
【Bujiang Town College Student Volunteer】 Youth is stirred up in the hometown

author:Oil city port river

In January 2022, I returned to my hometown after the school holiday and came across a notice from the town Youth League Committee to recruit college student volunteers. Although I did not have much experience, I also actively responded to the call of the Tongbai County Committee of the Communist Youth League and the organization of the Youth League Committee of Bujiang Town to sign up for the battle and join the volunteer team for epidemic prevention and control.

【Bujiang Town College Student Volunteer】 Youth is stirred up in the hometown

The epidemic is terrible, but what is terrible is the cowardice in the face of the epidemic. If no one wants to be the light that cuts through the darkness, the dawn will never come, and there will be no dawn in the world. As a contemporary young student, I can't reach the front line, all I can do is to stand shoulder to shoulder with those countless retrogrades and pass on the warmth in my heart.

【Bujiang Town College Student Volunteer】 Youth is stirred up in the hometown

On the day of registration, I was assigned to gaozhai village to participate in epidemic prevention and control, reporting to the village cadres at 8 o'clock every day, returning home at 6 p.m., and having an hour of rest at noon. The elders in the family were very supportive of me, but it was a little painful, after all, it was a cold day, really a little cold. I didn't feel cold at all, and a fiery heart was enough to warm the whole winter.

In the village, it is my daily work to be on duty at the card point, register and report the information of returnees and the itinerary, and go door-to-door to check the itinerary code and health code. During the volunteer activities, I also encountered a lot of difficulties, for example, when I registered the information of the returnees in the village, some people said cool words behind their backs, saying that "such a big child does not go out to earn money, I don't know what the use is, and I have to get up early on such a cold day." "Hearing these words, there is a little sadness in my heart, but when I think that the medical staff may encounter life dangers on the front line, they have not flinched, and I have nothing to be sad about."

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There are also many happy things during the volunteer service, when going door to door to do the itinerary code survey, some uncles and aunts are particularly good and cooperative, let me roast the fire and pour water for me, and the mouth still keeps chanting "College students are different, contributing to the people, really growing up, understanding." Hearing such praise from uncles and aunts, don't mention how happy, it almost wants to jump up, those words are like a warm current, no matter how cold the day, what you feel in your heart is warm.

Of course, other volunteers are doing this work, and everyone is great. Different from other volunteers, because I have organized activities in the school and learned a certain amount of knowledge of planning activities and shooting and editing videos, during the volunteer activities, I organized the university student volunteers in the village to shoot a small video of "epidemic prevention and control publicity", helped the town Youth League Committee plan the details and process of the volunteer commendation conference, and assisted in the smooth convening of the whole conference, and made a small video of the record. These works have been praised by the town Youth League Committee and the Youth League County Committee, so I have received honorary certificates issued by the Tongbai County Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Party Committee and Government of Bujiang Town, and I have spoken at the commendation meeting as a volunteer representative, which makes me feel very proud to help my hometown, and my hometown recognizes me, which is more important than anything.

【Bujiang Town College Student Volunteer】 Youth is stirred up in the hometown

Participating in this volunteer activity has made me gain a lot and feel a lot. I understood that a person, without purpose, there is no pursuit, no desire, there is no result, and youth can only bloom with the same frequency resonance with the development of the times.

【Bujiang Town College Student Volunteer】 Youth is stirred up in the hometown

In my future life, I will set strict demands on myself and spur myself on with the discipline and sense of responsibility of a member of the Communist Youth League, strive to improve my ideological and political attainment and theoretical level, and solidly study the party's theories and policies, and strive to forge ahead to become a glorious member of the Communist Party of China. For the throbbing in my heart, but also for the things I want to change, I will continue to study hard, bring more contributions to the motherland and others in society, and I always believe that no winter is insurmountable, and no spring will not come! (Correspondent: Jia Guilin, Henan Agricultural Vocational School)

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