of edema have different risk factors, but they can seriously threaten people's health. Therefore, when edema occurs, conditioning is also more important.

Why are middle-aged and elderly people often prone to edema? Finding out why is key

The following Xiaobian has sorted out a daily diet to eliminate edema, which you can refer to:


Oats are rich in fiber, which can increase satiety and reduce blood lipids and cholesterol, and have the effect of eliminating edema.


Barley is divided into two kinds of raw and cooked, and the raw and cooked are used in half, which can balance each other and have a quick effect, and can play a role in strengthening the spleen and dampness.


Grapefruit is low in calories and contains a lot of potassium. Potassium helps the body to drain excess water and reduce edema.

Why are middle-aged and elderly people often prone to edema? Finding out why is key

wax gourd

Winter melon has a sweet and cold taste, into the lungs, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, can diuretic and reduce swelling, heat and thirst.

Red adzuki beans

Red adzuki beans are rich in vitamins b1, b2, protein and a variety of minerals and more saponins, which can stimulate the intestine, have a good diuretic effect, and have an effect on reducing edema.


Ginger contains "ginger capsaicin", which can make the human body heat and sweat, speed up blood circulation, and promote water metabolism.


Using carp as a food supplement can eliminate puffiness during pregnancy in pregnant women and promote smooth postpartum breast milk secretion.

After the edema is eliminated, you should also pay attention to your own physical condition, it is best to go to the hospital as soon as possible to check and find out the cause of the edema, if it is other chronic diseases, you can also do early detection and early treatment!

Why are middle-aged and elderly people often prone to edema? Finding out why is key

Write the end:

Edema is often not formed in a day or two, the imbalance of body hormones is also the cause of the body's water storage induced disease, adequate sleep and good emotional management is very important. Usually, it is necessary to develop healthy and regular living habits and a balanced diet, maintain a good attitude, and learn to stress, which is also an effective means to prevent edema.

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