
The smartest way to solve the problem: open yourself

author:Come and take the Treasure Book Architecture exam

Open your mind

There was once a Jew who wanted to rent a bank safe and save his $500,000 worth of stock.

But safes in most banks are ridiculously expensive to rent.

On this day he went to a bank and asked if he could borrow a sum of money.

The bank replied that he could, as long as there was enough guarantee, the amount of the loan could be considered.

In the end, the Jews chose to borrow $10,000 and then used $500,000 of their own shares as collateral.

After a year, you can get all the money back with 6% interest, or 6 cents.

In this way, the Jews solved their big problems for only a small amount of money.

The cleverness of the Jews is that they have replaced their own thinking.

"Mediocre people change outcomes, good people change causes, and people at the top change their thinking."

Let the thinking turn a corner and see the opportunity in the impossible; look at the problem from another angle, turn the unfavorable factors into favorable conditions; learn to think backwards, stand on the opposite side and push backwards from the results, and find another way to solve the difficulties.

A minute of thinking is better than an hour of complaining. In a desperate situation, a change of thinking and a different path may be the time of despair.

The smartest way to solve the problem: open yourself

Open the layout

A pomegranate seed, if planted in a pot, can only grow to more than half a meter tall, and even wither due to insufficient nutrient supply.

Plant it in a jar, it can grow to more than a meter, but due to the limitation of space, the fruit is astringent and bitter.

If it is planted in the open space of the garden, it can grow to four or five meters high and produce a large red and sweet pomegranate.

Our pattern is like the living environment of the seed.

The gap between people, although there is an element of luck, but the vision and pattern are not the same, the final result will be very different.

The height of insight determines the height of doing things.

When you stand tall enough, you will find that the pattern is to build bridges for others and leave a way out for others. Confronting each other will only hurt both sides. Turning enemies into friends can benefit and benefit each other, and when you look far enough, you will find that the pattern is not to compete in people and things that are not worth it, and not to be greedy for small profits. Only by learning to eat the loss in front of us can we take the road ahead.

The smartest way to solve the problem: open yourself

Open your mind

There is a class of people in this world, even if they are surrounded by the gossip of the people around them, they are not swayed by the tedious world, they can adapt quickly in any environment, and they are like a fish.

Such people are often able to open their minds, filter impurities, enjoy the good, live calmly and freely, and be free.

One is the blunt mentality.

Junichi Watanabe said in "Blunt Force": The world has nothing to do with me, and I am generous and courageous.

Those who walk steadily and far on the road of life must be those who will automatically block out those who do not care about the evaluation and noise, quickly forget the unpleasant things and adjust themselves, and always be good at business, and blunt in trivialities.

The second is to focus on the mentality, even in the face of frustration again and again, still be able to firmly aim, with an optimistic attitude, stable emotions, to meet the next challenge, open the mind, be a smart and transparent, practice open-minded people, is the best attitude to life.

The smartest way to solve the problem: open yourself

Open Boundaries

Times are moving fast, and comfort zones have never been safe havens. Only by constantly broadening one's boundaries can one have more possibilities.

As we age and experience, when we find our own interests and delve deeper, we can see the wider world.

After a lot of hardships, we may come to the borders of this world and try to push it, and after repeated defeats, we finally push a small part.

It is this seemingly inconspicuous little point that expands the cognitive boundaries of the entire human race, breaks through the limits of the entire human race, and in each of our lives, there is a button that we ignore. Either close and stop slackening; or turn on and the rapids go on.

Just like Gu Ailing, who insisted on challenging the 1620 grab board in the last jump, her purpose is no longer to compete, but to let the world see that she is not afraid or afraid, and has been challenging herself and breaking through the limit.

With a lot of energy, constantly reinvent yourself, challenge yourself, and break yourself. The further you go, the clearer your future will be and the broader the world will be.

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