
"Dian" bright new era| do not let people boast about the good color, only leave the clean air full of dry

author:Live Rizhao

Editor's note: Over the past hundred years, the Communist Party of China has handed over an excellent answer sheet to the people and to history. Now, the party has united and led the people of all nationalities throughout the country to embark on a new road of catching up with the examination to achieve the goal of the second centenary struggle. At the intersection of history and history of the "two hundred years" goal, we have embarked on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and are marching forward on the road of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with our heads held high.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly quoted scriptures and aided the past to prove the present, giving vivid connotations to the times and profoundly explaining the spiritual code of the CPC's original heart and enduring strength. CCTV "Daily Learning" specially planned the "Dian" bright new era series, and learned and understood with you.

"Dian" bright new era| do not let people boast about the good color, only leave the clean air full of dry
"Dian" bright new era| do not let people boast about the good color, only leave the clean air full of dry
"Dian" bright new era| do not let people boast about the good color, only leave the clean air full of dry


"Don't let people boast about the good color, only leave the clean air full of qiankun", from the Self-composed Painting Poem on the Yuan Dynasty poet and painter Wang Mian's "MoMei tu". The first sentence, "My house washes the tree by the pool", points out the location of the plum blossom. "Wash the Yan Pond", borrowing the allusion of the book Saint Wang Xizhi's "Linchi Xueshu, the pool water is black", conceals a "ink" character. In the second sentence, "Flowers bloom light ink marks", Wang Guan painted plum light ink dot dyeing, without thick ink and heavy color. The third and fourth sentences of "Don't let people boast about the good color, only leave the clean air full of dry air", praising the plum blossoms' high wind and bright festival. Momei does not attract and please people with bright colors, and wins people's praise, but only wants to emit wisps of fragrance and fill the space between heaven and earth. The poet endowed the plum blossom with human character, and skillfully integrated the painting grid, poetry grid and personality organically.


On October 25, 2017, when the Standing Committee of the 19th Politburo of the CPC Central Committee met with Chinese and foreign journalists, General Secretary Xi Jinping told Chinese and foreign media that "we do not need more praise, we always welcome objective introductions and useful suggestions", and quoted in his speech "Don't exaggerate the good colors, only leave a clean and clean atmosphere", reflecting the pragmatic style of the new central leadership collective that does not seek false names and really grasps the work. Not long after, in the 2018 New Year's message, General Secretary Xi Jinping further elaborated: "Do not rush to fantasy, do not be humble, step by step, and do a good job in a down-to-earth manner." ”

Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people to continue to struggle, promoted the Chinese nation to usher in a great leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong, and made important contributions to the common well-being and progress of mankind. The CPC and the Chinese people were able to achieve such historic achievements by relying on the correct guidance of the party's basic theory, basic line, basic program, and basic experience, and on the unity of the whole party and the people of all nationalities throughout the country and on hard work.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that "empty talk misleads the country, and hard work rejuvenates the country", calling on the whole party to seek truth and be pragmatic, work hard and work hard, and make achievements for a long time, and encourage cadres at all levels to "seek practical things, start a business realistically, and be realistic in life", "only by really grasping can we overcome difficulties, and only by doing hard work can we make dreams come true".

In December 2012, when inspecting the work in Guangdong, the general secretary stressed: "Facing the future, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way depends on hard work, basically realizing modernization depends on hard work, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation depends on hard work." ”

On April 28, 2013, the general secretary pointed out in a discussion with the representatives of national model workers that happiness will not fall from the sky, and dreams will not automatically come true. To work hard is first of all to work down-to-earth.

In October 2014, the general secretary made an important instruction to the national party committee secretary-general meeting: "Advocating hard work and vigorously grasping implementation are what I have repeatedly emphasized. If you do not sink your heart to grasp the implementation, no matter how good the goal, no matter how good the blueprint, it is only a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water. ”

On March 10, 2020, when the general secretary inspected the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan, he asked party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres not to forget their original intentions, keep their mission in mind, shoulder their responsibilities, withstand tests, and implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee with a stricter style and more practical measures.

Socialism is not shouted out, it is done in real terms. "Only by working hard and unswervingly can we live up to history, the times, and the people."

The brilliant achievements made by the CPC in leading the Chinese people over the past 100 years, the miracles created by China in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society on the land of China, and the historic solution of the problem of absolute poverty in China have relied on seeking truth and being pragmatic and doing solid work.

In 2022, we will usher in the 20th National Congress of the Party. We must take the word "real" as the first word, "dry" as the first, face the opportunities and challenges of the post-epidemic era, in accordance with the requirements of high-quality development, step by step, work hard, create happiness with labor, and cast great causes with struggle!