
Cooking wine, self-defeating strange taste, stir-fried dishes are all a taste

author:The golden armor is in Yanbian
Cooking wine, self-defeating strange taste, stir-fried dishes are all a taste


Once upon a time, I was obsessed with cooking wine.

I can be regarded as a foodie, not only love to eat, but also like to do, remembering the days of the North Drift, although the single dog for many years, but whenever there is a little time, I will tinker in the kitchen, treat my poor belly.

I remember when I first entered the "kitchen world", I was the most "good at" various spices.

Friends are good at teasing, calling my cooking skills "spice black hands", because I use spices, the heart is black.

Soy sauce such as soy sauce, soy sauce, rice vinegar, aged vinegar, balsamic vinegar, white vinegar and other sour vinegars, peppercorns, star anise, fragrant leaves, cumin, sand kernels, nutmeg, grass fruits and other medicinal materials, all the more the merrier, of course, there is no cooking wine.

Cooking wine, self-defeating strange taste, stir-fried dishes are all a taste

Scrambled eggs with cooking wine, strange taste is enough!

Speaking of cooking wine, I used to rely on it inexplicably.

The reason is not him, "easy to use".

This is easy to use, good in wanton, add more and add less, and there is no big problem, especially the so-called "onion and ginger cooking wine", throw some, even onion and ginger are omitted, but it is a matter of convenience.

Later, when I met my wife, it was inevitable that I would have to show my "confident" cooking skills.

After some careful preparation by me, four plates and eight bowls were spread out, and after my wife tasted it, her brow frowned slightly, and she came to a conclusion.

"Whatever you fry is a taste!"

The wife rummaged around in the kitchen, picked up a bottle of cooking wine, sniffed it and said, "That's the smell, a strange smell!" ”

I took the cooking wine to smell carefully, except for the smell of wine, there was indeed a strange smell that I did not notice on weekdays, like the smell of rotten onion and ginger mixed with star anise. Once this strange smell is detected, it is infinitely magnified and lingering.

Cooking wine, self-defeating strange taste, stir-fried dishes are all a taste

In the years of working in Beijing, I met a northeastern fellow, Old Zhao.

Old Zhao is a cook, running a restaurant in his hand, sometimes there are not enough people in the store on weekends, so he calls people to call me to help, of course, the reward is still there, at night after work, we will sit in the shop and drink a few small glasses of wine.

When chatting with Old Zhao, he talked about cooking wine. In his words, Lao Zhao sneered at cooking wine, he said that cooking wine is the most useless, seasoning is industrial flavor, stir-frying cooking wine, not only painting snakes to add foot, but also self-defeating.

In Lao Zhao's cooking experience system, cooking wine is wonderful, but it depends on what kind of wine is used and how to use it!

Braised pork must use yellow wine, flower carving wine is better, water should not be added, all use wine to slow down, the taste is the most charming. Stewed fish to use beer, fresh on a word, MSG does not need to be added. Steak should use red wine, shrimp and crab seafood should use white wine, and dry roasted fatty sausages such as heavy dishes should make good use of white wine, and it must be highly liquor, and sauce wine is the best.

And about the cooking wine, Old Zhao pointed to the back kitchen and said, I don't believe you go to turn it over, cooking wine is resolutely not used!

Cooking wine, self-defeating strange taste, stir-fried dishes are all a taste

Cooking wine, seasoned wine!

After taking the scriptures with Old Zhao, the cook, I tried it, and the cooking skills really improved, and it was indispensable to the praise of my wife.

I am a science and engineering man, the university is biochemical engineering, the discipline is the direction of fermentation, so for wine and vinegar this type of fermentation products are not unfamiliar.

I carefully studied the ingredient list of the cooking wine.

General cooking wine, the ingredients are: water, rice wine, edible alcohol, edible salt, sodium glutamate, caramel color, spices and so on.

Take a closer look, and I suddenly realized!

The base of the original cooking wine is not all pure grain brewed rice wine, but more water. Add rice wine to the water, the alcohol content is low, naturally add edible alcohol, the color is light and add caramel color.

It doesn't matter if the taste is insufficient, eat salt, sodium glutamate (monosodium glutamate) and spices, arrange immediately.

A bottle of cooking wine with "full color and flavor" was born!

Cooking wine, self-defeating strange taste, stir-fried dishes are all a taste

Supermarket, a variety of cooking wines

Such an industrial blended cooking wine, calculated from the commercial cost, is far less than a bottle of serious rice wine.

It was once thought that the emergence of cooking wine was self-defeating, but now it seems that it is driven by economic interests, just like bad money expelling good money.

Since I understood the true face of cooking wine, I went to the supermarket to go to the cooking wine area and whisked my sleeves away, preferring to buy a pot of yellow wine, even if the price is more expensive, I am willing.

After all, good food and stomach, can not live up to!

#Cooking wine##Cooking wine and rice wine cooking which is good ##看着琳琅满目的料酒种类, how to choose a good cooking wine?##料酒去腥 #