
95.25 points! Gu Ailing's strength is unique, the 8th gold of the Chinese team is stable, and netizens: the opponent competes for the silver medal

On the morning of February 18, Beijing time, Beijing Winter Olympics freestyle skiing ushered in the women's U-shaped venue skill final, China's Gu Ailing followed the first jump to reach 93.25 points, the second jump scored a high score, 95.25 points is the current first high score in the whole field, the strength is too strong, CCTV and People's Daily have praised, the Chinese team's 8th gold into the countdown.

95.25 points! Gu Ailing's strength is unique, the 8th gold of the Chinese team is stable, and netizens: the opponent competes for the silver medal

This is Gu Ailing's first time to participate in the Winter Olympics, only 18 years old, has won the women's big jump gold medal and the women's slope obstacle skills silver medal, and now has the opportunity to win the women's U-shaped field skills gold medal, thus becoming the best athlete in the Chinese team at the Winter Olympics.

For himself to be in three events, Gu Ailing smiled and said: "It will make me a lot less stressed than three projects, because I have three opportunities to get my goals", and now the last project is Gu Ailing's strongest, the qualifiers perfectly show super strength, easily get 95.50 points the highest score in the whole game, and successfully advance to the final.

95.25 points! Gu Ailing's strength is unique, the 8th gold of the Chinese team is stable, and netizens: the opponent competes for the silver medal

Before the start of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing won all the championships in this season's World Cup sub-station, so it was regarded as the number one favorite to win the championship. According to the rules, each of the 12 players jumps three rounds, and the best result of one of the rounds is taken out to determine the final ranking.

Gu Ailing was the last to appear, the previous 11 players did not score more than 90 points, so that her pressure was not much, and finally Gu Ailing successfully completed this set of actions, scoring 93.25 points, the only player in the first round to score more than 90 points. In this regard, Gu Ailing himself exclaimed that he could not believe it.

95.25 points! Gu Ailing's strength is unique, the 8th gold of the Chinese team is stable, and netizens: the opponent competes for the silver medal

In the second round of the competition, China's Li Fanghui took the lead again, scored 86.50 points, temporarily rose to the fourth, very satisfied with his score, and then Zhang Kexin appeared, because of the last action when he fell down, only scored 25.75 points.

Gu Ailing went on to make his last appearance, after 11 players, only defending champion Cathy Sharp scored 90 points. In the face of pressure from the defending champion, Gu Ailing came up with a right turn of 900, the height was very high, then another 900, a right turn of 720, a grab board tail, a slippery 360, too drifting, and a perfect performance, and finally scored 95.25 points, continuing to expand the lead. In this regard, Chinese netizens said that other players can only compete for the silver medal, which is the only suspense.

95.25 points! Gu Ailing's strength is unique, the 8th gold of the Chinese team is stable, and netizens: the opponent competes for the silver medal

People's Daily praised Gu Ailing: "It is another high score, Gu Ailing's second round of stable play, continue to lead", CCTV News is the same, "This is the strength!" Too stable! Gu Ailing scored 95.25 points in the second round"

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