
Ivan Peters was going to be laughed to death by his name in Wanda's Vision

author:Marvel movies

Wanda's Visions is a TV series full of Easter eggs.

The most striking and disappointing of these Easter eggs is the "fake quicksilver" played by Ivan Peters.

Ivan Peters was going to be laughed to death by his name in Wanda's Vision

Although the entire town of Westview is controlled by Wanda, Agatha has also made a lot of trouble from it, and the fake Quicksilver is what she made with magic.

In fact, fake Quicksilver is just an ordinary townspeople in Westview, named Ralph Bohner.

Ivan Peters was going to be laughed to death by his name in Wanda's Vision

When Monica said Ralph's real name, although the audience was a little disappointed, the name (Bohner) was quite funny.

Even Ivan himself said that when he learned that his last name was Boehner, he was laughing like crazy.

Ivan Peters was going to be laughed to death by his name in Wanda's Vision

"I didn't know his last name was Boehner. One scene is that I'm in my little room upstairs, explaining something to Monica Rambo..."

"Then she saw the headshot and said 'Ralph Boehner!' I listened, 'Boehner?! Then I couldn't laugh because I didn't know my last name was Boehner. ”

Ivan Peters was going to be laughed to death by his name in Wanda's Vision

"All I knew at first was that his name was Ralph and he was controlled by the witch."

"X-Men" Quicksilver came to play boehner of the MCU, and the laughter fruit is there, but from this point we can speculate that Marvel should not plan to let Fox's original team play the MCU's X-Men again.

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